Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Department I
In his argument with Carnap, Quine did not rule out that a distinction between analytic and synthetic statements was possible. Instead, he criticized that Carnap could not present an extensional criterion for this distinction. I will... more
Are all documents written to be read? Do all sponsors and authors of a text have a specific audience in mind? Can texts that are inaccessible and/or out of view be defined as restricted? In 2010, Hilgert brought the subject of the... more
"In the desert of Iraq, in the al-Qadisiyah province, close to the small village of Afak and the once mighty religious center of Mesopotamia Nippur, lay a small site, known locally as Drehem, three mounds all in all, deserted and full of... more
This paper discusses efforts to create a relational database to document Ancient Near Eastern seals, sealings, and seal impressions. The aim of this paper is to report on the existence of such a project, as well as its background,... more
Mining 15,000 cuneiform inscribed clay documents, albeit with about 10 lines of text each, this article discusses elements appearing on these tablets beyond text which accentuated in a visual way the structure of the documents and usually... more
In my forthcoming article on Gula the healing goddess and the dog handlers from the Drehem texts, I observe that one of the overseers of the dog handlers related to Gula, Nawir-ilum the medical practitioner (for whom see Wu Yuhong 2008),... more
Draft, still in progress,
Thousands of Ur III cuneiform tablets flooded the antiquities markets in the 1910s and 1920s and filled small and large museums and collections around the world. Thanks to the painstaking research of many scholars, both past and present,... more