Papers by Thavasimuthu Citarasu
Regional studies in marine science, Mar 1, 2024

Uttar Pradesh journal of zoology, Feb 1, 2024
This study designed to understand the effect of Algal oil as feed ingredients to attain reproduct... more This study designed to understand the effect of Algal oil as feed ingredients to attain reproductive success in the spent spawners of P. monodon. Five diets prepared were D1, D2, and D3 with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% algal oil respectively, reference diet with fish oil and negative control diet without fish oil. The results showed that the maturation diet increased the moulting frequency and shortened the time of full maturation of the ovary. In D2 fed spawners, the duration of spawnings was minimized and the fecundity was also increased and the Gonado Somatic Index was also high. Compared with control diet, the abortive spawning and gaped ovary formed was also less in algal oil based diet (D2). D2 fed spawners also enhanced the percentage of the formed eggs, fertilized eggs and their hatching and also showed maximum prophenoloxidase activity. Though the reference diet had influenced in all reproductive parameters, the success was inferior to the experimental algal diet. The algal oil (5%) based diet was found to be very efficient in the reproductive success of spent spawners and therefore this diet can be used for the recycling of spent spawners.
Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, Dec 8, 2023
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Jun 3, 2021

Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 200-207, 2024; Article no.UPJOZ.3204 ISSN: 0256-971X (P, 2024
This study was designed to understand the effect of Algal oil as feed ingredients to attain repro... more This study was designed to understand the effect of Algal oil as feed ingredients to attain reproductive success in the spent spawners of P. monodon. Five diets prepared were D1, D2, and D3 with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% algal oil respectively, reference diet with fish oil and negative control diet without fish oil. The results showed that the maturation diet increased the moulting frequency and shortened the time of full maturation of the ovary. In D2 fed spawners, the duration of spawnings was minimized and the fecundity was also increased and the Gonado Somatic Index was also high. Compared with control diet, the abortive spawning and gaped ovary formed was also less in algal oil based diet (D2). D2 fed spawners also enhanced the percentage of the formed eggs, fertilized eggs and their hatching and also showed maximum prophenoloxidase activity. Though the reference diet had influenced in all reproductive parameters, the success was inferior to the experimental algal diet. The algal oil (5%) based diet was found to be very efficient in the reproductive success of spent spawners and therefore this diet can be used for the recycling of spent spawners.
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, Jun 1, 2023
In the present study, a total of 17 morphologically different gut-associated bacteria were isolat... more In the present study, a total of 17 morphologically different gut-associated bacteria were isolated from four species of estuarine polychaetes: polychaetes Capitella capitata, Scalibregma inflatum, Dendronereis aesturiana, and Namalycastis abiuma. The isolated strains were evaluated for their probiotic activities, such as digestive enzymes including protease, amylase, and lipase, and antimicrobial activities by the agar well diffusion method against fish pathogens. Based on their better enzymatic and antibacterial activities, two bacterial strains, CMST Poly1 and CMST Poly2, were selected for further probiotic studies. Based on the biochemical and morphological characterization, both probiotic strains were characterized as Gram-positive, rod-shaped, non-motile, non-spore-forming, homofermentative, absence of catalyzing enzymes and notable proteolytic activity, and susceptibility to various antibiotics. Further, these two strains were confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Bacillus subtilis CMST Poly1 and Priestia megaterium CMST Poly2. Our results revealed that strains Bacillus subtilis CMST Poly1 and Priestia megaterium CMST Poly2 can potentially be used as probiotic strains in aquaculture applications.

International journal of scientific research, Aug 28, 2020
Goa coastal area is a suitable environment for the growth and study of polychaetes with special r... more Goa coastal area is a suitable environment for the growth and study of polychaetes with special reference to their systematic, spatial and temporal distribution. Hence, eight stations were sampled at random within the Goa coast for the study of polychaetes taxonomy and a total of 29 species belonging to 28 genera and 18 families were identified. Out of this, 18 species namely, Lumbriconereis heteropoda, Nephtys dibranchis, Fabricia bansei, Neanthes bongcoi, Neanthes oxypoda, Chitinopomoides wilsoni, Scalibregma inflatum, Marphysa corallina, Iphionella philippinensis, Scyphoproctus variabilis, Namanereis gesae, Gastrolepidia clavigera, Oenone fulgida, Pileolaria militaris, Scoloplos johnstonei, Dendronereides zululandica, Lysidice ninetta and Perinereis nuntia vallata are reported in this account for the first time from Goa. Species number was high in this area mainly due to the good environmental conditions prevailing there when compared to other areas in the West Coast of India. The taxonomic investigation of the present data can form a baseline information for future monitoring programmes in this area.
Polychaetes are usually the most abundant taxon among the benthic communities and have been most ... more Polychaetes are usually the most abundant taxon among the benthic communities and have been most often utilized as indicator species to know the environmental conditions of an area. Recent efforts have therefore been concentrated in updating the taxonomic position of polychaete species. Polychate species are known to occur in appreciable densities in the Cochin area. The taxonomic investigation of the present study can form a baseline for future monitoring programmes in this area. Based on the above said information, the polychaete diversity in the proposed study area was surveyed and assessed with the objective to identify the presence of polychaete species in Cochin area. Three stations were sampled at random for the study of polychaetes taxonomy and a total of 20 species were identified from the area. Out of this 16 are reported for the first time from the study area.
In the present investigation, the inhibitory effect of crude and purified saponin extract from Gl... more In the present investigation, the inhibitory effect of crude and purified saponin extract from Glycine max was evaluated against some pathogenic bacterial strains (gram positive and gram negative) using agar disc diffusion method. Agar well diffusion method was adapted to determine antibacterial activity against all the test microorganisms. Zone of inhibition of the crude and pure extracts were tested. Among all the test pathogens Vibrio harveyi was found most susceptible with zone of inhibition 16 mm. to the crude and purified saponin extract. The present study successfully isolated and characterized the single unit of Glycine max saponin with 27-kDa units. It also reveals the least susceptibility of the microorganisms towards the saponin isolated from seeds of Glycine max.

Research Square (Research Square), Jan 16, 2023
Escherichia Phage CMSTMSU isolated from the semi-intensive shrimp farm was e cient lytic activity... more Escherichia Phage CMSTMSU isolated from the semi-intensive shrimp farm was e cient lytic activity and strong host range against Escherichia coli. A High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) template was used to inhibit bio lm activity against E. coli, and results obtained using a confocal laser scanning microscope showed that the phage e ciently prevented bio lm formation. In order to assess the structural morphology, Escherichia Phage CMSTMSU was investigated using a transmission electron microscope at 80 kV and a magni cation of X 12,000. The result revealed that, head measuring about 220-230 nanometer with a hexagonal shape and a non-contractile tail and the phage belongs to Siphoviridae family. By using a spectrophotometric assay to measure the killing e ciency, it was found that the phage signi cantly (P < = 0.001) contributed to a reduction in E. coli cell densities over time. Escherichia phage CMSTMSU's stability was tested at various temperatures and pH levels, and the results showed that the phage was stable at temperatures of 40 and 50˚C and pH levels of 5 to 9, respectively. These results were considerably (P < = 0.001) different from those of other temperatures and pH levels. The one-step growth curve showed a positive correlation, which indicated that the burst size grew considerably (P < 0.05) as the time increased.

International Journal of Advanced Science and Research, 2016
Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) is the major antibody produced by chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). It ... more Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) is the major antibody produced by chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). It is continually synthesized at a large scale, secreted into the blood and transferred to the egg yolk, where it accumulates. To obtain specific IgY antibodies against an antigen of interest, egg-laying hens are immunized with the antigen; following this, antibodies are purified from their egg yolks. IgY purification is an easy, fast and low-cost isolation process that produces a high quantity of specific antibody. IgY can be used in various immunological assays and may offer better results than traditionally used mammalian antibodies The yolks of eggs laid by immunized chicken have been recognized as an excellent source of polyclonal antibodies for over a decade. This simple noninvasive approach presents an appealing alternative to conventional polyclonal antibody production methods. This review offers summarized information about egg yolks from immunized hens may be a reliable source for antibody production, which can be employed for immunological studies.

Tropical Plant Research, Sep 1, 2015
Plants are the base of sophisticated traditional medicine systems including Ayurvedic, Unani and ... more Plants are the base of sophisticated traditional medicine systems including Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha. Phytochemical analysis of Asparagus racemosus revealed that numerous compounds of plants traditionally used for medicinal purposes have several therapeutical properties. The result of the phytochemical studies revealed the presence of saponins, tannins, alkaloids, steroids and other biochemicals. Saponins, tannins and alkaloids are well known for their antibacterial properties. Experiments demonstrating the pharmacological properties of saponins have aroused considerable clinical interest in these substances. The concentrations of the plant used were 25 mg ml-1 , 50 mg ml-1 and 100 mg ml-1 respectively. At these concentrations, the extract inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Vibrio parahaemolyticus and produced percentage inhibition ranging from 72.4-86.5 %. The antibacterial activity demonstrated by the plant extract may due to the presence of the phytochemicals present in the plant.
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Apr 1, 2018
ScienceDirect j o urna l h om epag e: j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g... more ScienceDirect j o urna l h om epag e: j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x (2 0 1 7) 1 e1 4

Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Jun 1, 2012
ABSTRACT To improve the immune response in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon against WSSV infection, j... more ABSTRACT To improve the immune response in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon against WSSV infection, juveniles (350 ± 10 mg) were vaccinated with formalin-inactivated WSSV and fed with herbal immunostimulants. The methanolic extracts of herbal immunostimulants such as Acalypha indica, Cynodon dactylon, Picrorrhiza kurrooa, Withania somnifera and Zingiber officinalis were incorporated in formulated diets at different concentrations; 250 (ED(1)), 500 (ED(2)), 1000 (ED(3)) and 2000 (ED(4)) mg kg(-1) of feed and fed for 60 days after vaccination. After 30 and 60 days intervals of feeding, the shrimps were challenged with WSSV, which were isolated and propagated from the infected crustaceans. The shrimps fed with control diets (C(1)) succumbed to death within 5 days after WSSV challenge, when no vaccination and immunostimulations were given. The other control groups (C(2) and C(3)) had slight improvements in all parameters including survival. The percentage survival was significantly (P &lt; 0.05) increased to 30, 50 and 60% in the ED(2), ED(3) and ED(4) diets respectively after 60 days challenging. The better haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters were also found in the herbal extracts supplemented diets fed vaccinated shrimps. The present study revealed that the combined effect of immunostimulation and vaccination helped to boost the immune system against WSSV infection and hence this application can be adopted for shrimp culture.

Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, Dec 30, 2022
India stands at the sixth-largest position in the sector of marine and freshwater fisheries and t... more India stands at the sixth-largest position in the sector of marine and freshwater fisheries and the second-largest in the production of aquaculture. In view of the economic benefits, this highlights the importance of controlling infectious fish diseases that pose threat to the production of aquaculture. It was hypothesized lesions found on the dorsal scales in the Lenthrinus lentjan, could be the reason for the massive morbidity and mortality. Live surface floating fish samples with pathological signs were collected from offshore areas of the Pallam fishing village, located in the Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu, India in August 2013. Detailed histological studies confirmed the presence of similar bacterial infections in the tissues adjacent to the lesion sites. The pathogen was isolated and it was subjected to a series of biochemical and 16S RNA sequencing and it was identified the causative bacterial pathogen as Bacillus sp. The pathogen possessed sub-terminal endospore-forming nature and also it has strong hemolytic activities. The organism was named as Bacillus sp. MSU1400. Furtherly, the study was complemented with the Pasteur method, performed on white carp fishes, in vitro, for the confirmation of the pathogen. The pathogen was sensitive to ampicillin, cephalexin, and gentamycin but it was resistant to tetracycline.
Papers by Thavasimuthu Citarasu