Papers by Agota Giedre Raisiene
Socialiniai tyrimai, 2006

Business: Theory and Practice, Feb 3, 2023
Purpose. The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between workplace conflicts and ... more Purpose. The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between workplace conflicts and employee burnout. Design/methodology/approach. The survey method was chosen, and the questionnaire was posted online to share among Lithuanian employees. Finally, 495 employees completed the questionnaire, which included four parts: questions about workplace conflicts, burnout, burnout due to conflicts, and consequences of burnout. Statistical analysis was used to process the research data. Findings. The study revealed that the more conflicts employees have with clients, colleagues, or managers, the more burnout they experience as a consequence. Furthermore, conflicts with colleagues have the strongest relationship with consequences of burnout which are not as unambiguous as they may also be the outcome of burnout. Research limitations/implications. The study was conducted in Lithuania and revealed the conflict-induced burnout of employees and the consequences of the burnout they face. Practical implications. Understanding the links between conflict at work and burnout let organizational leaders prioritize conflict resolution, pay more attention to the mental health of employees, and protect the organization from the costly consequences of burnout. Originality/Value. This study reveals the consequences of labour conflicts not only in the context of burnout but also in its consequences which allow to understand the real threat of disputes.

Pedagogika, 2004
The article aims at analysing certain aspects of education competence of university lecturers. Th... more The article aims at analysing certain aspects of education competence of university lecturers. The analysis of the research findings was based on the procedures of statistical hypothesis assessment. This method of processing statistical information proved the hypothesis that the qualities of educational performance identified during the research at Vilnius Pedagogical University and Vilnius Law University are equally typical to the lecturers of both universities researched. The article concludes that lecturers’ and students opinions on the lecturers’ educational competence are evidently different. According to students, lecturers overestimate their professional level. The conducted research showed that university lecturers have insufficient methodical practical knowledge. At the time of carrying out the research an important gap of the educational system came to light - the absence of the system of qualification development of lecturers of higher educational establishment. This was also proved by the analysis of university documents showing that the main means of improving lecturers knowledge is self-educatio

The author develops theoretical and practical aspects of inter-organizational interaction in a th... more The author develops theoretical and practical aspects of inter-organizational interaction in a thorough and integrated way. The first part of the book analyses the content of inter-organizational interaction and models of collaboration and partnership, determines inter-organizational interaction forms and introduces a definition of the integrated collaboration. The second part analyses the practical aspects of the inter-organizational interaction of Lithuania''s municipalities: highlights the peculiarities of interaction implementation, determines the features of the meetings of the interaction subjects and deals with issues of interpretation the content of collaboration, partnership and cooperation in practice. The final part of the book proffers conclusions and extensive recommendations for raising the effectiveness and efficiency of inter- organizational interaction of Local government, suggests different interaction models depending on the number of stakeholders, produces model of inter- organizational interaction of different sectors and presents a new conception of inter-organizational interaction.

Contributions to management science, 2020
The ongoing discussion on the firm’s competitiveness requires to focus on environmental improveme... more The ongoing discussion on the firm’s competitiveness requires to focus on environmental improvements. Thus, the development of eco-innovation projects has been recognized as an essential response of the firms to the pressure to diminish the impact on nature and society. The study aims to develop an approach to evaluate human-related factors affecting success of eco-innovation projects. The application of a multi-criteria decision-making and in particular the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method lets to disclose the main human-related factors. Meanwhile, an interval type 2 fuzzy DEMATEL revealed the cause and effect relations among the human-related factors. The results demonstrate that trust is the most important phenomenon among the human-related factors linked to the success of eco-innovation projects. On the other hand, the importance of leadership is relatively weak. Thus, the results suggest that eco-innovations increase the complexity of decisions and the traditional approaches to project management appear to be irrelevant. Moreover, the study revealed that communication and trust affect other human-related factors. These results are in particular relevant for managers responsible for eco-innovation projects. Moreover, the policymakers responsible for eco-innovation programs should focus on these aspects in developing training programs.

Contemporary Research on Organization Management and Administration, Jun 30, 2018
Purpose -The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of intersectoral collaboration and to co... more Purpose -The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of intersectoral collaboration and to compile context-sensitive framework for further research in the field. Design/methodology/approach -Inductive review of scientific literature as well as theoretical modelling methods were applied. Findings -Research limitations/implications -Recent literature revealed that the content of the intersectoral collaboration concept did not change significantly. The scientific discourse has been complemented by more methodological and practical observations that allow to improve collaboration management and processes and enhance possibility to achieve planned joint goal of multilateral initiative. Nevertheless, there is still insufficient literature that explains what issues are a) common for explicit collaboration and b) critical for performance in practice. In mostly, intersectoral collaboration analysis is based on successful cases. It would be useful to consider not only key success factors but also why intersectoral collaboration fails. Practical implications -In scientific discourse intersectoral collaboration is recognized as an instrument for overcoming complexity of issues in public and private sectors and NGOs due to its successful application in many cases. However, it cannot give its full advantages due to the weak understanding regarding the main affecting factors, most recent obstacles as well as different contexts throughout its application process. Perceived effectiveness of intersectoral collaboration might be reached with a help of aggregated and professionally applied scientific investigations in the field taking into account specific features of particular discourses. Thus, the contextual model compiled and insights on intersectoral collaboration made in the article can be used as a further research framework in the field. Originality/Value -The complexity of intersectoral collaboration was discussed and contextsensitive framework for research was presented.
Socialiniai tyrimai, Aug 12, 2021
Asociacijos "Padėkime vaikams" vadovė, magistrė Head of the association "Let's help children", Msc.

Acta Carolus Robertus, 2012
The goal of the paper is to identify the main drivers to the integrated management system (IMS) i... more The goal of the paper is to identify the main drivers to the integrated management system (IMS) in small and medium size enterprises (SME) in Lithuania. For the survey, methods of the research were used: a meta-analysis, an analysis of statistical data, CEOs interviewing. Representatives from 124 enterprises were interviewed. Generalizing research findings, it could be pointed out that SME in Lithuania are successfully implementing IMS into their practice. The biggest benefit IMS gives in fields of documentation management of standards being realized, quality management standard realization, environment protection, organization's image boosting and increase of competitiveness. The largest obstacle for a successful IMS realization is a lack of employees' motivation to behave in a new way when IMS is implemented. There are more noticeable problems, such as lack of manager's capability of IMS realization into the practice, difficulties with coordinating different standards and high cost of system standardization. It should be marked that the research participants emphasized the same barriers as the researchers mention in their research reports on IMS. Thus IMS development should be considered not only by the practitioners themselves, but also by IMS experts and researchers. The article gives value both to professionals and to scientists who are interested in practice of integrated management systems and in management particularities arrived on the cultural differences.

Public Policy and Administration, 2003
Straipsnyje nagrinëjami centriniø valstybës valdymo subjektø ir savivaldybiø sàveikos ypatumai, r... more Straipsnyje nagrinëjami centriniø valstybës valdymo subjektø ir savivaldybiø sàveikos ypatumai, regioninës valstybës politikos ir vietos savivaldos santykis, apskrièiø sàsajos su savivaldybëmis bei vietos gyventojais. Iðanalizavus Lietuvos Respublikos vietos savivaldos, Regioninës plëtros ir Apskrities valdymo ástatymus, teigiama, jog santykiai tarp valstybës valdymo subjektø ir savivaldybiø yra grásti ávairialype ir detalia kontrole, varþanèia savivaldos plëtojimà; regionai ir apskritys institucijø poþiûriu egzistuoja kaip nedalomas vienetas, todël tarp valstybës valdymo ir savivaldos sistemø egzistuoja Konstitucijoje nenumatyti pavaldumo ryðiai; paþeidþiamas subsidiarumo principas: Apskrities valdymo ástatymas nustato konkreèius santykius su pavieniais gyventojais ne jø paèiø, bet valstybës iniciatyva. Straipsnyje pateiktas teorinis sisteminis valstybës valdymo modelis. Jame patobulinti valstybës institucijø bei savivaldybiø ryðiai, supaprastinti gyventojø bei valdþios institucijø santykiai. Raktaþodþiai: administravimo subjektai, apskritis, vietos savivalda.

Polish journal of management studies, Dec 1, 2018
With the aim to describe a potential of stakeholders participating in agrarian policy making, the... more With the aim to describe a potential of stakeholders participating in agrarian policy making, the article analysis characteristics of the typical farmer who is interested in involvement into organizations of common interest. The analysis of the data received from 1108 representatives showed that although the willingness to cooperate in order to protect common interests is expressed by every second person, only a tenth of farmers participate in agricultural organizations. Higher intention to cooperate is expressed by middle-aged and better educated farmers rather than the youngest and the oldest as well as less educated representatives. In addition, men are keener on cooperating than women. It was also observed that stakeholder's initiative is related to the size and economic turnover of the farm. Statistical non-parametric tests and regression analysis on the sample allow to conclude that stakeholder participation in policy making in agriculture is insufficient in the case of Lithuania, therefore, institutional, procedural and managerial mechanisms are needed to balance the involvement of all stakeholder groups in to activities of common interests

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Dec 1, 2021
The sentiment indicators tend to reflect better the social tensions caused by COVID-19 pandemic. ... more The sentiment indicators tend to reflect better the social tensions caused by COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the aim of this paper is to reflect the relationship between employment expectations and tensions related to new coronavirus. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on employment expectations is assessed using the data collected by Google Trends in Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (panel ARDL) models and Bayesian multilevel model. The results indicated that COVID-19 searched on Google had a negative impact on employment expectations in the EU New Member States on the period March 2020-May 2021. The unemployment and inflation rate had also a negative effect, while improvement in economic sentiment indicator has increased the employment expectations. These results are the support of economic policies to reduce labour market tensions and improve employment expectations.

Sustainability, Jan 19, 2022
Recent results of the Digital Economy and Society Index (52, 45%) and the European Index of Digit... more Recent results of the Digital Economy and Society Index (52, 45%) and the European Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems (EIDES) (48%) illustrate an improved level of the digital performance in European Union countries and a significant progress towards unlocking the productivity of digital value co-creation and collaborative networks. It is also agreed that the rapid digitalization of the economy and the digital entrepreneurship approach fosters a transition of traditional business models to networked and integrated digital platform business models. Despite the well-recognized benefits of the digital entrepreneurship and the digital business ecosystem, application of emerging technologies and modern business models also brings inevitable sustainable management challenges. The main negative outcomes are in the disruption or exposure of vulnerabilities within collaborative organizational and social networks, the additional socio-technical pressure for both network supervisors and incumbents, and the asymmetry of digital information and resources, etc. Therefore, the present research provides a critical review on the scientific literature, a reconceptualization within the multi-level side effects, and an overview of the influence of the digital entrepreneurship within the sustainability and digital business ecosystem domains. The present paper delineates the sustainable digital entrepreneurship term and the combined conceptual framework of the digital sustainable value cycle.
The Journal of international studies, 2015
Authors of the paper propose the hierarchical model for management of strategic changes in munici... more Authors of the paper propose the hierarchical model for management of strategic changes in municipalities and applicate it in their empirical research. Th e model explains the relations between the goals and volume of strategic changes, designates the type of changes and also indicates the management level of the municipality in which the appropriate decisions have to be made. 25 Lithuania's municipalities were investigated. Heads of municipality administration and their deputies expressed their opinion about implementation of strategic changes in a political and administration level of municipality performance as well as assessed the municipality work quality in the volume of functions delegated by the State.

Economics & Sociology, Sep 20, 2014
The aim of the article is to present the insights of advanced organization management and to exam... more The aim of the article is to present the insights of advanced organization management and to examine how settled ideas are reflected in the attitude of organizations' top management in Lithuania. The results of meta-analysis revealed that modern organizations should be managed with a new attitude to manager's work. A modern manager must be a leader who is able to enable employees and collaborate in a team. Scholars state that these strivings require the leader to possess managerial competences based on a high emotional and social intellect of a person. Leaders of 48 empirically examined organizations in Lithuania also emphasized the importance of leaders' specific managerial competences. The research participants noted that relations with other people are becoming much more important for the contemporary leaders than before. The research enabled to develop a model of modern leader's characteristics. The model states that only leader having specific values, attitudes, competences, abilities and professional characteristics is able to overcome managerial challenges in nowadays organizations.

Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Jan 11, 2021
Macro-level reforms of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries is dis... more Macro-level reforms of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries is discussed broad range in scientific studies. However, the adoption of innovative management tools that have proved their worth in the private sector has received only limited attention. This paper presents probably the first study on the role of emotions and sensemaking in managing radical changes in the public administration institutions in CEE. We found that instead of leading to active resistance and change rejection, as confirmed in earlier research proceeded in Western Europe countries, negative emotions led to passive resistance based on behaviour of change imitation. By drawing on the theory of sensemaking, we also divulge how the archetype of the “Soviet times” is employed to explain novel and contradictory events caused by change implementation.

Theoretical and practical aspects of inter-organizational interaction are developed in a disserta... more Theoretical and practical aspects of inter-organizational interaction are developed in a dissertation. The first chapter of the thesis analyses the theoretical background of the inter-organizational interaction in a thorough and integrated way. There is an overview of Lithuanian scholars’ contribution in analysis of different problems related to partnerships and collaboration, the analysis of the inter-organizational interaction concept contents, the analysis of the inter-organizational interaction models, definition of the collaboration determinants, the purification of inter-organizational interaction forms, the description of the joint activities aspects among the main Local Government authorities and other organizations. The second part analyses the practical aspects of the Local Government inter-organizational interaction. The first stage of research aimed at highlighting the peculiarities of organization and management of inter-organizational interaction in the municipalities and at defining the main problems. For this purpose, the examples of inter-organizational interaction of Local Government and other public, private and non-government sector organizations were analysed. In the second stage of research, the inter-organizational interaction is analysed on the micro level. The main objective of the research was to define the features of the meetings of inter-organizational interaction subjects and to highlight the most typical meeting organization and management... [to full text]%%%%Disertacijoje nagrinėjami tarporganizacinės sąveikos teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai. Pirmojoje dalyje susistemintos teorinės žinios apie tarporganizacine sąveiką: pateikta organizacijų sąveikos teorijų apžvalga, gvildenamos tarporganizacinės sąveikos ir organizacijų integracijos sampratų problemos, analizuojami tarporganizacinės sąveikos modeliai, isryskintos bendradarbiavimo determinantės, gilinamasi į skirtingų tarporganizacinės sąveikos formų (integracinio bendradarbiavimo, partnerystės, kooperacijos ir kt.) turinį. Teorinėje disertacijos dalyje taip pat pristatomos vietos savivaldos tarporganizacinės sąveikos įgyvendinimo strategijos bei sąveikos proceso organizavimo principai, aptariamos kai kurios bendradarbiavimo įgyvendinimo problemos. Antrojoje dalyje analizuojami tarporganizacinės sąveikos Lietuvos vietos savivaldoje tyrimo rezultatai. Pagrindiniai klausimai, į kuriuos siekta atsakyti – kokiu būdu organizuojama ir valdoma vietos savivaldos tarporganizacinė sąveika, ar si praktika yra veiksminga bendradarbiavimo plėtros požiūriu. Lietuvos vietos savivaldos tarporganizacinė sąveika tirta gilinantis į tris sąveikos sritis: tarporganizacinės sąveikos organizavimas ir valdymas įgyvendinant bendras programas ir projektus (mezo lygmuo), tarporganizacinės sąveikos subjektų susitikimų valdymas (mikro lygmuo) ir vietos savivaldos atstovų požiūrio į tarporganizacinės sąveikos turinį tyrimas (sąveikos konteksto dedamoji makro lygmeniu). Disertacijoje pateiktas skirtingų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Mar 3, 2022
Papers by Agota Giedre Raisiene