Books by Bhagyashree Varma
has three books including her creative writing and research and has also published a dozen resear... more has three books including her creative writing and research and has also published a dozen research papers in national journals and books. As she is a Research Supervisor, three people have completed their Ph.D. thesis in her guidance and seven are presently doing while 37 people have completed their M.Phil in her supervision and five are now in progress. Apart from the teaching and research mentioned here Dr. Varma has her expertise in counseling teenagers and guiding the young adults for their career options, emotion management and decision making in life.
This book is the Ph. D. thesis in book format working out the comparative analysis of Women's Aut... more This book is the Ph. D. thesis in book format working out the comparative analysis of Women's Autobiographies with the central focus on three major women writers known worldwide for their autobiographies. It talks about multiple issues involved in woman's becoming an author of autobiography, doubling the intricacies of the genre, the gender and the socio-cultural outlook towards the concerned. There is no end to the discussions on such areas of life, literature and research, but one has to find some stepping stones to move ahead with analytical vision.
An anthology of critical Essays on the works of Amrita Pritam, this book has a reference value fo... more An anthology of critical Essays on the works of Amrita Pritam, this book has a reference value for research. It begins with an extensive account of Amrita Pritam's life, growth and career as an author, and sums up with commentaries by National Scholars and interview with the author.
Research Papers by Bhagyashree Varma

The literature of Modern and Post-modern women writers investigates profoundly and outrageously i... more The literature of Modern and Post-modern women writers investigates profoundly and outrageously into the happenings of history, encounters of ethics, crossroads of culture, pulls and pressures of Politics in language and gender, along with the dynamics of subjectivity, class-conflicts, caste-collapses, centre versus margin and so on. Historically, Women writers have ever been identified through male gaze, the settled creed and convictions of patriarchy and religion, in India like most of the nations on the planet. The prime areas of women writers' evaluation are their mobility and displacement, the ideological and emotional scrutiny, the contradictory and conflicting reflections of their minds. A woman has no religion and she belongs to no region. She has no language of her own. She is either a daughter of a Muslim or a wife of a Hindu. The language she speaks is in fact the language of the 'man' who possesses her. The region she moves in is neither native nor foreign to her and she acclimatizes herself in the region she is located in as per the need and creed of the man who claims her as his possession. The statement that is intended by this paper is that facing fundamentalism of Partition and Post-Partition times, women had not only been traumatized physically and psychologically but they had to be in the very existentialist crisis positioned as an isolated 'outsider', the 'other' individual, the 'invisible' victim and the marginalized loser at all cost in their lives. The meaning of the intended statement in simple terms is, the discrimination via gender overpowers the other discrimination
Women writers are defined through male eyes and scrutinized with the scales of patriarchal creed.... more Women writers are defined through male eyes and scrutinized with the scales of patriarchal creed. This paper aims at an articulation of woman writer's protest in the socio-religious ethos of patriarchal system. It attempts a review of Taslima Nasreen's writings with a perspective not bound to ideology of feminism, socialism or any ism. It has a humanist and to some extent individualist standpoint.

A poem is a mode of thought that is regarded as poetic expression. It emerges in the form of an a... more A poem is a mode of thought that is regarded as poetic expression. It emerges in the form of an aesthetic experience and evolves into a hypothetically formulated linguistic effort of a creative mind. A poem in the very philosophical sense of its making is a kind of movement from one place to another, with or without the choice of the mover or the moved. If one has to consider this criterion of mobility, displacement or replacement of the thought, the ideas, the emotions, the experience, the sense of belonging is essentially replaced by the sense of longing in the very process of moving. The motif of movement, mobility, shift or crossing over has been inevitable an occupation of minds hanging in and out and around borders and boundaries. To a poet's mind then, the only possibility of erasing the dividing lines called borders is through the effort of reaching out to merge, through the creation of poetry as discourse to bridge. Traditionally a discipline like psychology seems to hold the grounds that are universally appealing so the repertoire of psychological issues is the same all over the globe. The dejection is dejection, anxiety is anxiety, and obsession is obsession no matter whether experienced in which region man happens to be; so the parameters of global applicability come back to the original stance from where they begin, the region of human concerns, human values and human predicaments. In minute highlights the native values may be enriched by the adjunct values adopted in the land of arrival and the region of survival. Poetry breathes its fragrance as an omnipresent discourse and no borders do exist for those who love poetry. A poem is a mode of thought that is regarded as poetic expression. It emerges in the form of an aesthetic experience and evolves into a hypothetically formulated linguistic effort of a creative mind. A poem in the very philosophical sense of its making is a kind of movement from one place to another, with or without the choice of the mover or the moved. If one has to consider this criterion of mobility, displacement or replacement of the thought, the ideas, the emotions, the experience, the sense of belonging is essentially replaced by the sense of longing in the very process of moving. The motif of movement, mobility, shift or crossing over has been inevitable an occupation of minds hanging in and out and around borders and boundaries. To a poet's mind then, the only possibility of erasing the dividing lines called borders is through the effort of reaching out to merge, through the creation of poetry as discourse to bridge. Ritually it seems to be emerging out of binaries as T. S. Eliot simplifies, " the man who experiences and the mind that creates ". The divide that Eliot refers to is the cognitive
journal of multidisciplinary research papers
This paper was published in SRTMU Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, before 2008. It is a Comp... more This paper was published in SRTMU Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, before 2008. It is a Comparative Reading of Three Poets in general, with their concerns on death...

The post-structuralist reading of a poem can explore multiple linguistic dimensions of the poetic... more The post-structuralist reading of a poem can explore multiple linguistic dimensions of the poetic process. An application of structuralism in teaching or appreciating a poem can lead to objectivity on one hand and diversity of sense on the other. It is the question of not simply the multiplicity of interpreting a poem, but also a way of innovative perception of the same. Additionally, it involves the authenticity of its sense, syntax and semantic structure. To examine whether a post-structuralist interpretation can help the complete understanding of a poem or not, this paper proposes an experiment of interpreting a well-known poem of Frost, " Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ". The basis for this interpretation is Roman Jacobson's theorizing of the binary opposition between The Two Aspects of language. The syntagmatic and the paradigmatic chain or choice of relationship between the linguistic elements, causes a frame of confined sense to the poetic structure. This affects not only the golden world of poet's imagination but also the aesthetic excellence of his language. To Jacobson, the speech disorder –what is named aphasia is of two types, of similarity and contiguity. The aphasiac disorders turn into the metaphoric and metonymic expressions in language. The post-structuralist reading of a poem can explore multiple linguistic dimensions of the poetic process. An application of structuralism in teaching or appreciating a poem can lead to objectivity on one hand and diversity of sense on the other. It is the question of not simply the multiplicity of interpreting a poem, but also a way of innovative perception of the same. Additionally, it involves the authenticity of its sense, syntax and semantic structure. Poetry is a form of creative writing and language, like all other forms, is its tool, but there are implicit interrelationships when a researcher tries to interpret a poem in a creative manner. These are of language and the poet " s experience, the vision and perception of the poetic mind, his imagination and the reality around him. These factors cannot be ignored in many a poems and the post-structuralist interpretations fail to fulfil the quest for completeness and universally accepted as well as subjectively intense meanings. However, it cannot be ignored that the post-struturalist standpoint makes the process of critically appreciating a poem more scientific and objective to match the rationality of modern mind. To examine whether a post-structuralist interpretation can help the complete understanding of a poem or not, this paper proposes an experiment of interpreting a well-known poem of
A Comment on Dowry Issue in Indian Society
Interview of the actress Deepti Naval as a Short Fiction writer. Her stories in The Mad Tibetan a... more Interview of the actress Deepti Naval as a Short Fiction writer. Her stories in The Mad Tibetan are an artful narration to reveal the plight of lonely individuals and psychic as well as psychological moments one cannot forget.
The Pity and Pathos of being a Woman
Books by Bhagyashree Varma
Research Papers by Bhagyashree Varma