Advance Portfolio Grid plugin will add a responsive portfolio grid or slider to your WordPress site. Highly customizable. Option for choosing a custom post type for the portfolio.
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Video Documentation:
WPB Filterable Portfolio V 1.07:
Plugin Features:
- Responsive Portfolio Grid and slider.
- Portfolio column settings for different screen sizes.
- You can show your own custom post type items in the portfolio.
- Portfolio items exclude or include.
- Portfolio quick-view popup.
- Portfolio image size settings.
- Elementor support.
- Easy Shortcode System.
- Advance setting panel.
- All modern browser support.
- Gutenberg compatibility.
- Fully Translation ready, WPML, Polylang, GTranslate and all others multi-language plugin support..
Pro Version Features:
- Portfolio filterable grid and slider.
- Masonry support for the portfolio grid.
- Portfolio category filtering system with awesome effects.
- Portfolio category Ajax filtering.
- Ajax load more button for portfolio.
- Pagination for portfolio grid.
- Video support, both on the grid and quick view popup.
- The image gallery for each portfolio, gallery image slider in quick view popup.
- You can show your own custom post type and taxonomy for the portfolio grid and slider.
- WooCommerce support added for showing the products as the portfolio.
- Elementor and Visual composer support.
- Gutenberg compatibility.
- Portfolio column settings for different screen size.
- 7 different portfolio skins for showing portfolios in a different style.
- 4 different styles for portfolio filter.
- 6 different styles for portfolio quick view.
- External link for the portfolio.
- Work with any theme.
- 24/7 Dedicated Support.
- Pro Version Demo »
- Upgrade to the Pro Version Now!»
Credit: Bootstrap, Magnific Popup, Codrops.
Install it as a regular WordPress plugin
Add some post with feature images in Portfolio post type.
Then use the following shortcode for showing the portfolio.
Shortcode Parameters
- type: Portfolio content type, Options: grid, slider. Default: grid.
- include: Comma separated portfolio category ids for showing only selected portfolios.
- exclude: Comma separated portfolio category ids for removing selected portfolio items.
- column: Portfolio column, accepted values – 2, 3, 4, 6
- orderby: Portfolio items order by. Default: date. Please visit this link for more details.
- order: Portfolio items order. Default: DESC. Accepted values – ASC, DESC.
- show_quickview_btn: Show quick-view icon or not, Options: on, off. Default: on.
- show_details_btn: Show details icon or not, Options: on, off. Default: on.
Basic Use
Portfolio Exclude
[wpb-portfolio exclude="3,2"]
Portfolio Include
[wpb-portfolio include="3,2,4,5"]
Portfolio Column
[wpb-portfolio column="4"]
Portfolio Slider
[wpb-portfolio type="slider"]
Portfolio image not showing?
We have an option in the plugin setting to define image width & height. Try to upload a larger size image than you define in the setting..
How can I change the portfolio number of columns?
Go to Portfolio -> Portfolio Settings. Here you will find the option for choosing the portfolio column.
Contributors & Developers
“Advance Portfolio Grid, Slider and Gallery – Showcase Projects, Images and Videos” adalah perisian sumber terbuka. Orang-orang berikut telah menyumbang kepada pemalam ini.
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version 1.0
- Initial release
version 1.01
- iPad issue fixed.
version 1.02
- Small CSS issue fixed.
version 1.03
- LightBox content filter added.
version 1.03.1
- Some style update in admin area.
version 1.03.2
- Added WordPress 4.7 support.
version 1.03.3
- Added WordPress 4.9 support.
version 1.03.4
- Added WordPress 4.9.6 support.
version 1.03.5
- Added WordPress 4.9.8 support.
version 1.03.6
- Added WordPress 5.0.2.
- Gutenberg compatibility added.
version 1.03.7
- Small language issue fixed.
version 1.03.8
- include, exclude, column parameter added to shortcode.
- Category include option added in the portfolio settings.
version 1.03.9
- Small tweak.
version 1.04.1
- Added WordPress 5.2 support.
version 1.04.2
- Added WordPress 5.2.1 support.
- Gutenberg compatibility added for portfolio post type.
version 1.04.3
- Portfolio order and order by freature added.
version 1.04.4
- New shortcode parameters added for elable/disable the portfolio icons
version 1.04.5
- Small issue fixed for Magnifig popup.
version 1.04.6
- Added WordPress 5.2.4 support.
version 1.04.7
- Added WordPress 5.3 support.
version 1.04.8
- Free and premium condition added.
version 1.04.9
- Added WordPress 5.3.1 support.
version 1.05.0
- Added WordPress 5.3.2 support.
version 1.05.1
- Added Portfolio slider.
version 1.05.2
- Banner and icon updated.
version 1.05.3
- Slider mobile column issue fixed.
version 1.05.4
- Elementor support added.
version 1.05.5
- Full Grid link to popup feature added.
version 1.05.6
- Background color disable feature added.
version 1.05.7
- Hover effect settings issue is fixed.
version 1.05.8
- Tested with WooCommerce 4.0.1
version 1.05.9
- Admin notice issue fixed.
version 1.06.1
- Portfolio slug filter added.
version 1.06.2
- Tested with WooCommerce 4.1.0 and WordPress 5.4.1
version 1.06.3
- Tested with WooCommerce 4.2.2 and WordPress 5.4.2
version 1.06.4
- View portfolio icon external link issue fixed.
version 1.06.5
- Tested with WooCommerce 4.8.0 and WordPress 5.6
version 1.06.6
- Tested with WooCommerce 5.0.0 and WordPress 5.6.1
version 1.06.7
- Regular Update.
version 1.06.8
- New settings added for the full grid link with permalink.
version 1.06.9
- Tested with WooCommerce 7.3.0 and WordPress 6.1.1
version 1.07.0
- WooCommerce cart issue fixed.
version 1.07.1
- Grid CSS updated to flex.
- New class added to the quick view icons.
version 1.07.2
- Tested with WooCommerce 8.3.1 and WordPress 6.4.1
version 1.07.3
- Added discount page.
version 1.07.4
- Tested with WordPress 6.7
version 1.07.5
- Tested with WordPress 6.7.1