Macquarie University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
We put forward schemes to prepare photons in multi-dimensional vector states of orbital angular momentum. We show realizable light distributions that yield prescribed states with finite or infinite normal modes. In particular, we show... more
We demonstrate experimentally the tunable control of the joint spectrum, i.e. waveform and degree of frequency correlations, of paired photons generated in spontaneous parametric downconversion. This control is mediated by the spatial... more
The superposition of noncoaxial light beams containing screw wave-front dislocations is shown to create light patterns with a richer vortex content than that given by the arithmetic of the topological charges of the individual beams. We... more
We predict new features for the evolution of non-canonical screw wave front dislocations nested in di racting light beams. The evolution equations for the location of single-charge dislocations are derived and their consequences... more
The orbital angular momentum of light represents a fundamentally new optical degree of freedom. Unlike linear momentum, or spin angular momentum, which is associated with the polarization of light, orbital angular momentum arises as a... more
We observe and analyze formation, decay, and subsequent regeneration of ring-shaped clusters of (2+1)dimensional spatial solitons (filaments) in a medium with cubic-quintic (focusing-defocusing) self-interaction and strong dissipative... more
Surface-enhanced spectroscopy is a branch of techniques that enhance light emission from molecules at nanoscale proximity to plasmonic structures. Examples of SES include surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF), surface-enhanced... more
We observe and analyze formation, decay, and subsequent regeneration of ring-shaped clusters of (2+1)-dimensional spatial solitons (filaments) in a medium with the cubic-quintic (focusing-defocusing) self-interaction and strong... more
Dawes, J. M. Methane detection with a narrow-band source at 3.4 µm based on a Nd:YAG pump laser and a combination of stimulated Raman scattering and difference frequency mixing, Applied Optics, 1996; 35(21):4041-4045.
The effect of temperature on the optical and thermal properties of pure and indocyanine green-doped albumin protein solders as a function of wavelength has been studied between 25°C and 100°C. An increase in the group refractive index by... more
We report the point-by-point inscription of gratings in lithographically fabricated polymer ridge waveguides using direct-write laser processing. This device exhibited narrow-band-pass spectral features of ∼ 0.8 nm full-widthhalf-maximum,... more
Defects obtained during crystal growth of many laser and nonlinear crystals limit their commercial potential, as is the case of the yttrium aluminium borate family. Typically, in Yb:YAB, birefringent phase-matching is used to obtain self... more