Docteur d’Etat. Directeur d’Etudes (émérite) à l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Présidente du Réseau Mondial Serge Moscovici (REMOSCO-FMSH).
Psychologue sociale spécialisée dans l’étude des représentations sociales, elle a dirigé divers programmes de recherche et travaux de thèses (notamment dans les champs de l’environnement, de la santé, de la mémoire sociale) menés au sein du Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de l’Ehess, dont elle a assuré la direction après S. Moscovici, et en collaboration avec plusieurs pays d’Europe et d’Amérique Latine. Elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages, chapitres d’ouvrage et articles sur les représentations sociales de la folie et de la maladie mentale, du corps, de la santé, de la mémoire collective.
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Docteur es-Lettres, Denise Jodelet is Directeur d’Etudes (Emeritus) at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, President of the Serge Moscovici Global Network (REMOSCO-FMSH).
Social psychologist, specialized in the study of Social Representations she has directed various programs of research and doctoral thesis (particularly in the domains of environment, health, memory, religion and arts) in the Laboratoire de Psychologie sociale of the Ehess. She has taken the direction of this Laboratory after its founder, Serge Moscovici. Her work has led her to establish stretch collaborative relations with diverse universities in Europe, Latin and South America, Asia and Africa. She has published many books and articles, of theoretical and empirical nature, on social representations, pointing particularly on the fields of madness and mental health, body, health, memory. She is currently oriented towards meaning construction and transmission through art and religion, giving attention to the imaginary dimension of social representations.
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Supervisors: Serge Moscovici
Psychologue sociale spécialisée dans l’étude des représentations sociales, elle a dirigé divers programmes de recherche et travaux de thèses (notamment dans les champs de l’environnement, de la santé, de la mémoire sociale) menés au sein du Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de l’Ehess, dont elle a assuré la direction après S. Moscovici, et en collaboration avec plusieurs pays d’Europe et d’Amérique Latine. Elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages, chapitres d’ouvrage et articles sur les représentations sociales de la folie et de la maladie mentale, du corps, de la santé, de la mémoire collective.
Take a look also at
Docteur es-Lettres, Denise Jodelet is Directeur d’Etudes (Emeritus) at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, President of the Serge Moscovici Global Network (REMOSCO-FMSH).
Social psychologist, specialized in the study of Social Representations she has directed various programs of research and doctoral thesis (particularly in the domains of environment, health, memory, religion and arts) in the Laboratoire de Psychologie sociale of the Ehess. She has taken the direction of this Laboratory after its founder, Serge Moscovici. Her work has led her to establish stretch collaborative relations with diverse universities in Europe, Latin and South America, Asia and Africa. She has published many books and articles, of theoretical and empirical nature, on social representations, pointing particularly on the fields of madness and mental health, body, health, memory. She is currently oriented towards meaning construction and transmission through art and religion, giving attention to the imaginary dimension of social representations.
Take a look also at
Supervisors: Serge Moscovici
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Videos by Denise Jodelet
La psicologia sociale come strumento di conoscenza. --- Persone, gruppi, comunità.
Giornata di studio in onore di Augusto Palmonari. 27 ottobre 2017 - Aula Magna Dipartimento di Psicologia Bologna.
Plus d'informations :
Books by Denise Jodelet
Mythes et représentations sont des formes distinctes de la pensée sociale. Le présent ouvrage rassemble les contributions d'anthropologues et de psychosociologues, en vue de préciser quelques-unes des modalités de la relation établie actuellement entre ces deux formes de pensées. Dans l'espace de vie d'une tribu indienne du Brésil, ou au vue de l'incarnation de l'identité de genre dans la littérature féminine contemporaine, les liens entre mythes et représentations sociales mis à jour s'avèrent multiples et diversifiés.
This book illuminates the importance of threat on the representation of everyday life, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Divided into three parts, the book sets out by addressing the conceptual aspects of threat and by opening views on phenomena and social processes associated with threat. It shows how threat constitutes an analytical category that simultaneously involves social, psychological, religious, historical and political factors, and calls for a sufficiently broad conceptual definition to integrate pluri-disciplinary contributions. The second part focuses on the building of threats, mainly the environmental threats that have reached a tragic dimension today and are a core aspect of world concerns, the contemporary global terrorism, the migrations and the challenges these bring to contemporary societies, as well as the threats associated with the emergence of nationalism and the diverse aspects of excluding the Other. The final part examines the coping strategies, including oblivion, denial and defiance associated with different sources of threats, for instance those arising from epidemic and collective diseases, financial technology, natural disasters and collective traumas.
The disappearance of Serge Moscovici aroused an emotion in the scientific community, political circles and the media, which was reflected in the number of testimonies celebrating his multiple works, his social commitment or evoking the history lived and the personality that underpinned them. These testimonies have been scattered and so far no synthetic vision has been offered to identify the richness of the contributions of a thought whose empan covered all fields of the human and social sciences, opening up innovative perspectives for research. To honour this major figure in social sciences, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, at the initiative of Serge Moscovici's sons, organized an international conference in 2017 in Paris that brought together international specialists in the various fields to which this author has devoted his work (social psychology, political ecology, social sciences). This book is a record and an extension of this initiative. It includes twenty texts by thirty authors, from thirteen different countries, influenced, marked and inspired by his unique work. At the end of the book, we added the reproduction of a little-known, rare and unique text, Serge Moscovici's defence presentation of his Thèse d'état on Psychoanalysis: its image and its public in 1961, as well as the strong tribute paid to him shortly after his death by the management committee of the international network (REMOSCO) that he created, shortly before his death, at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme in Paris.
Descobrimos nele uma contribuição original sobre os fenômenos represen-tativos examinados de diferentes perspectivas. Do ponto de vista epistemológico, em sua relação com as contribuições das ciências sociais. Do ponto de vista de seu caráter social, na análise dos processos sociocognitivos que intervêm em sua cons-trução. Do ponto de vista da pertinência social, na compreensão dos processos simbólicos relacionados aos pertencimentos sociais e ao futuro comum de indiví-duos e de grupos historicamente e culturalmente situados. Do ponto de vista da aplicação, no exame de problemáticas relacionadas à memória, ao urbano, à saú-de, ao corpo, ao gênero, ao meio ambiente. Do ponto de vista das propostas para futuras pesquisas, na exploração de dimensões psicológicas ainda pouco conside-radas pelos estudos sobre as representações sociais: a alteridade, a experiência, a subjetividade, o imaginário, a afetividade e as emoções.
Cet ouvrage, édité par Nikos Kalampalikis, réunit, pour la première fois, certains des principaux écrits de Denise Jodelet qui est, depuis la création du Laboratoire de psychologie sociale de l’Ehess en 1965 par Serge Moscovici, une référence incontournable dans le champ des représentations sociales. La particularité de ce livre est de donner un aperçu des développements d’une pratique de recherche empirique et réflexive qui, menée depuis trente ans, a ouvert des perspectives nouvelles dans l’examen de questions sensibles de notre monde, intéressant directement la psychologie sociale. On y découvre une contribution originale sur les phénomènes représentatifs examinés de plusieurs points de vue. Sous l’angle épistémologique, dans leur relation avec les apports des sciences sociales. Sous l’angle de leur caractère social, dans l’analyse des processus sociocognitifs intervenant dans leur construction. Sous l’angle de leur pertinence sociale, dans la compréhension des processus symboliques liés aux appartenances sociales et au devenir commun à des individus et des collectifs historiquement et culturellement situés. Sous l’angle de l’application, dans l’examen de problématiques concernant la mémoire, l’urbain, la santé, le corps, le genre, l’environnement. Sous l’angle des propositions pour des recherches futures, dans l’exploration de dimensions psychologiques encore peu considérées par les études sur les représentations sociales : l’altérité, l’expérience, la subjectivité, l’imaginaire, l’affectivité et les émotions.
Ce livre est la première parution de la collection « Psychologie du social » qui sera dévolue à la diffusion de travaux contemporains en psychologie sociale sociétale.
Mitos e ciência: criações sociais que sustentam nosso viver, alimentam nossas angústias e inseguranças, ao mesmo tempo que nos oferecem esperanças. Ao tomar contato com os textos deste volume, que percorrem do teórico-analítico ao imaginário, pensei no livro de Hal Hellman, Grandes debates da ciência. Quantos pontos de vista se chocaram por séculos disputando o status de verdade. E quantos mitos nesse percurso tão humano: de Urbano VIII contra Galileu, de Newton contra Leibniz, Derek Freeman contra Margaret Mead… e tantos outros que ali não estão. Arcabouços, referências a que nos abraçamos buscando sentidos para a natureza, para o mundo, para os homens. Representações, sem dúvida, mitos e ciência aí irmanados.
Magnífica ideia a organização deste livro. Contribui com os conhecimentos da Psicologia Social, articula abordagens, integra aspectos da Antropologia, enuncia algumas novas visões. O confronto com as informações, dados e análises acentua, na tessitura dos capítulos, a riqueza heurística dos temas abordados. Interpretações e visões desafiantes: assim é. Objetiva o que disse Jorge Luís Borges sobre o livro: “... livro é uma extensão da memória e da imaginação… a voz do autor… a voz que chega até nós.” Vozes bem-vindas.
A striking account of a colony for the mentally ill that forces a reconsideration of madness in society.
What happens when the mentally ill are not isolated from society but are instead welcomed into it and invited to take a place in the fabric of the community? Are fear and rejection replaced by the understanding and sympathy often engendered by familiarity? Or are the barriers between the sane and the mad only strengthened? We have experienced a taste of this scenario in the U.S. in the last decade with the new emphasis on de-institutionalization, but Denise Jodelet takes us to an extraordinary community in France where the mentally ill have assumed a visible and prominent role for more than seventy years.
The small French town of Ainay-le-Château and its environs are the site of a "family colony" for men, established in 1900. Here the patients ("lodgers") live with ordinary families ("foster parents"), hold jobs, and are free to move about the countryside. Jodelet's chronicle of daily life in the colony is made rich and vivid by extensive ethnographic material as she unravels a complex set of relationships, ultimately finding that while some of the barriers between the "other" and the larger society have been overcome, new ones have arisen in their place. This unique social experiment provides invaluable social and cultural insights, illuminating many fundamental issues in psychology, psychiatry, and sociology.
3ème éd., en français, 2005
Trad. en anglais 1992, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Trad. en portugais 2005, Petropolis, Ed. Vocès.
7ème édition, 2003
Trad. en italien : 1992, Naples, Liguori ;
Trad. en portugais : 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Uerj, Brésil
Papers by Denise Jodelet
La psicologia sociale come strumento di conoscenza. --- Persone, gruppi, comunità.
Giornata di studio in onore di Augusto Palmonari. 27 ottobre 2017 - Aula Magna Dipartimento di Psicologia Bologna.
Plus d'informations :
Mythes et représentations sont des formes distinctes de la pensée sociale. Le présent ouvrage rassemble les contributions d'anthropologues et de psychosociologues, en vue de préciser quelques-unes des modalités de la relation établie actuellement entre ces deux formes de pensées. Dans l'espace de vie d'une tribu indienne du Brésil, ou au vue de l'incarnation de l'identité de genre dans la littérature féminine contemporaine, les liens entre mythes et représentations sociales mis à jour s'avèrent multiples et diversifiés.
This book illuminates the importance of threat on the representation of everyday life, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Divided into three parts, the book sets out by addressing the conceptual aspects of threat and by opening views on phenomena and social processes associated with threat. It shows how threat constitutes an analytical category that simultaneously involves social, psychological, religious, historical and political factors, and calls for a sufficiently broad conceptual definition to integrate pluri-disciplinary contributions. The second part focuses on the building of threats, mainly the environmental threats that have reached a tragic dimension today and are a core aspect of world concerns, the contemporary global terrorism, the migrations and the challenges these bring to contemporary societies, as well as the threats associated with the emergence of nationalism and the diverse aspects of excluding the Other. The final part examines the coping strategies, including oblivion, denial and defiance associated with different sources of threats, for instance those arising from epidemic and collective diseases, financial technology, natural disasters and collective traumas.
The disappearance of Serge Moscovici aroused an emotion in the scientific community, political circles and the media, which was reflected in the number of testimonies celebrating his multiple works, his social commitment or evoking the history lived and the personality that underpinned them. These testimonies have been scattered and so far no synthetic vision has been offered to identify the richness of the contributions of a thought whose empan covered all fields of the human and social sciences, opening up innovative perspectives for research. To honour this major figure in social sciences, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, at the initiative of Serge Moscovici's sons, organized an international conference in 2017 in Paris that brought together international specialists in the various fields to which this author has devoted his work (social psychology, political ecology, social sciences). This book is a record and an extension of this initiative. It includes twenty texts by thirty authors, from thirteen different countries, influenced, marked and inspired by his unique work. At the end of the book, we added the reproduction of a little-known, rare and unique text, Serge Moscovici's defence presentation of his Thèse d'état on Psychoanalysis: its image and its public in 1961, as well as the strong tribute paid to him shortly after his death by the management committee of the international network (REMOSCO) that he created, shortly before his death, at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme in Paris.
Descobrimos nele uma contribuição original sobre os fenômenos represen-tativos examinados de diferentes perspectivas. Do ponto de vista epistemológico, em sua relação com as contribuições das ciências sociais. Do ponto de vista de seu caráter social, na análise dos processos sociocognitivos que intervêm em sua cons-trução. Do ponto de vista da pertinência social, na compreensão dos processos simbólicos relacionados aos pertencimentos sociais e ao futuro comum de indiví-duos e de grupos historicamente e culturalmente situados. Do ponto de vista da aplicação, no exame de problemáticas relacionadas à memória, ao urbano, à saú-de, ao corpo, ao gênero, ao meio ambiente. Do ponto de vista das propostas para futuras pesquisas, na exploração de dimensões psicológicas ainda pouco conside-radas pelos estudos sobre as representações sociais: a alteridade, a experiência, a subjetividade, o imaginário, a afetividade e as emoções.
Cet ouvrage, édité par Nikos Kalampalikis, réunit, pour la première fois, certains des principaux écrits de Denise Jodelet qui est, depuis la création du Laboratoire de psychologie sociale de l’Ehess en 1965 par Serge Moscovici, une référence incontournable dans le champ des représentations sociales. La particularité de ce livre est de donner un aperçu des développements d’une pratique de recherche empirique et réflexive qui, menée depuis trente ans, a ouvert des perspectives nouvelles dans l’examen de questions sensibles de notre monde, intéressant directement la psychologie sociale. On y découvre une contribution originale sur les phénomènes représentatifs examinés de plusieurs points de vue. Sous l’angle épistémologique, dans leur relation avec les apports des sciences sociales. Sous l’angle de leur caractère social, dans l’analyse des processus sociocognitifs intervenant dans leur construction. Sous l’angle de leur pertinence sociale, dans la compréhension des processus symboliques liés aux appartenances sociales et au devenir commun à des individus et des collectifs historiquement et culturellement situés. Sous l’angle de l’application, dans l’examen de problématiques concernant la mémoire, l’urbain, la santé, le corps, le genre, l’environnement. Sous l’angle des propositions pour des recherches futures, dans l’exploration de dimensions psychologiques encore peu considérées par les études sur les représentations sociales : l’altérité, l’expérience, la subjectivité, l’imaginaire, l’affectivité et les émotions.
Ce livre est la première parution de la collection « Psychologie du social » qui sera dévolue à la diffusion de travaux contemporains en psychologie sociale sociétale.
Mitos e ciência: criações sociais que sustentam nosso viver, alimentam nossas angústias e inseguranças, ao mesmo tempo que nos oferecem esperanças. Ao tomar contato com os textos deste volume, que percorrem do teórico-analítico ao imaginário, pensei no livro de Hal Hellman, Grandes debates da ciência. Quantos pontos de vista se chocaram por séculos disputando o status de verdade. E quantos mitos nesse percurso tão humano: de Urbano VIII contra Galileu, de Newton contra Leibniz, Derek Freeman contra Margaret Mead… e tantos outros que ali não estão. Arcabouços, referências a que nos abraçamos buscando sentidos para a natureza, para o mundo, para os homens. Representações, sem dúvida, mitos e ciência aí irmanados.
Magnífica ideia a organização deste livro. Contribui com os conhecimentos da Psicologia Social, articula abordagens, integra aspectos da Antropologia, enuncia algumas novas visões. O confronto com as informações, dados e análises acentua, na tessitura dos capítulos, a riqueza heurística dos temas abordados. Interpretações e visões desafiantes: assim é. Objetiva o que disse Jorge Luís Borges sobre o livro: “... livro é uma extensão da memória e da imaginação… a voz do autor… a voz que chega até nós.” Vozes bem-vindas.
A striking account of a colony for the mentally ill that forces a reconsideration of madness in society.
What happens when the mentally ill are not isolated from society but are instead welcomed into it and invited to take a place in the fabric of the community? Are fear and rejection replaced by the understanding and sympathy often engendered by familiarity? Or are the barriers between the sane and the mad only strengthened? We have experienced a taste of this scenario in the U.S. in the last decade with the new emphasis on de-institutionalization, but Denise Jodelet takes us to an extraordinary community in France where the mentally ill have assumed a visible and prominent role for more than seventy years.
The small French town of Ainay-le-Château and its environs are the site of a "family colony" for men, established in 1900. Here the patients ("lodgers") live with ordinary families ("foster parents"), hold jobs, and are free to move about the countryside. Jodelet's chronicle of daily life in the colony is made rich and vivid by extensive ethnographic material as she unravels a complex set of relationships, ultimately finding that while some of the barriers between the "other" and the larger society have been overcome, new ones have arisen in their place. This unique social experiment provides invaluable social and cultural insights, illuminating many fundamental issues in psychology, psychiatry, and sociology.
3ème éd., en français, 2005
Trad. en anglais 1992, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Trad. en portugais 2005, Petropolis, Ed. Vocès.
7ème édition, 2003
Trad. en italien : 1992, Naples, Liguori ;
Trad. en portugais : 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Uerj, Brésil
The emergence and spread of a new disease, Covid-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had considerable social effects. Such a movement of opinion was favoured by the initial weakness of scientific knowledge, whether it concerned the origin of the virus, its effects or its diagnosis and treatment, for which containment was the first collective protection measure, before vaccination. This kind of phenomenon has taken on such a dimension that it is relevant to refer to an emerging research trend in the social sciences: agnotology or the study of ignorance.
dell’allattamento materno, una pratica sanitaria tra natura e
cultura. In G. Petrillo (Ed.), Psicologia sociale della salute (pp.
139-168). Naples : Liguori.
(Ed.), La relazione con l’altro (pp. 47-80). Milano: Cortina.
* * version abrégée de la parution originale : 1984. Réflexions sur le traitement de la notion de représentation sociale en psychologie sociale. Communication-Information, 6, 15-41.
A la fin du XIXème siècle, afin de désengorger les asiles parisiens, la première colonie familiale française est créée à Dun-sur-Auron dans le Cher puis quelques années plus tard à Ainay-le-Château.
Placés dans les fermes des paysans contre une rémunération, les malades mentaux sont pris en charge à domicile et insérés dans une structure familiale en vivant en maison individuelle auprès de la famille (les nourriciers) ou en participant aux travaux de l’exploitation. On comptabilise, à la fin des années 1960, environ 500 placements pour 1200 patients.
Tout un courant de la psychiatrie moderne souhaite promouvoir ce type d’accueil où le fou n’est plus relègué aux franges de la collectivité et peut vivre librement. Comment s’élabore alors cette promiscuité au quotidien avec le monde de la folie dans la communauté villageoise ? Depuis les origines, la population autochtone s’est construit un savoir et un système de représentation du fou qui reproduit au final les lignes du partage social. Les praticiens hospitaliers de l’époque (psychiatres, infirmiers ou psychologues) tentent ainsi de déjouer tant bien que mal les discriminations identitaires qui s’expriment dans les pratiques quotidiennes en créant notamment davantage de liens entre les personnels de hôpital, les patients et les familles nourricières. Avec la participation de Denise Jodelet, Directrice d’études à l’Ehess, auteure d’une monographie classique en psychologie sociale sur Folies et représentations sociales.