Books by Vihang A. Naik

Indialog Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi , 2010
Poetry Manifesto
( New & Selected Poems )
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : April , 2010
Pages:119... more Poetry Manifesto
( New & Selected Poems )
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : April , 2010
Pages:119. Price : Rs.135. US$ : 3.75
Edition : Paper Back
Indialog Publications Pvt. Ltd..,
New Delhi, India.
ISBN: 81 - 8443 - 033 - 7
ISBN-13: 9788184430332
Reviews :
‘One of the pleasures gained by reading Vihang Naik’s poetry is the awareness that every poem, both singly and when placed together as a body of work, demonstrates a belief in the possibilities that language truthfully and energetically communicates the writing experience’ — The Journal of Poetry Society ( India ). ‘Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words’ — Indian Literature: A Sahitya Akademi’s Bi- Monthly Journal, New Delhi, India. About City Times & Other Poems ‘the poet [Vihang A. Naik] has something up his sleeve to say beyond the appearances’ — Indian Book Chronicle.
"Naik’s usual free-verse style, of continuous down-paging in a rush of short lines, suits the vernacular of his vision. Naik is a poet who knows the real world of the writer and its downside, but is still on top of it. On top of it with his use of words, his techniques and with his native resilience. Through it all, he smiles as though he has the knowledge of the unknowable." Patricia Prime
City Times & Other Poems, which appeared in 1993, was Vihang A. Naik’s first collection. His Making A Poem, was published in 2004 after his Gujarati poetry Jeevangeet in 2001. This definitive edition, a testimony to his prodigious output so far and astonishing breath of vision, brings together Vihang A. Naik’s work from 1993 to 2009 and also includes a whole new section of uncollected poems.
The poems in this collection are vintage, Vihang A. Naik’s poems are intuitive, thoughtful, philosophical and creative pieces, where the poet displays a confident command, mature, with a fine balance of emotional intensity, irony, ranging across themes and places with experimentation.

Allied Publishers , Mumbai, 2004
Making A Poem
A collection of poems in English by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2004
( 1st Edi... more Making A Poem
A collection of poems in English by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2004
( 1st Editon )
Pages:48. Price : Rs.230. $ : 23. £ :14
Edition : Hardbound
Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd .,,
Mumbai , India.
ISBN: 81 - 7764 - 584 - 6
( 2nd Editon )
Publisher: Authorspress (2018)
New Delhi, India.
ISBN-10: 9387281299
ISBN-13: 978-9387281295
Making A Poem is a powerful affecting collection of poetry that sheds a fascinating light upon the writing process and poet's personal aesthetics. These are eloquent pieces where the poet displays a confident command of the poetic form to bring his ideas and observations to life. The pieces that ponder the reality of poetic expression are perhaps most fascinating. Their refexivity results in a most engaging colection of poems. Making A Poem is a intuitive, thoughtful and creative pieces that work together as a cohesive collection.
Making A Poem :
Reviews of his 2004 book of poetry ''Making A Poem'' have been noteworthy . According to Patrica Prime, writing in ''The Journal of The Poetry Society'': "''Making A Poem'' is, therefore, an intriguing work to appear at a time when what could be called a 'revival' in poetry writing is taking place." However, she also praises Naik for not distracting himself with enquiries into problems of subjectivity and textuality, somewhat puzzling in a field of literature where subjectivity and textuality are of paramount importance. Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''The Journal of the Poetry Society'' (March 2005): 74-76.A review in ''The Indian Literature'' also praises what might be termed an uncomplicated perception of poetry: "For example, in the fine poem 'A Poem Comes Alive,' Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words." Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''Indian Literature'' (July-August 2006): 191-93.While Bernard M. Jackson in "POET": "City Times & Other Poems" found "All the poems in the collection are worth reading. - something of an achievement for a young poet bringing out his collection in English" from India. Rev. of ''City Times & Other Poems''. ''POET: The Journal World Poetry Society , Intercontinental'' (August 2005): 61-63.

Navbharat Sahitya Mandir, Ahmedabad-1 & Mumbai-2 India, 2001
A collection of poems in Gujarati Language by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2001
( ... more JEEVANGEET
A collection of poems in Gujarati Language by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2001
( 1st Edition )
Pages: 51 .Price : Rs. 51
Edition : Paperback
Navbharat Sahitya Mandir,
Ahmedabad-1 & Mumbai-2 India
Gujarat , India.
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Vihang Naik; Second Edition edition (2015)
e - Shabda ( Ahmedabad )
Gujarat , India.
Language: Gujarati
ISBN-10: 9384604828
ISBN-13: 978-9384604820
Jeevangeet by Vihang A Naik - ( originally poetry written in gujarati ) is a collection of Gujarati poems written by Vihang Naik after his English collection of poems in City Times and Other Poems , only published in 2001 in AiD for Gujarat Earthquake victims of 26th January , 2001 and dedicated to thousands of men , women and children who lost their lives and homes in Earthquake...
The book contains Gujarati language poems written by Vihang A. Naik who is more know for his poems in written in English Language. It has a long section titled 'pencil' with seven parts and a long poem 'character' in eighteen parts with shorter poems.

Writers' Workshop, India, 1993
City Times & Other Poems
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 199
( Ist Edition )
Pages: 72. Price... more City Times & Other Poems
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 199
( Ist Edition )
Pages: 72. Price. PB.Rs.40. HB.Rs.80
Edition : Hardback & Paperback
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 566 - 2 ( HB )
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 567 - 0 ( FB )
First Published : 2014
( 2nd Edition )
ISBN-10: 9781491897133
ISBN-13: 978-1491897133,
LCCN : 2014904375
Description :
Vihang A. Naik throws light on the life of a city in all its shades, glory and misery in his City Times and Other Poems. It is an anthology of his intuitive and philosophical poems. The Poems are divided in 6 segmentsi.e. 'Love Song of a Journey Man' is more or less an inner travelogue, The segments, for instance, 'Mirrored Man' is about the other chimeras in the city .The people in the city are capricious like the walk of a crab or the colours of a chameleon. While, 'The Path of Wisdom' is about the beginning of meditation and knowledge. 'At the Shore' records the poet's sense of futility, memory, pain, exile and alienation at the shore of life. The title of this collection is also the heading for the last of its six sections, in which the city is unfolded as a market place, as a heaven for underdogs, and as a seed bed of change and is observed at evening, at mid-night, by moon light and through fog and haze.
Interview by Vihang A. Naik
Modern Research Studies: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017
In a discussion with Vihang A. Naik, Goutam Karmakar got a chance to
explore the poetic cosmos of... more In a discussion with Vihang A. Naik, Goutam Karmakar got a chance to
explore the poetic cosmos of Naik. There, Naik explains his experience
of being a poet. He openly shares many things about his poetry. He
answers each question with great patience. Hope his readers and poetry
lover will enjoy reading it.
The Criterion An International Journal in English, 2012
Vihang A. Naik, Indian Poet in Conversation with Vishwanath Bite
Dr.Jaydeep Sarangi in Conversation with Vihang Naik ,( Print Issue ) Ed. Dr. Vivekanand Jha, Mana... more Dr.Jaydeep Sarangi in Conversation with Vihang Naik ,( Print Issue ) Ed. Dr. Vivekanand Jha, Managing Editor : Shri Sudarshan Kcherry, New Delhi, India : VerbalART: A Global Journal Devoted to Poets and Poetry ( jour issue ) , Vol : 1 – No – 2 , 2015. p. 98 – 106. ISSN No.: 2347 – 632X published by
Papers by Vihang A. Naik, The Context : Quarterly e journal of language, literary and cultural studies, 2015
Vihang A. Naik is a significant voice by virtue of his poetic idiom that fuses creation and criti... more Vihang A. Naik is a significant voice by virtue of his poetic idiom that fuses creation and criticism in an innovative way. His skill as a poet lies in offering an aesthetic feast to his readers who feel the pleasures of the senses out of his poems which bubble with melody and cadence. He communes with the landscapes to make them more reflective and aesthetic. Love is natural and human while moksha lies in embracing the body, not in discarding the senses. Poetry becomes an unexpected thing. He talks of poetry, its substance, its techniques, its aesthetic value, its purpose, objectivity, subjectivity, humanism, the reader's reaction and the critic's view point. His short lines attract through images and phrases that speak themselves to the reader.
Research Scholar : Dr Sudhir K Arora
Associate Professor, Department of English,
Maharaja Harishchandra P.G. College, Moradabad. UP, India.

International Journal of Higher Education and Research (, 2016
'Indian Summer' is a beautiful Indian painting in words with multiple layers of meaning demonstra... more 'Indian Summer' is a beautiful Indian painting in words with multiple layers of meaning demonstrating Vihang A. Naik's poetry manifesto. The idiom of his poetry manifesto speaks of unexpected thing in colours that vary from black and white to bloody via VIBGYOR. Being modern in spirit, this poem seems to be Naik's wasteland where people hear the song of Koel from engines and smoke pipes. It reveals a ray of hope in the dream of 'rain and thunder' despite the flames (of passion) that burn and make blind with heat and dust. Rain and thunder give a meaning to life and so become the redemptive powers. The poem is pictorial in effect with its illustrative and demonstrative imagery. Keywords: Koel, rain and thunder, heat and dust, redemptive powers, the waste land . Reesarch Scholar : Dr. Sudhir K. Arora ,
Department of English,
M.H.P.G. College, Moradabad, U.P., India.
Books by Vihang A. Naik
( New & Selected Poems )
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : April , 2010
Pages:119. Price : Rs.135. US$ : 3.75
Edition : Paper Back
Indialog Publications Pvt. Ltd..,
New Delhi, India.
ISBN: 81 - 8443 - 033 - 7
ISBN-13: 9788184430332
Reviews :
‘One of the pleasures gained by reading Vihang Naik’s poetry is the awareness that every poem, both singly and when placed together as a body of work, demonstrates a belief in the possibilities that language truthfully and energetically communicates the writing experience’ — The Journal of Poetry Society ( India ). ‘Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words’ — Indian Literature: A Sahitya Akademi’s Bi- Monthly Journal, New Delhi, India. About City Times & Other Poems ‘the poet [Vihang A. Naik] has something up his sleeve to say beyond the appearances’ — Indian Book Chronicle.
"Naik’s usual free-verse style, of continuous down-paging in a rush of short lines, suits the vernacular of his vision. Naik is a poet who knows the real world of the writer and its downside, but is still on top of it. On top of it with his use of words, his techniques and with his native resilience. Through it all, he smiles as though he has the knowledge of the unknowable." Patricia Prime
City Times & Other Poems, which appeared in 1993, was Vihang A. Naik’s first collection. His Making A Poem, was published in 2004 after his Gujarati poetry Jeevangeet in 2001. This definitive edition, a testimony to his prodigious output so far and astonishing breath of vision, brings together Vihang A. Naik’s work from 1993 to 2009 and also includes a whole new section of uncollected poems.
The poems in this collection are vintage, Vihang A. Naik’s poems are intuitive, thoughtful, philosophical and creative pieces, where the poet displays a confident command, mature, with a fine balance of emotional intensity, irony, ranging across themes and places with experimentation.
A collection of poems in English by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2004
( 1st Editon )
Pages:48. Price : Rs.230. $ : 23. £ :14
Edition : Hardbound
Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd .,,
Mumbai , India.
ISBN: 81 - 7764 - 584 - 6
( 2nd Editon )
Publisher: Authorspress (2018)
New Delhi, India.
ISBN-10: 9387281299
ISBN-13: 978-9387281295
Making A Poem is a powerful affecting collection of poetry that sheds a fascinating light upon the writing process and poet's personal aesthetics. These are eloquent pieces where the poet displays a confident command of the poetic form to bring his ideas and observations to life. The pieces that ponder the reality of poetic expression are perhaps most fascinating. Their refexivity results in a most engaging colection of poems. Making A Poem is a intuitive, thoughtful and creative pieces that work together as a cohesive collection.
Making A Poem :
Reviews of his 2004 book of poetry ''Making A Poem'' have been noteworthy . According to Patrica Prime, writing in ''The Journal of The Poetry Society'': "''Making A Poem'' is, therefore, an intriguing work to appear at a time when what could be called a 'revival' in poetry writing is taking place." However, she also praises Naik for not distracting himself with enquiries into problems of subjectivity and textuality, somewhat puzzling in a field of literature where subjectivity and textuality are of paramount importance. Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''The Journal of the Poetry Society'' (March 2005): 74-76.A review in ''The Indian Literature'' also praises what might be termed an uncomplicated perception of poetry: "For example, in the fine poem 'A Poem Comes Alive,' Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words." Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''Indian Literature'' (July-August 2006): 191-93.While Bernard M. Jackson in "POET": "City Times & Other Poems" found "All the poems in the collection are worth reading. - something of an achievement for a young poet bringing out his collection in English" from India. Rev. of ''City Times & Other Poems''. ''POET: The Journal World Poetry Society , Intercontinental'' (August 2005): 61-63.
A collection of poems in Gujarati Language by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2001
( 1st Edition )
Pages: 51 .Price : Rs. 51
Edition : Paperback
Navbharat Sahitya Mandir,
Ahmedabad-1 & Mumbai-2 India
Gujarat , India.
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Vihang Naik; Second Edition edition (2015)
e - Shabda ( Ahmedabad )
Gujarat , India.
Language: Gujarati
ISBN-10: 9384604828
ISBN-13: 978-9384604820
Jeevangeet by Vihang A Naik - ( originally poetry written in gujarati ) is a collection of Gujarati poems written by Vihang Naik after his English collection of poems in City Times and Other Poems , only published in 2001 in AiD for Gujarat Earthquake victims of 26th January , 2001 and dedicated to thousands of men , women and children who lost their lives and homes in Earthquake...
The book contains Gujarati language poems written by Vihang A. Naik who is more know for his poems in written in English Language. It has a long section titled 'pencil' with seven parts and a long poem 'character' in eighteen parts with shorter poems.
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 199
( Ist Edition )
Pages: 72. Price. PB.Rs.40. HB.Rs.80
Edition : Hardback & Paperback
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 566 - 2 ( HB )
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 567 - 0 ( FB )
First Published : 2014
( 2nd Edition )
ISBN-10: 9781491897133
ISBN-13: 978-1491897133,
LCCN : 2014904375
Description :
Vihang A. Naik throws light on the life of a city in all its shades, glory and misery in his City Times and Other Poems. It is an anthology of his intuitive and philosophical poems. The Poems are divided in 6 segmentsi.e. 'Love Song of a Journey Man' is more or less an inner travelogue, The segments, for instance, 'Mirrored Man' is about the other chimeras in the city .The people in the city are capricious like the walk of a crab or the colours of a chameleon. While, 'The Path of Wisdom' is about the beginning of meditation and knowledge. 'At the Shore' records the poet's sense of futility, memory, pain, exile and alienation at the shore of life. The title of this collection is also the heading for the last of its six sections, in which the city is unfolded as a market place, as a heaven for underdogs, and as a seed bed of change and is observed at evening, at mid-night, by moon light and through fog and haze.
Interview by Vihang A. Naik
explore the poetic cosmos of Naik. There, Naik explains his experience
of being a poet. He openly shares many things about his poetry. He
answers each question with great patience. Hope his readers and poetry
lover will enjoy reading it.
Papers by Vihang A. Naik
Research Scholar : Dr Sudhir K Arora
Associate Professor, Department of English,
Maharaja Harishchandra P.G. College, Moradabad. UP, India.
Department of English,
M.H.P.G. College, Moradabad, U.P., India.
( New & Selected Poems )
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : April , 2010
Pages:119. Price : Rs.135. US$ : 3.75
Edition : Paper Back
Indialog Publications Pvt. Ltd..,
New Delhi, India.
ISBN: 81 - 8443 - 033 - 7
ISBN-13: 9788184430332
Reviews :
‘One of the pleasures gained by reading Vihang Naik’s poetry is the awareness that every poem, both singly and when placed together as a body of work, demonstrates a belief in the possibilities that language truthfully and energetically communicates the writing experience’ — The Journal of Poetry Society ( India ). ‘Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words’ — Indian Literature: A Sahitya Akademi’s Bi- Monthly Journal, New Delhi, India. About City Times & Other Poems ‘the poet [Vihang A. Naik] has something up his sleeve to say beyond the appearances’ — Indian Book Chronicle.
"Naik’s usual free-verse style, of continuous down-paging in a rush of short lines, suits the vernacular of his vision. Naik is a poet who knows the real world of the writer and its downside, but is still on top of it. On top of it with his use of words, his techniques and with his native resilience. Through it all, he smiles as though he has the knowledge of the unknowable." Patricia Prime
City Times & Other Poems, which appeared in 1993, was Vihang A. Naik’s first collection. His Making A Poem, was published in 2004 after his Gujarati poetry Jeevangeet in 2001. This definitive edition, a testimony to his prodigious output so far and astonishing breath of vision, brings together Vihang A. Naik’s work from 1993 to 2009 and also includes a whole new section of uncollected poems.
The poems in this collection are vintage, Vihang A. Naik’s poems are intuitive, thoughtful, philosophical and creative pieces, where the poet displays a confident command, mature, with a fine balance of emotional intensity, irony, ranging across themes and places with experimentation.
A collection of poems in English by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2004
( 1st Editon )
Pages:48. Price : Rs.230. $ : 23. £ :14
Edition : Hardbound
Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd .,,
Mumbai , India.
ISBN: 81 - 7764 - 584 - 6
( 2nd Editon )
Publisher: Authorspress (2018)
New Delhi, India.
ISBN-10: 9387281299
ISBN-13: 978-9387281295
Making A Poem is a powerful affecting collection of poetry that sheds a fascinating light upon the writing process and poet's personal aesthetics. These are eloquent pieces where the poet displays a confident command of the poetic form to bring his ideas and observations to life. The pieces that ponder the reality of poetic expression are perhaps most fascinating. Their refexivity results in a most engaging colection of poems. Making A Poem is a intuitive, thoughtful and creative pieces that work together as a cohesive collection.
Making A Poem :
Reviews of his 2004 book of poetry ''Making A Poem'' have been noteworthy . According to Patrica Prime, writing in ''The Journal of The Poetry Society'': "''Making A Poem'' is, therefore, an intriguing work to appear at a time when what could be called a 'revival' in poetry writing is taking place." However, she also praises Naik for not distracting himself with enquiries into problems of subjectivity and textuality, somewhat puzzling in a field of literature where subjectivity and textuality are of paramount importance. Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''The Journal of the Poetry Society'' (March 2005): 74-76.A review in ''The Indian Literature'' also praises what might be termed an uncomplicated perception of poetry: "For example, in the fine poem 'A Poem Comes Alive,' Naik maps out the way in which a poem instills life into words." Rev. of ''Making A Poem''. ''Indian Literature'' (July-August 2006): 191-93.While Bernard M. Jackson in "POET": "City Times & Other Poems" found "All the poems in the collection are worth reading. - something of an achievement for a young poet bringing out his collection in English" from India. Rev. of ''City Times & Other Poems''. ''POET: The Journal World Poetry Society , Intercontinental'' (August 2005): 61-63.
A collection of poems in Gujarati Language by
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 2001
( 1st Edition )
Pages: 51 .Price : Rs. 51
Edition : Paperback
Navbharat Sahitya Mandir,
Ahmedabad-1 & Mumbai-2 India
Gujarat , India.
Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Vihang Naik; Second Edition edition (2015)
e - Shabda ( Ahmedabad )
Gujarat , India.
Language: Gujarati
ISBN-10: 9384604828
ISBN-13: 978-9384604820
Jeevangeet by Vihang A Naik - ( originally poetry written in gujarati ) is a collection of Gujarati poems written by Vihang Naik after his English collection of poems in City Times and Other Poems , only published in 2001 in AiD for Gujarat Earthquake victims of 26th January , 2001 and dedicated to thousands of men , women and children who lost their lives and homes in Earthquake...
The book contains Gujarati language poems written by Vihang A. Naik who is more know for his poems in written in English Language. It has a long section titled 'pencil' with seven parts and a long poem 'character' in eighteen parts with shorter poems.
Vihang A. Naik
First Published : 199
( Ist Edition )
Pages: 72. Price. PB.Rs.40. HB.Rs.80
Edition : Hardback & Paperback
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 566 - 2 ( HB )
ISBN: 81 - 7189 - 567 - 0 ( FB )
First Published : 2014
( 2nd Edition )
ISBN-10: 9781491897133
ISBN-13: 978-1491897133,
LCCN : 2014904375
Description :
Vihang A. Naik throws light on the life of a city in all its shades, glory and misery in his City Times and Other Poems. It is an anthology of his intuitive and philosophical poems. The Poems are divided in 6 segmentsi.e. 'Love Song of a Journey Man' is more or less an inner travelogue, The segments, for instance, 'Mirrored Man' is about the other chimeras in the city .The people in the city are capricious like the walk of a crab or the colours of a chameleon. While, 'The Path of Wisdom' is about the beginning of meditation and knowledge. 'At the Shore' records the poet's sense of futility, memory, pain, exile and alienation at the shore of life. The title of this collection is also the heading for the last of its six sections, in which the city is unfolded as a market place, as a heaven for underdogs, and as a seed bed of change and is observed at evening, at mid-night, by moon light and through fog and haze.
explore the poetic cosmos of Naik. There, Naik explains his experience
of being a poet. He openly shares many things about his poetry. He
answers each question with great patience. Hope his readers and poetry
lover will enjoy reading it.
Research Scholar : Dr Sudhir K Arora
Associate Professor, Department of English,
Maharaja Harishchandra P.G. College, Moradabad. UP, India.
Department of English,
M.H.P.G. College, Moradabad, U.P., India.