Order Signature for WooCommerce


Add a nice responsive signature pad to your website’s WooCommerce checkout page. Nothing fancy, but a must have in some countries. It has been tested up to WordPress 5.4, WooCommerce 4.1 and PHP 7.4 with the WooCommerce Storefront theme. If you have any trouble with it, please do drop an email in the Support Forum here or drop us a line at [email protected].

PRO version features

The Order Signature for WooCommerce plugin now comes with a PRO version as well, that allows you to have more control over display rules and conditions, as wel as some other sufeul features, such as:
* Support for Woocommerce HPSO
* Print the WooCommerce order now that you have it signed
* Allow your clients to save their signatures for later usage
* Display the signature on various places on the WooCommerce chekcout page AND manual template file usage
* Attach the signature to the order email
* Multi-step checkout support
* Display the signature only for certain product categories
* Display the signature only for logged in users, guest users or everyone
* Shortcode fucntionality supported
* Branding options
* Force single-product checkout in order to keep things organized. Maybe you want to have one signed order for one product at a time.
* Hook that gives you all the details about the order, including the signature
* Allows you to show wavier text on the checkout page and on the order PDF.

You can check out the PRO version here – DOWNLOAD HERE.

Additional Info

= 1.3 October 24, 2018 =
To make validation and submition of signature working on ordre-pay page, we used static id’s of form (#order_review) and submit button (#place_order) from woocommerce standard files.



Upload the zip file through the WordPress Add Plugin screen or unzip it and upload it to your plugins folder. Then, simply activate the plugin. You must have WooCommerce installed for it to work.


20 Januari 2023 6 replies
It’s a shame that a plugin with so much potential is not compatible with many themes and plugins. You just have to checkout and theme store , hopefully it will work. I am very sorry
2 Disember 2022
The lite version of this plugin is a great stop-gap for our requirements. We are currently using this for clients to virtually sign waivers. We initially had an issue with the plugin, as it wouldn’t allow our clients to sign in white (dark mode website) but we contacted support and they were happy to help solve the issue. However, it required a significant amount of effort and communication on my end to reach a resolution. The developers said they may release this as a feature in the future which is great news. Thank you devs!
31 Oktober 2019 1 reply
I don’t understand how this plugin has no more active installations. From the moment it is installed it works perfectly. Nice to have found it. Thanks for sharing it with us!
30 Oktober 2018
When you put together a wordpress site you quickly realize there’s a lot to do. So the plugin directory is gold for all the things you need to put together something unique for your business. Of course business needs to work with customers, and some of us will need to send a contract, get a signature on file, and terms to agree to BEFORE you can start getting the money. So if you want to expedite your contract negotiations and agreement on your website, for something that is legally binding (discuss with your business attorney first), and get the deal done all at once while someone is signing up, this plugin is for you. The ORDER SIGNATURE FOR WOOCOMMERCE plugin works right away with no issues. It puts the ‘signature pad’ in the checkout page, and makes it required. The signature they put in is displayed on the ‘thank you/order confirmation page’ and can be accessed by the customer from their accounts page. I wanted to include the signature in the ‘Paid or Completed Order’ Invoice so I contacted the support, and I have been greatly impressed with the efforts to help with that. I dont have the skills to modify the php files, but I was sent the shortcodes and php strings to put in the right place to make that happen. And when I expressed I was having an issue, Alex got back to me with a comforting email that if I couldn’t do it, there was an update coming soon that will, or they could do it as a custom effort for me as well. So far I cant get ahold of Ocean WP, Elementor, or hardly any plugins to respond to issues. So this developer has gone far beyond just making some code and putting it out there. This is a great alternative to other Signature Services, Like Docusign and Panda, to deliver just what is needed, and without the extra steps of the third party, and do it at the time of the order. Beautifully saving Businesses Time. Thanks to Alex and your crew!
12 Januari 2018
As of January 12, 2018 works with the latest version of Wordpress and Woocommerce. The plugin author is super responsive and the plugin works flawlessly!
Read all 6 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Order Signature for WooCommerce” adalah perisian sumber terbuka. Orang-orang berikut telah menyumbang kepada pemalam ini.



2.0.2 June 22, 2024

  • Implement support for latest Woocommerce version.

2.0.1 June 22, 2024

  • Fix compatibility issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin.

2.0.0 May 07, 2023

  • Tested and update plugin with the latest WordPress and Woocommerce versions.
  • Refactored the plugin to be up to coding and WordPress standards.

1.6.6 Oct 12, 2022

  • Tested and update plugin with the latest WordPress and Woocommerce versions

1.6.5 May 12, 2021

  • Tested and updated plugin with the latest WordPress and Woocommerce versions
  • Cropping image for better display optimization

1.6.4 May 28, 2020

  • Added compatibility with more plugins

1.6.3 May 12, 2020

  • Updated compatibility with latest WordPress (5.4.1) and WooCommerce (4.1)

1.6 November 18, 2019

  • Added option for custom text & size for “Customer Signature”
  • Added translations source file (.pot) and Romanian language
  • Fixed pro banner display
  • Small bug fixes and optimizations

1.5.1 October 09, 2019

  • Removed unecesary javascript library that was conflicting with select2.

1.5.0 July 2, 2019

  • Added custom field to show text on the checkout page (Ex: Terms and Conditions : By sigining this you accept the terms and conditions)

1.4.1 June 8, 2019

  • Fixed a bug where if the order did not have a signature, it would show notices.

1.4 January 31, 2019

  • Added Multilingual support

1.3 October 24, 2018

  • Added Signature pad for Order-Pay
  • Added feature to change the signature on order-pay
  • Fixed “Done Signing” issue
  • Fixed autocrop signature