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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Morrisville State College community's LiveJournal:

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Monday, February 26th, 2007
5:54 pm
stupid stupid MAC
M.A.C. in their awesome wisdom, is closing Seneca in MARCH.

what the fuck.


and they plan on having mustangs be an "all you can eat" replacement for seneca. There is barely enough seating at mustangs to handle mustangs customers. There is no way that they can handle the number of people from seneca. And its all you can eat, so people arent going to take it back to their room.
This will then push alot of people to stix. therefore there will be NOWHERE to eat on campus while using a meal.

the thing that pisses me off, is that when i asked about this at the beginning of the semester, the woman from MAC told me that if seneca closed it would be a couple weeks before the end of the semester. i call bullshit. Halfway through the semester is more like it.

they should at least allow meals at laptop to help handle the people
Saturday, December 30th, 2006
9:20 am
i dont know if anyone here knows her, but i figured i would post this up just in case, i know we have a couple equine girls. Its a terrible way to start off a new year.

A SUNY Morrisville student is dead after an accident in the Town of Smithfield. It happened around 7:45 a.m. Friday on Swamp Road.

Deputies say Laura Janson, 18, of Chittenango was headed to the school's Equine Center when she lost control of her car, crossed over the center line and hit a pick-up truck. Janson died at the scene.

Investigators are trying to determine what caused her to lose control.

"The vehicle lost control and then it gained back control and he watched it in the rear-view mirror and then the car just slid sideways right into the northbound lane directly right into the path of the northbound vehicle. And there was probably nothing the northbound vehicle could have done, it happened so fast it was over,” said Sgt. Jeff Sawyer, Madison County Sheriff's Deputy.

It took fire crews an hour to remove Luke Riverburgh, 32, from his pick-up truck. He is in serious condition in a Cooperstown Hospital.
Monday, September 18th, 2006
9:19 am
raffle tickets
Outdoor Recreation is selling raffle tickets for the next two weeks.

prizes are:
camping gear rental from Eastern Mountain Sports (tent, sleeping bag, and pack)
25 dollar gift card for the Copper Turret
and a large pizza and 50 wings from The Fort

tickets are one dollar each, or you can get 7 tickets for 5 bucks.
let me know here if you want some tickets, or on aim: HidingInApathy, or email [email protected]

Pizza and wings from the fort is a pretty sweet looking deal.
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
12:04 pm
laptop is only open for lunch, and now Stix is only open for lunch.

MAC can go to fucking hell. I have heard nothing good about this new dining place, and now they are using it to replace laptop and stix. fuck them. I was so glad when this place opened because i could actually go to stix without waiting in line for an hour, and now they close it so you have to go to the new place and wait in a longer line.

i have a commuter meal plan and this pisses me off so much. if i had a resident plan and depended on eating on campus i would probably choke somebody.


MAC seemed to have pulled their heads out of their asses and listened to students for once.
they extended laptop till 6pm monday-thursday (not quite its former 8pm, but much better). and stix will be open untill 7:30pm.

i felt i had to update this.
any bets on how long it will last?
Monday, September 11th, 2006
2:32 pm
Laptop's hours of operation are changing to 8am-2pm weekdays.

thats the lamest thing this college has ever done.

and this is my 4th year, and i have seen some lame ass stuff.
Sunday, August 20th, 2006
11:24 pm
Obligatory book post
hey everybody, hope your summer was good.

as with every semester i need to do a "book for sale" post.

i have the macroeconomics(SOCS 120) book for sale. perfect condition, still in the plastic. i dont know how much a used one at the bookstore is, but new ones cost 128 bucks. Ill sell this one for 50 bucks(negotiable).
reply to me here, or at [email protected]

i also have the ecology book, but thats not offered this semster, so i guess thats it.
im taking all natural resource classes (NATR and RREN) this semester, so if you have any of those books, let me know.

but anyway...

is anyone even around here anymore?? i look at the member list and i only know like two current student on there. most have graduated/left and i have no idea who the others are.

any freshmen here? does anyone use LJ anymore?

Saturday, July 1st, 2006
9:44 pm
Requesting new ownership
Well, since I've been a graduate of Mo'ville for quite a while, and have finally moved away from the area, I think it's about time that I turn over ownership of this community to some new blood. I'll stay in charge until someone steps forward and asks to be the new moderator.

So, leave a comment here if you're interested, or leave one at my journal. Hope to hear from you soon.

Current Mood: calm
Sunday, March 26th, 2006
12:43 am
I hope everyone's had a great Spring Break, wherever you are and whatever you've done.

Aside from the new place on South Street, does anybody know of any storage facilities in the area? Nothing special, just a place to toss my winter clothes and random dorm furnishings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Friday, March 24th, 2006
2:16 pm
Hello, we are two students at Rochester Institute of Technology currently engaged in an independent study project addressing the issue of hazing. The goal of this project is two-pronged - we wish to discover the prevalence of hazing in the state as well as get your opinion on what should be done about it, if anything.

Under the lj-cut is our survey, which asks a variety of questions about your personal experiences with hazing, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute or two from your time to fill it out really quickly. We even have questions at the beginning for those who have never experienced hazing but wish to share their opinion on the subject. Additionally, each question gives you the option to answer in more detail beyond the choices we have already provided. We encourage you to take advantage of this if you have more include in your answer.

Your responses to this survey are anonymous, so please do not put your name (or any information that would identify you) anywhere on this survey. You may quit the survey at any time and for any reason, or you may decline to answer any of the questions, but your responses to every question are important and we ask that you answer as many of the questions as you possibly can. You may post your answers however you like - under your user name, anonymously, or you may e-mail them to us at [email protected]. All posts will be screened, so no one except you, us, and the community administrator will be able to see your responses.

Please inform us of any questions, concerns, or feedback you might have. Thank you in advance for your time.

SurveyCollapse )
(X-posted to other New York communities)
Friday, March 17th, 2006
8:17 am
it sucks when everyone in town is leaving today or yesterday....
and im here till sunday!!


enjoy your break!
what are you doing for break?
Wednesday, January 25th, 2006
1:20 pm
Textbooks for sale
Houghton Mifflin
A History of Western Society
Seventh Edition
McKay, Hill, Buckler

Hardcover. Excellent condition. Used for Western Civ classes. $30.

Thomson Course Technology
Simple Program Design
A Step-by-Step Approach

Fourth Edition
Lesley Anne Robertson

Paperback. Excellent condition. Used for CITA 140/150. $25.

McGraw-Hill Irwin
Database Management Systems
Designing & Building Business Applications
Third Edition
Gerald V. Post

Hardcover. Better than excellent condition. Used for CITA 280. $50.

McGraw-Hill Irwin
The Economy Today
9th Edition
Bradley R. Schiller

Hardcover. Excellent condition. Used for Macroeconomics class. $30.

I also have the following:

- Two Raylink wireless cards. Plug-n-play compatible. Used for on-campus wireless internet access. I'm asking $25 for each, or $40 for both. That's a lot cheaper than the $60 for one card that the school charges!

- Sharp PC-AV18 laptop with mobile Athlon processor. 1.4 Ghz, 256 megabytes of RAM. 40 GB hard drive, comes installed with fresh copy of Windows XP Professional and Service Pack 2. Also comes with several anti-virus programs, as well as Photoshop CS 8 and Paint Shop Pro 9. Roughly three hour battery life. DVD/CD-RW disk drive, 2 USB ports, firewire port, PCM/CIA slot for wireless cards, 10/100 Mbps ethernet and 56k modem. Only weighs four pounds with the battery in it.
I can install a fresh copy of Windows XP Professional if the buyer wishes, with full administrative access. I am asking $450 for this laptop.

- Idiot's Guide to Accounting. I guarantee if you're taking accounting 102, you'll need this book! Excellent condition. $10.

If you are interested, please leave a comment here, on my journal, or send me an IM at maianpilot. Thanks.

Current Mood: busy
Sunday, January 22nd, 2006
4:10 pm
so im back on campus (er, close enough)
so i figure its about time to post my usual books for sale, and books wanted post

For sale: SOCS 120, intro to macroeconomics with Phillips.
its a different book if you have it with someone else.
this book is still in the plastic wrap
i dont know the going rate because the book finder site is down, but check out what the bookstore is asking, and give me an offer.

and a house mate has a physics 107 book for sale, let me know and i can get you in touch with him.

i am looking for:
mostly first year natural resource books:

ENSC 102 - botony
NATR110 - natural resource measurements
NATR 115 - forest ecology
NATR 101 - general ecology
AGRO 110 - soil sciene
soil science is in alot of different majors, so thats the one i am most hoping for (im looking at you dairy and equine people on that one)

have a good semester people!!

anyone interested, outdoor recreation/conservation has meetings tuesdays at 1pm in bicknell
if youre cool, get into it
Thursday, January 19th, 2006
8:52 pm
Quick Question
Anyone live in West 3rd floor high side?
Wednesday, January 18th, 2006
7:46 pm
ok i need help remembering where these classes are because i can't remember so if you know what floors they're on that would be great.

rm 202 in charlton
rm 209 in the library
rm 161 in galbreath (i've never been in there before so i need all the help i can get)
rm 037 in charlton
rm 216 in charlton
Monday, January 16th, 2006
2:48 am
new line
or what ever that bus, the only one that travels to Mo'vill is called. it only leaves NYC twice a day, and i cant for the life of me remember what two times those are. i suppose i could call, but ill leave that as a last resort.

so anyone know the times it leaves NYC to go to Mo?
Friday, December 16th, 2005
5:12 pm
although in not currently in attendance,i know that u all are now on xmas break...
this is just me..thinking, of winter....enjoy

Snowflakes flutter
To the ground
Falling peaceful
From all around

I stand outside
Holding up my palms
Hoping to catch some
As my mind calms

Looking up
Into the sky
It's so white
So way up high

I think to myself
How serene it must be
Just to be a snowflake
Yet never to be seen

Current Mood: chipper
Thursday, December 15th, 2005
5:49 pm
alright kitties. i'm looking to see who has what books they are willing to sell because i am not going to be the dumbass for the spring semester who buys nearly all new books. so if anyone has, or know someone who does, books for these classes let me know and then when the spring semester starts or something i can buy them off your hands. you know you want to help me out.

CITA 120 with Prof. Tyler
OFFT 140 with Prof. Sullivan
ENGL 102 with Prof. Fry
SOCS 120 with Prof. Levinsohn
MAGN 101 (don't even go there with the dumb math jokes. high school was not nice to me) with Prof. Shea
CITA 130 with Prof. Tyler
CITA 120L with Prof. Patterson (i've never taken a lab so i don't know if you need a book or not, for my highschool lab classes you did)

on the same note here's the list of books i need to sell because they bring bad memories or they are just taking too my space in my room

BSAD 116 with Prof. Boozer (includes the simulation book which i don't think you need to buy new) - $45 good condition
CITA 110 with Prof. O'Neil (only the discovering computers textbook) - $30 good condition but some chapters have hightlighted text
ENGL 101 with Prof. Ellis (only writing with a thesis textbook) - $25 very good condition
GNED100 with Prof. Colvin - $25 good condition
SKLS 091 with Prof. Molloy - $30 i got it used and the cover is pretty banged up but manageable, i might tape up before handing it over
SOCS 102 with Prof. Hogle - $40 (main textbook & w/ cd-rom) ; $30(assigned readings) both are in almost brand new condition
Monday, December 12th, 2005
1:16 pm
How would I find out what books I need for next semester's classes, or do I just need to email my teachers?

Good luck to everyone on their exams, and have a good break!

Add: Two books for Sale
Writing with a Theisis: A Rhetoric and Reader; Ninth edition
Minor signs of usage- $20

Word Smart; 3rd Edition
There are a couple of the end of section quizzes that have the answers written in- $8
Tuesday, December 6th, 2005
11:29 pm
Pool Party
I know its kinda last min. But if you dont got anything going on, swing by basement of STUAC RHA and West Hall are throwen a pool party (swimming). Pools heated, its from 7:30 - 9.
Monday, November 21st, 2005
10:28 pm
the fox and the hound, er campus
This probably doesn't interest anyone, but..
i saw one of these guys on campus tonight:

::EDIT: this isnt a picture of the one i saw, just a pic i found online, jsut to clarify::/EDIT::

i have heard gray foxes are a little more aggressive than red ones, but i have never seen a gray one in the wild before, so i dunno. But if you see one, dont try to pet the big pretty kitty, mmkay?

i thought it was interesting. it made me think about the email we got awhile ago reminding us not to hunt on school property. but he didnt say anything baout trapping!! j/k
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