Business Ezone
हे थीम 2 वर्षांपेक्षा जास्त अद्यावत झालेले नाही. हे आणखी अद्यावत केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि हे सपोर्ट केले नाही असे असू शकते आणि WordPress च्या अधिक नवीन आवृत्त्यांसह वापरल्यास संगणकीय संगतता समस्या असू शकतात.

Business Ezone is a modern responsive Business style WordPress theme suitable for business, portfolio, entertainment, sports, technology, food, travel, blogs, publishing and any kind of sites. The theme is built on Customizer and it allows you to easily customize your website with live previews. The theme is Speed and Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to help you easily climb the google rank. Business Ezone has typography option Which will help you make your theme attractive with your desire font. Other feature includes social media integration, custom widgets, author bio, breadcrumb, custom CSS, translation ready and more. Check demo at and documentation at Read theme details at and get free support at
प्रति दिवस डाउनलोड
सक्रिय स्थापना: 100+
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