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Support for those with MPS or ML

Family support is key to the National MPS Society’s mission

Families are the linchpin of the MPS and ML community, and the National MPS Society continues to work to assist families in every way possible.

Family poses in support of ML awareness
Swoosh Image

Family of four with toddlers at the MPS 4k event

Whether it’s financial assistance during a hard time, a special treat for an affected family member or to help make educational dreams come true, we support MPS and ML families across the nation.

We offer the following support programs for MPS and ML family members:

  • Bereavement Expense Program
  • Continuing Education Scholarship Program
  • Extraordinary Experiences
  • Family Assistance Program
  • Family Conference Scholarship Program
  • Journey Assistance Program
  • Medical Travel Assistance Program
  • Regional Social Events

Please see below for program descriptions and guidelines.

Online Application for Family Support Programs

Please use our online application system for all Family Support program applications. If you are a first time user, please complete the registration process. Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the applications. If you have already registered, simply log in.

If you are not able to complete the application using our online application system, please call 919-806-0101.

Family support programs are for eligible members of the National MPS Society.

Large group photo of volunteers and participants in a park for an MPS community event

Grant to assist with final expenses for an individual diagnosed with MPS or ML.

Provides a one-time grant to assist with expenses incurred.

Contact [email protected] to apply.

Scholarships for post-secondary education for individuals with MPS or ML, their siblings, their parents, and their children.

Scholarships are awarded for full-time attendance at $1,000 each, or $500 for part-time attendance.

The Jeffrey Bardsley Scholarship awards up to $5,000 to an individual with MPS or ML.

The Klenke-Kirch Sibling Scholarship awards an additional $500 to siblings who will assist with efforts at the conference and support the Sibling Resource Committee.

Program for individuals diagnosed with MPS or ML ages 13 and up.

Provides a grant up to $1,000 for a life-enriching extraordinary experience (such as a school trip or camp).

Provides a grant for specialized equipment or medical aids not covered by insurance.

Requires a medical order and insurance denial.

Grant amount is up to $3,000 with a 10% family copay.

Scholarships for families and individuals to attend the annual family conference.

Scholarships may assist with hotel costs, registration, and travel expenses.

Prioritized for newly diagnosed families and those attending their first conference.

Scholarship applications for the annual family conference will open later in 2024. Information will be sent to members via email with application deadlines and details.

Provides a grant to purchase items to “make life easier;” for items considered out-of-pocket expenses for families.

Grant amount is up to 40% of the purchase price, not to exceed $500.

Provides reimbursement for travel to out-of-town, non-recurring medical appointments more than 125 miles from home.

Reimbursement offered for up to $550 per year in lodging and transportation costs per individual with MPS or ML.

Medical Travel Assistance Program Guidelines

Appointment Verification Form (appointment must be pre-approved in step 1 before using this form)

Click to Apply

Grant for a regional family social event for families to gather.

Grants available for up to $750 per year.