Simply Works Core
हे थीम 2 वर्षांपेक्षा जास्त अद्यावत झालेले नाही. हे आणखी अद्यावत केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि हे सपोर्ट केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि WordPress च्या अधिक नवीन आवृत्त्यांसह वापरल्यास संगणकीय संगतता समस्या असू शकतात.

The Simply Works Core – supports eight widgetized areas (one in the header, four in the sidebar, three in the footer). With featured image, custom dropdown menus (2 available), add your logo image, theme options, 9 pre-defined color schemes, and Google Analytics support. Options to turn off – Comments, Tags, Author, Date, and ‘filed under’ site wide. Using supported custom backgrounds and/or header images this theme has 100’s of possibilities. The style sheet includes a table of contents for easy customization and this theme is child-theme friendly. Sample child-theme files included. Create a wordpress site that Simply Works! Requires WordPress 3.0 or higher.
प्रति दिवस डाउनलोड
सक्रिय स्थापना: 70+
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