Irex Lite
हे थीम 2 वर्षांपेक्षा जास्त अद्यावत झालेले नाही. हे आणखी अद्यावत केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि हे सपोर्ट केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि WordPress च्या अधिक नवीन आवृत्त्यांसह वापरल्यास संगणकीय संगतता समस्या असू शकतात.

Irex Lite is a responsive business & portfolio theme which offers a powerful Options Set to customize it to your own needs. Irex Lite can be used for personal as well as corporate websites. It is simple and beautiful with numerous theme options like two different layout option(full width and with sidebar), 3 widget areas, custom follow us and contact widget, Logo, logo alt text, custom favicon, social links, rss feed button, custom copyright text and many more. It is compatible with various popular plugins like All in One SEO Pack, WP Super Cache, Contact Form 7 etc. Irex is one click install and translation ready as well.
प्रति दिवस डाउनलोड
सक्रिय स्थापना: 50+
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