Papers by Murat Yunus Özdemir
Cervical infection (cervicitis) is one of the most common gynecological diseases seen in women. I... more Cervical infection (cervicitis) is one of the most common gynecological diseases seen in women. It can be seen at all ages, especially in sexually active reproductive aged women. In these patients, early diagnosis is important and infertile secondary to fibrosis is common in patients who are not treated. Pelvic MR imaging is of significant importance in both the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of cystic cervicitis. In this article, we present the radiological imaging findings and differential diagnosis of cystic cervicitis with typical clinical and radiological findings in the light of literature.
Acta medica Lituanica
Ischiofemoral impingement (ISFI) is the compression of the quadratus femoris muscle resulting fro... more Ischiofemoral impingement (ISFI) is the compression of the quadratus femoris muscle resulting from the narrowed distance between the lesser trochanter and the ischial bone. Congenital factors (such as developmental hip dysplasia), positional conditions (such as femoral anteversion), intertrochanteric fractures, osteotomy, and osteoarthritis may lead to the superior and medial displacement of the femur which is causing the ISFI. According to the literature, osteochondroma (OC) is not described among the main etiological factors of ISFI. There is only one case report about the relationship between ISFI and OC. We present two ISFI cases due to OC accompanied by radiological findings. Our patients are 19 and 32 years old. Our article is the first case series on this topic.
Wernicke ensefalopatisi (WE), tiamin eksikliği sonucu gelişen, oftalmopleji, bilinç değişikliği v... more Wernicke ensefalopatisi (WE), tiamin eksikliği sonucu gelişen, oftalmopleji, bilinç değişikliği ve ataksi ile kendini gösteren klinik bir tablodur. Klasik klinik tablonun, hastaların küçük bir bölümünde görülmesi ve erken tiamin replasman tedavisinin hastalığın prognozunda önemli olması nedeniyle, hastalığın tanısı hızlı ve erken konulmalıdır. Erken tanıda kranial manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) altın standarttır. Biz bu olgu sunumunda, pankreatit atağından sonra WE gelişen bir hastanın, medikal tedavi ile serebral parankimal hasar gelişmeden tamamen düzelmesinde erken radyolojik tanının önemini vurgulamaktayız. Abstract
Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 2020
Video 1. Axial coronary CT angiography showed fistulization of the superior vena cava from the no... more Video 1. Axial coronary CT angiography showed fistulization of the superior vena cava from the nodal branch of the right coronary artery. Video 2. Coronal coronary CT angiography showed fistulization of the superior vena cava from the nodal branch of the right coronary artery. Video 3. Fistulized segment is observed in 3D CT angiography images (Volume Rendering Display). Video 4. Fistulized segment is observed in 3D CT angiography Maximum Intensity Projection images. Video 5. Catheter coronary angiography showed fistulization of the superior vena cava white arrow) from the nodal branch of the right coronary artery (cine images).

Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the incidence, localization, depth, length of myocardial ... more Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the incidence, localization, depth, length of myocardial bridging (MB) with left anterior descending (LAD), systolic compression ratio, atherosclerotic plaque localization and degree of stenosis by 256-slice multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). Material and methods: Computed tomography (CT) scans from a total of 3947 patients who underwent MDCT were reviewed retrospectively for LAD MB. A diastolic and systolic dataset with the best image quality was selected. Myocardial bridge was defined as a coronary artery with an intra-myocardial course. Myocardial bridging was divided into "deep" or "superficial". The length and depth of the bridging segment were calculated. For each bridging segment, the presence of atherosclerosis was saved in a 2-cm-long segment proximal to the entry of the bridging segment. The degree of stenosis made by atherosclerotic plaques was determined. Results: LAD myocardial bridging was detected in 410 (10.4%) patients. Among these, 97 (23.7%) patients had a deep and 313 (76.3%) patients had a superficial course. The mean LAD MB length was 20.28 ±9.63 mm and the depth was 1.72 ±1.11 mm. The systolic and diastolic mean diameter difference was 0.193 mm and the average compression ratio was 9.44%. Atherosclerotic plaques were found in 167 (40.7%) of 410 LAD MB. Atherosclerotic plaques were found in 50.5% of deep MB and 37.7% of superficial MB. Conclusions: 256-slice MDCT coronary angiography has a high sensitivity to show myocardial bridging in LAD localization, to determine length, depth, compression ratio, atherosclerotic plaque localization and degree of stenosis.
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Papers by Murat Yunus Özdemir