

सर्व थीम्स



हे थीम 2 वर्षांपेक्षा जास्त अद्यावत झालेले नाही. हे आणखी अद्यावत केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि हे सपोर्ट केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि WordPress च्या अधिक नवीन आवृत्त्यांसह वापरल्यास संगणकीय संगतता समस्या असू शकतात.

If you been looking for a smart, eye-catching and well-thought-out theme which is suitable and can be used in any niche then Noblia should tick all of those boxes. It will look particularly good on a fashion, travel or a lifestyle blog but with a few touches here and there it can be a spot on fit on any type of a blog. The slider on the homepage has everything you need to deliver your main message seconds after the user lands, and in case it’s not enough for some, footer is there to let you add your personalized touch or so called signature with a help of media. So if you haven’t been able to stand out in the blogging crowd to date, then Noblia WordPress theme and its tacky optimized look can most definitely help.

प्रति दिवस डाउनलोड

सक्रिय स्थापना: 80+