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This arts-based inquiry research approach investigates learners' situated knowledge, experiences, and implicit theories based on previously gathered empirical and interpretive data. In this article, we discuss the use of experiential... more
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      Educational LeadershipReflective PracticeTransformational LeadershipCritical Thinking and Creativity
This symposium examines the praxis of mentoring and the potential of professional experience as praxis. A series of four papers present four distinctive but interrelated themes of consequence that together explore what Zeichner (2010)... more
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      PsychologyTransformative LearningPraxisFormative Assessment
The decisions made by the designers of mentorship programs impact upon the development of the praxis of the teachers involved. The recent development of online mentoring provides an opportunity to revisit the question of how to design... more
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y of inoculum (hereon referred to as the inoculum approach). The second compares the growth of plants grown in sterilised and unsterilised soil (hereon referred to as the unsterilised soil approach). The strength of the unsterilised soil... more
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    • Soil science and plant nutrition
Stereotyped behaviors have been routinely used as characters for phylogeny inference, but the same cannot be said of the plastic aspects of performance, which routinely are taken as a result of ecological processes. In this paper we... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBehaviorEvolution
Aos meus pais Vera e Sílvio e a minha irmã Karina, com amor e gratidão. Devo meus sinceros agradecimentos a todos que contribuíram para a realização deste trabalho, e também aos que fizeram parte da minha vida ao longo desses três anos.... more
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Foram analisados efeitos de diferentes histórias de incontrolabilidade por perda ou ganho de pontos sobre o desempenho posterior de participantes humanos na construção de frases. Inicialmente, os participantes podiam ganhar ou perder... more
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    • Psychology
Human participants were exposed to a task in which, by constructing sentences, the effects of different stories of uncontrollability were assessed through the loss or acquisition of points in a subsequent exposure to a new learning... more
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    • Psychology
SUMMARY 1. Many plants disperse their seeds in waterbodies via hydrochoric transport. Despite a growing body of research into hydrochory, little is known about the fundamental seed traits that determine floatation ability or hydrochoric... more
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      Freshwater BiologySeed DispersalFreshwater EcologyRivers
To the extent permitted by law, the copyright holder (including its employees and consultants) exclude all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other... more
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    • Geography
Intensive water resource developments and landuse changes within semi-arid zone floodplain wetlands have added to the heavy burden of agricultural and environmental stressors on inland rivers in Australia. In particular, in-channel and... more
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    • Environmental Science
Channel and floodplain morphodynamics are driven by intrinsic sedimentation and erosion processes in many lowland-dryland rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Sites of avulsion and floodout tend to occur in the distal reaches of... more
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    • Geology
Floodplain wetlands and floodouts in the Macquarie Marshes are fed by numerous anastomosing and distributary channels on the lower reaches of the Macquarie River, southeastern Australia. River discharge is seasonally and annually variable... more
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      Physical GeographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeology
Paleoecological responses to coupled geomorphic and hydrological changes have rarely been studied using a multiproxy approach in freshwater floodplain wetlands of semiarid Australia. The Macquarie Marshes are a large, multi-channelled and... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeologyGeomorphology
Gross primary productivity (GPP) of phytoplankton and planktonic respiration (PR) (i.e., planktonic metabolism) are critical pathways for carbon transformation in many aquatic ecosystems. In inland floodplain wetlands with variable... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeomorphologyProductivityEcology
The use of representative species as surrogates for wetland inundation The use of representative species as surrogates for wetland inundation
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceWetlands
Rivers and floodplain wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin 2 Flow-ecology relationships and the response of biota to hydrological variability 7 Knowledge of water and habitat requirements of floodplain wetland biota 13 References 13
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      Environmental ScienceWetlandsEcologyFreshwater Ecology
A procedure for modification of the valve stem of a 40 K French pressure cell is described. The modification should be done by a machinist and requires a metalworking lathe. After modification of the valve stem, a torlon 4203 plastic ball... more
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The sodium bicarbonate co-transporter, NBC3, is expressed in a range of tissues including heart, skeletal muscle and kidney, where it modulates intracellular pH and bicarbonate levels. NBC3 has a three-domain structure: 67 kDa N-terminal... more
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      Membrane BiologyBiologyIon ChannelsSalt