Papers by Catherine Kiprop
International Journal of Academic Research and Development, Nov 1, 2019
International Journal of Advanced Research, Sep 30, 2017
Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing, Oct 1, 2020
International Journal of Current Re search, 2011
A. Statement of the Problem Strategic planning is key to school success. The school should meet t... more A. Statement of the Problem Strategic planning is key to school success. The school should meet the expectations of the stakeholders. Strategic planning helps school managers to acknowledge the future, spot significant trends and tendencies, and the need to respond to them skillfully, adapt, modify systems and structures so as to tackle new challenges and circumstances.

In 2005, the Government of Kenya through, the Ministry of Education (MOE), in an effort to achiev... more In 2005, the Government of Kenya through, the Ministry of Education (MOE), in an effort to achieve the goals envisioned in the social pillar of Vision 2030, of building a just and cohesive society that enjoys equitable social development in a clean environment introduced strategic management in all its learning institutions. In 2008, the Ministry of Education rolled out a five years strategic plan 2008-2012 with the aim of providing Kenyans with globally competitive quality education and training for sustainable development. Every district was then mandated to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate its internal strategic plan. The purpose of this study therefore was to evaluate the impact of implementing strategic planning in effective principal’s leadership in public secondary school in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design since the study investigated possible cause and effect relationship between strategic plan and school effectiveness. The location of the study wa...

This study investigated the extent of student participation in secondary schools in Kenya. The st... more This study investigated the extent of student participation in secondary schools in Kenya. The study was prompted by the recurrent student unrest in Kenya; often blamed in media and research to unequal decision making opportunities in schools. Data was collected by means of a survey questionnaire distributed among 300 secondary school learners and thirty teachers. The findings revealed that though there attempts to include views of students in school policy, such attempts were mainly tokenistic and did not extend to core management issues. Students were only allowed to participate in student welfare issues but were deemed to be immature and therefore unable to participate neither in administrative issues such as managing funds and budget nor in curriculum issues such as teaching methods or number of exams. It was thus concluded that student participation in secondary schools was still wanting and needed to be expanded to include issues beyond student welfare issues.

The diversity of today’s school student body reflects the fact that households and the government... more The diversity of today’s school student body reflects the fact that households and the government view education as key to quality life and attainment of education goals. To achieve these goals teacher preparation programs must be responsive to the changes in the diversity and create confidence among the trainees. This study was designed to establish the adequacy of subject matter preparation for prospective teachers; determine the kinds of pedagogical preparation needed for prospective teachers and to compare performance of in-service and preservice teacher trainees on teaching practice. A survey research design was employed. The study population was 283 student-teachers on teaching practice from Moi University. A sample size of 85 was obtained through proportionate sampling. The study found out that the training was comprehensive in content and pedagogy which made the trainees confident in class. However the student –teachers indicated that they were inadequate in dealing with cul...

In 2005, the Government of Kenya through, the Ministry of Education (MOE), in an effort to achiev... more In 2005, the Government of Kenya through, the Ministry of Education (MOE), in an effort to achieve the goals envisioned in the social pillar of Vision 2030, of building a just and cohesive society that enjoys equitable social development in a clean environment introduced strategic management in all its learning institutions. In 2008, the Ministry of Education rolled out a five years strategic plan 2008-2012 with the aim of providing Kenyans with globally competitive quality education and training for sustainable development. Every district was then mandated to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate its internal strategic plan. The purpose of this study therefore was to evaluate the impact of implementing strategic planning in effective principal’s leadership in public secondary school in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design since the study investigated possible cause and effect relationship between strategic plan and school effectiveness. The location of the study wa...

A B ST R A C T Participatory decision making is a management style which can be identified as a m... more A B ST R A C T Participatory decision making is a management style which can be identified as a motivator which can lead to increased productivity in organizations. The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher participation in decision making in secondary schools in Baringo district. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study population comprised of 42 secondary schools, all the Head teachers, class teachers and teachers in these schools. The sample comprised 13 schools selected through simple random sampling, 13 Head teachers and class teachers who were purposively selected while 104 teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique. Data collection instruments comprised of questionnaire with closed and open ended questions and semi structured interview schedules. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using descriptive statistics. The major findings of the study were that teachers were not involved in decision making as they desired; that most...

Early childhood education is the basis upon which all levels of education are anchored and theref... more Early childhood education is the basis upon which all levels of education are anchored and therefore effective financial management systems are required to maximize the efficient use of resources. The aim of this study was to assess planning as a management strategy and its effects on efficacies in the administration of finances in public ECDE centers in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design using pragmatist paradigm. The sample size was based on Krejcie and Morgan formula. Schools were stratified to their quotas. Furthermore, 224 ECDE teachers,55 headteachers, 55 SMC chairpersons, 1 QASO,1 County chief education officer and 1 County auditor were sampled using stratified, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The instruments for data collection were interviews and questionnaires and were piloted in Nandi County. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the instruments. Data was analyzed using desc...

Higher education institutions need to be concerned with how their students feel about their educa... more Higher education institutions need to be concerned with how their students feel about their educational experience through their perceptions. The study investigated student perception on service delivery. It was based on service quality theory and employed case study research design. A sample of 324 students was selected from a population of 1080 students using random sampling technique to generated qualitative data using a questionnaire and respondents’ observation. Data was presented in simple frequency tables and analyzed thematically. The study found academic content service delivery, administrative service delivery and physical facility service delivery as important processes as perceived by students and were satisfied with lecturers’ attendance to lectures, management of exams, ability of staff to handle students’ complaints and availability of sporting facilities. Students expressed dissatisfaction with inadequate teaching and non teaching staff, inadequacy of library service...

In 2008, the Ministry of Education rolled out a five years’ strategic plan 2008-2012 with the aim... more In 2008, the Ministry of Education rolled out a five years’ strategic plan 2008-2012 with the aim of providing Kenyans with globally competitive quality education and training for sustainable development. Every district was then mandated to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate its internal strategic plan. The purpose of this study therefore was to evaluate the impact of implementation of strategic plan on school effectiveness in public secondary schools in Nakuru SubCounty, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population was all the 25 public secondary schools, 25 head teachers and 606 teachers. A sample of 15 schools and 171 teachers were selected using simple random sampling and 15 head teacher were purposively selected. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The study revealed that the implementation of strategic plan has ac...

In 2008, the Ministry of Education in Kenya rolled out a five years strategic plan 2008-2012 with... more In 2008, the Ministry of Education in Kenya rolled out a five years strategic plan 2008-2012 with the aim of providing Kenyans with globally competitive quality education and training for sustainable development. Every district was then mandated to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate its internal strategic plan. The purpose of this study therefore to evaluate the impact of implementing strategic planning in onsite staff professional development in secondary schools in Kenya. The study was informed by Total Quality Management theory which is a quest for excellence, creating the right attitudes and controls to make prevention of defects possible and optimize customer satisfaction by increased efficiency and effectiveness. The study adopted descriptive survey design since the study investigated possible cause and effect relationship between strategic plan and school effectiveness. The location of the study was public secondary schools in Kenya. The results were presented in percen...

This study examined the impact of strategic plan implementation in sustained focus on instruction... more This study examined the impact of strategic plan implementation in sustained focus on instruction and learning in secondary schools in Kenya. The study was informed by Total Quality Management theory is described as a quest for excellence, creating the right attitudes and controls to make prevention of defects possible and optimize customer satisfaction by increased efficiency and effectiveness. The study adopted descriptive survey design since the study investigated possible cause and effect relationship. The location of the study was public secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The target population was all the 25 public secondary schools, 25 head teachers and 606 teachers. By use of simple random sampling techniques, a sample of 15 schools was sampled, 15 head teacher and 171 teachers, for the study. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The researcher personally visited the sampled schools to collect data. The validity and reliability of the rese...

The main purpose of this study was to identify challenges facing the implementation of the procur... more The main purpose of this study was to identify challenges facing the implementation of the procurement process of instructional materials in Kenyan Public Primary Schools in Wareng District, Uasin Gishu County. The study was to asses SIMSC's knowledge and skills in the procurement process and challenges that hinder compliance to the procurement policy in place. The study was based on the Systems theory as expressed by William and E. Thorndike (1903) which focuses on the need for a school (system) to function as a whole. A descriptive survey design was adopted; research was both quantitative and qualitative; the aspect of qualitative data was analyzed for their qualitative value; questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis were used to collect data. Research instruments were tested for validity and reliability. A sample size of 152 respondents comprising 38 head teachers, 76 panel heads, and 1 DQASO were drawn from 38 public primary schools to participate in the study throu...
In Kenya, each secondary school has its own unique way of maintaining discipline within the schoo... more In Kenya, each secondary school has its own unique way of maintaining discipline within the school. However, there are common methods of discipline that most schools use like school rules, punishment, and guidance and counselling. All these methods to some extent have helped the schools to manage discipline problems. For effective management of discipline, the cooperation between the head, staff, students, parents and the community is essential. In view of the causes of student indiscipline in secondary schools in Kenya, various stakeholders have made suggestions regarding how this problem can be addressed The paper discusses the role of the various stakeholders in the management of discipline in schools in

This study sought to evaluate the impact of implementation of strategic plan on school effectiven... more This study sought to evaluate the impact of implementation of strategic plan on school effectiveness in secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population was the 25 public secondary schools, 25 head teachers and 606 teachers. By use of simple random sampling techniques, a sample of 15 schools was sampled, 15 head teacher and 171 teachers, in descriptive studies, ten percent of the population is adequate but where time and resources allow, the study can use a big sample size for this increases the researchers confidence and reduces sampling error. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The validity and reliability of the research was determined through the help of the supervisors and vetting by five experts. The validity and reliability of the instruments was measured through piloting in the selected schools, peer evaluation and consultation. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to anal...

Discipline is a key issue in all institutions of learning and is essential for order. In Kenyan p... more Discipline is a key issue in all institutions of learning and is essential for order. In Kenyan public secondary schools, discipline has deteriorated as demonstrated by frequent unrest, which is attributed to the ban on caning. The purpose of this study was to develop strategies for managing student discipline in public secondary schools in the Kenya in the post-caning era. To achieve this purpose, a literature survey was conducted on approaches to the management of discipline. The literature findings were used to develop a theoretical discipline strategy model. On the basis of the strategies in the model, a questionnaire was developed to determine the extent to which these strategies supported the model. The data gathered in this way was used to adapt the theoretical model and developed into an integrated discipline model. The study offers a number of recommendations regarding effective school discipline practices. The model includes, inter alia, reference to the importance of invo...
Papers by Catherine Kiprop