The availability of technology in education provides various ways to assess and keep any document... more The availability of technology in education provides various ways to assess and keep any documents of learning progress and result as well, such as portfolio as one of the authentic assessments. This study, then, reviews Padlet as one of many applications that can be implemented to accommodate students’ uniqueness during online learning in this pandemic era. The presence of this application helps teachers in two ways of learning; synchronously and asynchronously. Various features in this application allow students to explore their capability in language improvement. The result shows that Padlet is effective to engage students to interact and share any opinions within real-time themes. It supports students to learn at their own pace within different hours. When Padlet is used as wall discussion, all the students’ track in learning turns to be their electronic portfolio. Moreover, there is no requirement to have an account to post their works in the form of text, images, videos, different kinds of documents, even links, on to the wall since the teacher provides a link to visit.
Thesis. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) ... more Thesis. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Johannes A. Prayogo, M.Pd, M.Ed., (II) Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, M.Pd, M.A, Ph.D. Key words: reading comprehension, narrative text, online short stories. Narrative text is one of text types learned by the eighth graders of Junior High School. This text comprises more complex text structure than other texts, namely orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution, and coda. Moreover, this material is interesting as it covers moral values in which the students can learn about social life near or far from their environment. These materials can be obtained from many sources, like story books and the Internet that has been developing rapidly. Dealing with the idea in benefiting Internet for learning language, the study was focused on examining how using Online Short Stories (OSS) as an instructional medium and materials can improve reading comprehension. The Online Short Storie...
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Sep 27, 2016
This study focuses on the way of parents involving themselves in supporting their children learn ... more This study focuses on the way of parents involving themselves in supporting their children learn English. In order to encourage children to learn better as English language learners, some parents send their children to have a continual program in non-formal institutions after schooling time. A common reason is that parents have the low capability in training their children to speak English or at least utter some meaningful words or phrases. Small scale survey by using open and closed-ended questionnaire was conducted among respondents from two elementary schools in Palangka Raya, Indonesia. They were, first, parents whose children learn English formally in SDIT Al-Furqan Palangka Raya and MIN Langkai Palangka Raya and take English course privately at home or courses center, and, second, the children as students. The questionnaires are focused on the students' attitude and motivation towards learning English and parents' opinions and involvement in learning the process, mainly practicing English at home. The result offers teachers some important points to consider in the teaching of English, especially the way to work with children and to build a positive relationship with parents in the regard of better learning.
Reading materials can be obtained from many sources, like storybooks, magazines, and the Interne... more Reading materials can be obtained from many sources, like storybooks, magazines, and the Internet. Online Short Stories is one of the Internet resources with images and sound and quizzes. This study was aimed at benefiting these readily used materials to improve the eighth graders’ reading comprehension of narrative texts. The Online Short Stories are combined with five worksheets that consist of guiding questions on comprehension, namely: Self Monitoring Card, Key Concept, Story Map, Reading Journal, and Reading Log which are used for intensive and extensive reading activity. This study implemented classroom action research design and had taken 34 eighth graders of MTs Al-Islam Joresan Mlarak Ponorogo as the subjects 2017/2018 academic year. Based on the results of the students’ tests as well as their on-going assessments, it is found out that the students’ reading comprehension was gradually improving. It means that there was a positive effect of using Online Short Stories toward...
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Dec 25, 2015
The blooming of the English usage every time and everywhere may exterminate the use of local lang... more The blooming of the English usage every time and everywhere may exterminate the use of local languages. It is also supported by the increase of migration out of or into areas of Indonesia that makes people tend to use Indonesian often than local languages. This might be caused by the personal inability to communicate with indigenous people by their native languages. Besides, the cross cultural marriage also results on the difficulties to determine which mother tongue they introduce to their children. In fact, multicultural condition demands people to use Indonesian frequently. This condition shows that Indonesian works greatly because it is national language. In contrast, the interest of using and learning local language may decrease gradually. This study was conducted to find out whether Indonesian EFL learners of Dayakese background have highly concern to their local language. The data were gathered through direct observation, interviews, and questionnaire. The data collected, then, were analyzed rigorously using descriptive statistics. The findings show that most students have low affection towards their local language, even those who are from indigenous people. Local language is less valued than Indonesian, since they are from different ethnic. Indonesian, then, is highly valued for both formal and informal communication, whether or not it is used as language learning instruction. It is recommended that there is a need for the government to encourage the use or learning of local language. Further, the educational language policy makers together with the Art and Tourism Department consider the promoting local language as a language instruction and a subject. Thus, there will be any ways to keep the ethnicity of Indonesia.
The availability of technology in education provides various ways to assess and keep any document... more The availability of technology in education provides various ways to assess and keep any documents of learning progress and result as well, such as portfolio as one of the authentic assessments. This study, then, reviews Padlet as one of many applications that can be implemented to accommodate students’ uniqueness during online learning in this pandemic era. The presence of this application helps teachers in two ways of learning; synchronously and asynchronously. Various features in this application allow students to explore their capability in language improvement. The result shows that Padlet is effective to engage students to interact and share any opinions within real-time themes. It supports students to learn at their own pace within different hours. When Padlet is used as wall discussion, all the students’ track in learning turns to be their electronic portfolio. Moreover, there is no requirement to have an account to post their works in the form of text, images, videos, different kinds of documents, even links, on to the wall since the teacher provides a link to visit.
Thesis. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) ... more Thesis. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Johannes A. Prayogo, M.Pd, M.Ed., (II) Prof. Bambang Yudi Cahyono, M.Pd, M.A, Ph.D. Key words: reading comprehension, narrative text, online short stories. Narrative text is one of text types learned by the eighth graders of Junior High School. This text comprises more complex text structure than other texts, namely orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution, and coda. Moreover, this material is interesting as it covers moral values in which the students can learn about social life near or far from their environment. These materials can be obtained from many sources, like story books and the Internet that has been developing rapidly. Dealing with the idea in benefiting Internet for learning language, the study was focused on examining how using Online Short Stories (OSS) as an instructional medium and materials can improve reading comprehension. The Online Short Storie...
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Sep 27, 2016
This study focuses on the way of parents involving themselves in supporting their children learn ... more This study focuses on the way of parents involving themselves in supporting their children learn English. In order to encourage children to learn better as English language learners, some parents send their children to have a continual program in non-formal institutions after schooling time. A common reason is that parents have the low capability in training their children to speak English or at least utter some meaningful words or phrases. Small scale survey by using open and closed-ended questionnaire was conducted among respondents from two elementary schools in Palangka Raya, Indonesia. They were, first, parents whose children learn English formally in SDIT Al-Furqan Palangka Raya and MIN Langkai Palangka Raya and take English course privately at home or courses center, and, second, the children as students. The questionnaires are focused on the students' attitude and motivation towards learning English and parents' opinions and involvement in learning the process, mainly practicing English at home. The result offers teachers some important points to consider in the teaching of English, especially the way to work with children and to build a positive relationship with parents in the regard of better learning.
Reading materials can be obtained from many sources, like storybooks, magazines, and the Interne... more Reading materials can be obtained from many sources, like storybooks, magazines, and the Internet. Online Short Stories is one of the Internet resources with images and sound and quizzes. This study was aimed at benefiting these readily used materials to improve the eighth graders’ reading comprehension of narrative texts. The Online Short Stories are combined with five worksheets that consist of guiding questions on comprehension, namely: Self Monitoring Card, Key Concept, Story Map, Reading Journal, and Reading Log which are used for intensive and extensive reading activity. This study implemented classroom action research design and had taken 34 eighth graders of MTs Al-Islam Joresan Mlarak Ponorogo as the subjects 2017/2018 academic year. Based on the results of the students’ tests as well as their on-going assessments, it is found out that the students’ reading comprehension was gradually improving. It means that there was a positive effect of using Online Short Stories toward...
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, Dec 25, 2015
The blooming of the English usage every time and everywhere may exterminate the use of local lang... more The blooming of the English usage every time and everywhere may exterminate the use of local languages. It is also supported by the increase of migration out of or into areas of Indonesia that makes people tend to use Indonesian often than local languages. This might be caused by the personal inability to communicate with indigenous people by their native languages. Besides, the cross cultural marriage also results on the difficulties to determine which mother tongue they introduce to their children. In fact, multicultural condition demands people to use Indonesian frequently. This condition shows that Indonesian works greatly because it is national language. In contrast, the interest of using and learning local language may decrease gradually. This study was conducted to find out whether Indonesian EFL learners of Dayakese background have highly concern to their local language. The data were gathered through direct observation, interviews, and questionnaire. The data collected, then, were analyzed rigorously using descriptive statistics. The findings show that most students have low affection towards their local language, even those who are from indigenous people. Local language is less valued than Indonesian, since they are from different ethnic. Indonesian, then, is highly valued for both formal and informal communication, whether or not it is used as language learning instruction. It is recommended that there is a need for the government to encourage the use or learning of local language. Further, the educational language policy makers together with the Art and Tourism Department consider the promoting local language as a language instruction and a subject. Thus, there will be any ways to keep the ethnicity of Indonesia.
Papers by isna indriati