Papers by Noemi Katona
Children and Youths' Migration in a Global Landscape
Purpose: This chapter analyses the effects of social stratification and inequalities on the outco... more Purpose: This chapter analyses the effects of social stratification and inequalities on the outcomes of transnational mobilities, especially on the educational trajectory of returning migrant children. Study approach: It places the Bourdieusian capital concepts (Bourdieu, 1977, 1984) centre stage, and analyses the convertibility or transferability of the cultural and social capital across different transnational locations. It examines the serious limitations of this process, using the concept of non-dominant cultural capital as a heuristic analytical tool and the education system (school) as a way of approaching the field. As we examine 'successful mobilities' of highstatus families with children and racialised low-status families experiencing

A tanulmányban a szexkamera-iparág kialakulását és működését elemezzük a platformcégek központi s... more A tanulmányban a szexkamera-iparág kialakulását és működését elemezzük a platformcégek központi szerepére és az iparágban dolgozók munkájára fókuszálva. Magyarországi példán, az iparágban dolgozókkal folytatott interjús kutatásunk alapján vizsgáljuk, miként változott a digitalizáció nyomán a szexipar és azon belül a szexkamera-iparág a globális gazdaságban, és hogyan működnek azok a platformcégek, amelyek ennek az átalakulásnak központi szereplői – köztük a magyarországi alapítású LiveJasmin. Vizsgáljuk, hogy Magyarország félperifériás pozíciója a kapitalista világrendszerben hogyan határozza meg az itteni szereplők munkakörülményeit, lehetőségeit a globális iparágon belül. Elemzésünkben tehát a platformkapitalizmusban és a digitális munkában megjelenő globális egyenlőtlenségeket mutatjuk be a szexkamera-iparágban magyarországi, félperifériás szereplők szemszögéből, valamint arra is rámutatunk, hogy milyen szerepet játszanak a szexkamera-platformok – mint a LiveJasmin – a szexipar n...

Critical Social Policy, 2017
The article, based on policy analysis, institutional interviews and community fieldwork, looks at... more The article, based on policy analysis, institutional interviews and community fieldwork, looks at why children in prostitution and victims of trafficking remain practically without state support and institutional assistance. It also explores to what extent the decriminalisation of the system assisting child victims of prostitution and trafficking, or the shift from the ‘punishment’ to the ‘welfare model’, has taken place. The ethnic aspect of the problem is addressed as well given that the majority of victims are of Roma origin. While Hungary has ratified all important international conventions that oblige the country to protect child victims, neither its policies and legislation nor its institutions including child protection, law enforcement and the judiciary, seem to have adequate structural frameworks and institutional practices to attend to these children and prosecute offenders. Policy gaps, institutional procedures and practices are identified and it is concluded that the cou...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 2017
Trends in Organized Crime
Third Party Sex Work and Pimps in the Age of Anti-trafficking, 2017

Fordulat, 2019
Ezt a szószedetet azokból a fogalmakból állítottuk össze, amelyeket ebben a lapszámban visszatérő... more Ezt a szószedetet azokból a fogalmakból állítottuk össze, amelyeket ebben a lapszámban visszatérően használunk, és amelyeket a jelenlegi magyar viszonyok világrendszer-szempontú elemzésében a legfontosabbaknak tartunk. Az itt szereplő fogalmak egy része a hétköznapokban is használt kifejezés (pl. háztartás, rendszerváltás), amelyeket sajátos értelemben használunk a magyar társadalmi valóság kapitalista világgazdaság struktúráiba való történeti beágyazottságának elemzésekor. Mások a kritikai társadalomtudományok bevett fogalmai, amelyeknek viszont az egyes szerzők és iskolák különböző jelentéseket adtak (pl. tőke), így érdemes rögzíteni, hogy mi mit értünk alattuk. A fogalmak harmadik csoportját pedig a világrendszer-elemzés által bevezetett kifejezések adják (pl. félperiféria).
A szócikkek az általunk a lapszám cikkeiben használt értelmezések sarokpontjait ismertetik. Nem törekedtünk a különböző iskolák és vitáik részletes ismertetésére; amennyiben viszont relevánsnak tartottuk, bemutatjuk, hogy értelmezésünk melyik irányzatra, melyik szerzőre vagy a szerző melyik művére épül elsősorban.

Replika, 2020
A tanulmányban a szexkamera-iparág kialakulását és működését elemezzük a platformcégek központi s... more A tanulmányban a szexkamera-iparág kialakulását és működését elemezzük a platformcégek központi szerepére és az iparágban dolgozók munkájára fókuszálva. Magyarországi példán, az iparágban dolgozókkal folytatott interjús kutatásunk alapján vizsgáljuk, miként változott a digitalizáció nyomán a szexipar és azon belül a szexkamera-iparág a globális gazdaságban, és hogyan működnek azok a platformcégek, amelyek ennek az át-alakulásnak központi szereplői-köztük a magyarországi alapítású LiveJasmin. Vizsgáljuk, hogy Magyarország félperifériás pozíciója a kapitalista világrendszerben hogyan határozza meg az itteni szereplők munkakörülményeit, lehetőségeit a globális iparágon belül. Elemzésünkben tehát a platformkapitalizmusban és a digitális munkában megjelenő globális egyenlőtlenségeket mutatjuk be a szexkamera-iparágban magyarországi, félperifériás szereplők szemszögéből, valamint arra is rámutatunk, hogy milyen szerepet játszanak a szexkamera-platformok-mint a LiveJasmin-a szexipar normalizálásában. Kulcsszavak: szexipar, szexkamera-iparág, platformkapitalizmus, digitális munka, streaming , globális árulánc, genderviszonyok replika 2020 (117-118): 93-125. © A szerző(k) 2020
In our paper we analyse the emergence and functioning of the sex camera industry, focusing on the central role of platform companies and the labour of those working in the industry. Through the example of Hungary, based on interview research conducted with people working in the industry, we look at how the sex industry, and within that, the sex camera industry, has changed with digitalisation in the global economy, and how the platform companies that are at the centre of this transformation operate – among them, LiveJasmin, founded in Hungary. We look at how Hungary’s semi-peripheral position within the capitalist world system determines the working conditions and possibilities of local workers in the global industry. In our analysis, we therefore explore the global inequalities of platform capitalism and digital labour from the perspective of Hungarian, semi-peripheral actors. In addition, we show what role sex camera platforms such as LiveJasmin have played in the normalisation of the sex industry.

Book chapter, 2017
Attachments between sex workers and procurers in street-based prostitution are commonly described... more Attachments between sex workers and procurers in street-based prostitution are commonly described as the loverboy phenomenon in the academic and public discourse, when pimps pretend love in order to seduce and convince young girls or women to do sex work. In this paper, I provide an in-depth analysis of intimate relationships between Hungarian sex workers and pimps in an outdoor prostitution area in Berlin based on ethnographic fieldwork. I show a different narrative of intimate relationships between pimps and sex workers by looking at cases of women who started to work in prostitution as adults, and love relationship with pimps was not part of their recruitment. However, I explain that intimate partnership is the general pattern of pimp–sex worker dyads in this field as working agreements between pimps and sex workers often turn into intimate ties while living and working in an isolated, strongly sexualized environment, dominated by mainly male pimps who maintain their powerful position also by means of strong intimate bonds. I highlight that sex workers perceive very differently the role of pimps and intimate relationships, but all of them experience a high pressure to follow this pattern, especially if they want to be integrated in the social network. All in all, I show that love and intimacy play central role in the social structure of street-based prostitution, and the relationship with pimps also deeply affects the self-presentation and the agency of women in sex work.

A rendőrség szervezeti struktúrája folyamatosan szembesül az irányíthatóság és a kontrollálhatósá... more A rendőrség szervezeti struktúrája folyamatosan szembesül az irányíthatóság és a kontrollálhatóság együttes elvárásrendszerével. Amíg az irányíthatóság a szervezetszociológia szempontjából a hatékonysággal függ össze, addig kontrollálhatóság a stabilitást erősíti. Ugyanakkor e kettő együttes megvalósulása diszfunkcionális működést eredményezhet, illetve erősíti a szervezeti non-konformitás jelenségét. Ez a problematika a bűnügyi munka különböző szakaszaiban és módszereiben is megjelenik. Különböző diszfunkciókra és non-konform működésre hozott példák kapcsán szeretnénk szemléltetni, hogy milyen, a rendőrség szervezeti működéséből fakadó kihívások jelennek meg a szervezett bűnözés nyomozati munkájában és hogy egy szervezetszociológiai elemzésben hogyan értelmezhetőek ezek a jelenségek. Első példánkban a szervezeti egységek közötti rivalizálással, valamint a központi irányítás kontraproduktív elvárásrendszerével igazolható kevéssé sikeres nyomozati munkát szeretnénk bemutatni.

For my dissertation project I have been conducting ethnographic research with Hungarian sex worke... more For my dissertation project I have been conducting ethnographic research with Hungarian sex workers living in Berlin. While doing ethnography at this field site I was an employee of a social service providing agency in the outdoor prostitution area at the same time. In my research project I discuss questions related to ethnicity, class and gender. Therefore a reflection on my position in the field regarding these inequalities and looking at my access to the research subjects is highly important. In my presentation I analyse the particularity of having double roles in the field and explain how it effected my connection to the sex workers and their boyfriends/procurers and my research design in general. Thereby I will critically engage with issues about the aims of social work in the field of sex work and reflect on my role as being non-Roma, middle class woman and a co-worker at a social agency. I will bring personal experiences about the insider/outsider dilemmas, the ways I approac...

effIcIency Problems of crImInal InVestIgatIons Our research focuses on how the organizational str... more effIcIency Problems of crImInal InVestIgatIons Our research focuses on how the organizational structure and informal networks of the Hungarian police determined the criminal proceedings against organized crime bands. In terms of organizational sociology the professional officers of criminal service carry out their tasks differently. The investigation process is divided into two branches in Hungary. The procedures begin with 'unknown perpetrators' where the detectives have to nominate the possible suspect. Following that it is the investigators who get the cases to collect evindences against the particular person or group of people. Therefore the detectives keep contact mainly with the reconnaissance officers, while the investigators have tight official cooperation with the prosecutors. According to the research the first stage of the investigation is determined by the social performance (SP), which is dominated by the media and the public opinion. Thus the social performance is a so-called external controlling function, which must be fulfilled by the police organization. The second stage of the processes with 'known offender' is usually limited by the organizational effectiveness (OE), because the success of the prosecution becomes the most prevalent expectation. Therefore we can state that the organizational effectiveness is a so-called internal controlling function. These two organizational sociological aspects (SP, OE) have to be connected for the sake of the cases however this cooperation is differently implemented. When talking about homicide cases detectives work together during investigations on several occasions. Notwithstanding in cases of crimes against private property the detectives and the investigators work totally separated. Officially they are to meet when the cases are taken over by the investigation department, nevertheless informally they are obliged to consult with each other and many cases the investigators have to investigate the cases despite of the investigation of the detectives. INTroducTIoN. Under which circumstantes can be it imagined that police give up the right to initate criminal proceedings? If we can give an unanimous answer, it means that we can determine the boundaries of monopoly of the legitimate use of physical violence and the tangible limits of liability of law enforcement. Beyond the probably succesfully investigated criminal cases there are many so-called failed matters which are usually lost in the mists of time, and this is will be accepted all the parties concerned. These cases serve as an example , where lack of preparedness of investigators can be apparent. Explaining the failure always emphasize the inefficiency of human factors or just blaming the lack of luck with stoic silence. This kind of understanding gives us a reliable standpoint without asking about the legitimacy of the structure or the usually applied processes. In the different types of cases occurs the opportunity of failing, moreover the hardly explained versions as well. The causes bringing about the ceasing of the cases are much more pregnant when talking about organized crime. In this presentation I would like to shed a new light on investigating organized crime, therefore I'm focusing on these kinds of illegal actions. To strengthen my argumentation I take examples from various types of crime committed by different kind of organized crime groups. In terms of researching organized crime committing we always have to keep in mind that a particular police organization during the investigation faces with another type of organization, the criminal gang. Both of these «so-called organizations» have to keep track of their spendings and they have to calculate with their draft budget for the future. Nevertheless there are some differences between the two kinds of organizations, namely how they provide their budget. There is an old Anglo-Saxon police saying that criminals always have to be lucky, but the detective only once. Margaret Theatcher used this saying against the IRA bombers in the 1980's, when she declared: «we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always» [1]. Apparently this remark confirms the inevitable advantages of police as compared with the criminals who always have to adopt their activity to the environmental conditions. From the organized crime point of view the saying, which Margaret Thatcher used the above mentioned phrase as she continued: Crime is crime, whatever kind of crime type it is! This oversimplified argumentation neglects the fact that criminal organizations can be more successful because they have to always adopt themselves to the external conditions. Consequently they establish their organizations
Books by Noemi Katona

Edited volume, 2020
This volume addresses the main underlying causes of care migration and aims to draw attention to ... more This volume addresses the main underlying causes of care migration and aims to draw attention to the increasing inequalities in provision and access to care on a European scale. The book focuses on care migra- tion from and to central and eastern European countries and contains chapters on migration to and from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Ukraine. It aims to highlight the socio-historic, political, demographic and economic fac- tors and institutions that drive and organise care migration. Where do migrant caregiver come from; what is their social background and labour market situation? Under what conditions do they work and what is the role of recruitment agencies in defining these conditions? How compet- itive is the transnational care labour market? By discussing these ques- tions and the different care migration trends between European coun- tries, the book shows that the constantly increasing marketisation of care in recent decades has resulted in growing inequalities, not only within and between households, but on the transnational level.

The CONFRONT research project aimed to strengthen counter-trafficking efforts in Europe by addres... more The CONFRONT research project aimed to strengthen counter-trafficking efforts in Europe by addressing two deficiencies in the current countertrafficking response: lack of in-depth knowledge of the new forms of trafficking affecting children and lack of active involvement of the Roma community -a group at high risk of child trafficking. Research focused on three new forms of trafficking: child begging, labour exploitation for pickpocketing and sexual exploitation of boys. Activities took place in seven EU Member States, four of them typical countries of origin for victims of trafficking (Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia) and three traditional destination points for Roma victims (Austria, Italy, Greece). Aside from empowering Roma communities to act as equal partner in countertrafficking policies and measures, the project aspired to enhance child victim support in countries of origin and destination by developing pilot initiatives for child victims of trafficking support, and sensitizing service providers and child protection authorities to new forms of trafficking. an MA in Sociology from ELTE and an MA in Nationalism Studies from the Central European University. Her main areas of research are poverty, ethnicity, migration, and media and minorities. She has published several articles on Roma and non-Roma interethnic relations, educational inequalities, labour market and social policy issues. She has edited a volume on Roma migration to Canada and she has co-authored a book on ethnic relations, migration, labour market conditions and informal economy in marginal rural communities.
articles by Noemi Katona

The article, based on policy analysis, institutional interviews and community fieldwork, looks at... more The article, based on policy analysis, institutional interviews and community fieldwork, looks at why children in prostitution and victims of trafficking remain practically without state support and institutional assistance. It also explores to what extent the decriminalisation of the system assisting child victims of prostitution and trafficking, or the shift from the ‘punishment’ to the ‘welfare model’, has taken place. The ethnic aspect of the problem is addressed as well given that the majority of victims are of Roma origin. While Hungary has ratified all important international conventions that oblige the country to protect child victims, neither its policies and legislation nor its institutions including child protection, law enforcement and the judiciary, seem to have adequate structural frameworks and institutional practices to attend to these children and prosecute offenders. Policy gaps, institutional procedures and practices are identified and it is concluded that the country is still much closer to the ‘punishment model’.
Keywords child protection, child trafficking, law enforcement, prostitution of children, Roma
Társadalmi reprodukció by Noemi Katona
Fordulat, 2018
Mahua Sarkar a Women’s ILO című kötetben megjelent tanulmányának fordítását elsősorban témájának ... more Mahua Sarkar a Women’s ILO című kötetben megjelent tanulmányának fordítását elsősorban témájának kiemelt jelentősége miatt közöljük a lapszámban. Az elmúlt időszakban egyre jobban elterjedő béranyaság a reproduktív munka egy sajátos transznacionális munkamegosztásra épülő formája, ami számos morális kérdést is felvet. Sarkar tanulmánya átfogó képet ad a béranyaság gyakorlatáról, és elemzi annak lehetséges szabályozási szempontjait, azonban megközelítése és végkövetkeztetése nem tükrözi szerkesztőségünk álláspontját. Ezért tartottuk szükségét annak, hogy ebben a rövid szövegben reflektáljunk a lapszámban megjelenő tanulmányra.
Szolidáris gazdaság by Noemi Katona

Fordulat, 2020
Tanulmányunk kiindulópontja, hogy a kapitalista társadalmi-gazdasági rendszer az életet újraterme... more Tanulmányunk kiindulópontja, hogy a kapitalista társadalmi-gazdasági rendszer az életet újratermelő reproduktív munkát, illetve ennek egyik formáját, a gondoskodást ingyenes erőforrásnak, egyéni feladatnak tekinti, költségeit pedig a családokra, háztartásokra, ezen belül elsősorban a nőkre helyezi ki. Az alacsony szintű állami szerepvállalás, illetve a piaci szolgáltatások megjelenése még inkább felerősíti a gondoskodás válságát, illetve a gondoskodásban megjelenő egyenlőtlenségeket. A tanulmányban először olyan alulról szerveződő szövetkezeteket, kezdeményezéseket mutatunk be az idősgondozás és a gyermekgondozás területén, amelyek részvételi, demokratikus és szolidáris módon értékelik és szervezik újra a gondoskodást a gondoskodók, illetve a gondoskodást igénylők megerősítése és életminőségének javítása érdekében. Ezek közé tartoznak a gondozók szövetkezetei, a gondoskodást igénybe vevők szövetkezetei, a többszereplős szövetkezetek, illetve a kisgyerekes nők közösségeként működő anyaközpontok. Ezután a reproduktív munka és a gondoskodás rendszerszintű átalakítását célzó politikai mozgalmakat mutatunk be. Amellett érvelünk, hogy a gondoskodás intézményeinek a közösségek tulajdonába és ellenőrzése alá kell kerülnie, ugyanakkor az államnak továbbra is koordináló, finanszírozó és jogi szabályozói szerepet kell vállalnia az igények kielégítésében és a gondoskodási munka elismerésében.
Articles, book chapters, conference papers by Noemi Katona

LeftEast, 2022
Hungary’s political climate is increasingly dominated by the tensions related to the coming elect... more Hungary’s political climate is increasingly dominated by the tensions related to the coming elections in Spring 2022. While all oppositional parties from far-right to the left had joined forces to fight the ruling party Fidesz, a new player entered the political arena in December 2021. György Gattyán, one of the richest people in Hungary, announced his new movement and newly-founded party called Megoldás Mozgalom (MEMO, “Solution Movement”). After several years of distancing himself almost completely from the public arena despite his well-known wealth and potential political and economic power, Gattyán is now highly active in the Hungarian media. His political program is focused on digitalization, which he identifies as the potential solution to all social evils in Hungary. While he is portrayed in PR interviews as an innovative and successful self-made businessman with a strong sense of social responsibility and high moral standards, the main source of his wealth is either obscured or narrated in positive terms. Gattyán’s money mostly comes from the sexcam site LiveJasmin, which is the most profitable business within Docler Holding, Gattyán’s main enterprise. But how does the sexcam industry operate and why is it problematic from a leftist feminist perspective? To explore these questions, we rely on interviews we conducted between 2020–2022 with people formerly or currently working in various roles in the sexcam industry in Hungary, as well as an overview of chat forum discussions around sexcam work. While digitalization is often portrayed in the media as empowering, and LiveJasmin as a platform providing opportunities for women to make good money by selling sexual content, in this article we point to the ways in which the sexcam industry is built on global economic and gender inequalities, and how digital platform companies like LiveJasmin primarily profit from exploiting vulnerable female workers selling sex. We argue that Gattyán is simultaneously promoting the mainstreaming of commodified sexuality and obscuring his and his company’s own role in this process.
Papers by Noemi Katona
A szócikkek az általunk a lapszám cikkeiben használt értelmezések sarokpontjait ismertetik. Nem törekedtünk a különböző iskolák és vitáik részletes ismertetésére; amennyiben viszont relevánsnak tartottuk, bemutatjuk, hogy értelmezésünk melyik irányzatra, melyik szerzőre vagy a szerző melyik művére épül elsősorban.
In our paper we analyse the emergence and functioning of the sex camera industry, focusing on the central role of platform companies and the labour of those working in the industry. Through the example of Hungary, based on interview research conducted with people working in the industry, we look at how the sex industry, and within that, the sex camera industry, has changed with digitalisation in the global economy, and how the platform companies that are at the centre of this transformation operate – among them, LiveJasmin, founded in Hungary. We look at how Hungary’s semi-peripheral position within the capitalist world system determines the working conditions and possibilities of local workers in the global industry. In our analysis, we therefore explore the global inequalities of platform capitalism and digital labour from the perspective of Hungarian, semi-peripheral actors. In addition, we show what role sex camera platforms such as LiveJasmin have played in the normalisation of the sex industry.
Books by Noemi Katona
articles by Noemi Katona
Keywords child protection, child trafficking, law enforcement, prostitution of children, Roma
Társadalmi reprodukció by Noemi Katona
Szolidáris gazdaság by Noemi Katona
Articles, book chapters, conference papers by Noemi Katona
A szócikkek az általunk a lapszám cikkeiben használt értelmezések sarokpontjait ismertetik. Nem törekedtünk a különböző iskolák és vitáik részletes ismertetésére; amennyiben viszont relevánsnak tartottuk, bemutatjuk, hogy értelmezésünk melyik irányzatra, melyik szerzőre vagy a szerző melyik művére épül elsősorban.
In our paper we analyse the emergence and functioning of the sex camera industry, focusing on the central role of platform companies and the labour of those working in the industry. Through the example of Hungary, based on interview research conducted with people working in the industry, we look at how the sex industry, and within that, the sex camera industry, has changed with digitalisation in the global economy, and how the platform companies that are at the centre of this transformation operate – among them, LiveJasmin, founded in Hungary. We look at how Hungary’s semi-peripheral position within the capitalist world system determines the working conditions and possibilities of local workers in the global industry. In our analysis, we therefore explore the global inequalities of platform capitalism and digital labour from the perspective of Hungarian, semi-peripheral actors. In addition, we show what role sex camera platforms such as LiveJasmin have played in the normalisation of the sex industry.
Keywords child protection, child trafficking, law enforcement, prostitution of children, Roma