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May. 16th, 2006 @ 04:18 pm Last Movieoke of the season
So, Anastasia will soon be on her way to Italy, but tomorrow is the last Movieoke for a long time. Let's get a lot of people to come down and have a great last one!
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They speak English in What?
May. 3rd, 2006 @ 10:51 am No! More! Wire hangers! I mean, Movieoke! (for a while, anyway)
What's my motivation?: disappointeddisappointed
Movieoke is on for tonight, next Wednesday, with the last Movieoke of the "season" on May 17.

Stas is going off to Italy (among other places, I'm sure) for the summer so Movieoke is on hiatus. The next few weeks will be the last chance for a while to do your favorite scenes.
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AT involved
Feb. 2nd, 2006 @ 11:44 am The plan to save movieoke!
So, I got to thinking about movieoke, and why attendance has been so thin. Obviously, it's first flush of coverage and free publicity helped out in the beginning, but what now?

Well, it needs more free publicity. What about Craigslist? It seems so obvious. How many people scour those boards for "activity partners" and things to do? There also must be film boards. What about IMDB? Are there any posters up for it at Two Boots? Fliers? It think with a couple of little things, we can help. Even a special movieoke event -- like, doing a full movie. What say you?
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Robin Sparkles
Apr. 7th, 2005 @ 01:20 pm (no subject)

Do you think Stas knew about Acura doing this?
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I rather crave violence
Mar. 16th, 2005 @ 03:50 pm (no subject)
Hey all:
If all goes as planned I'm planning on doing a scene from Napoleon Dynamite tonight. Do they have a copy there, or would I have to buy my own (not that I'm against doing that, but it'd be good to know before I go!)
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Mar. 16th, 2005 @ 10:53 am Dahling!
I'm bringing my copy of The Incredibles tonight.

I may need a Helen to my E....

See you all there!
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Feb. 2nd, 2005 @ 10:44 am (no subject)
Who wants to get pre-Movieoke Spanish food? alcestis and I were talking about meeting up. Let's say Spain, on 13th Street and 7th Ave, at around 6:30? They do fabulous paella and pretty much everything on the menu is under $15. (Cash only, though.)

Comment here if you're coming so we'll know how many to expect.
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boxing blerg 2
Jan. 17th, 2005 @ 12:04 pm If only...
What's my motivation?: tiredtired

It's an unfortunate fact that not all movie scenes lend themselves very well to Movioke. I was reminded by this by trying to find a scene from Hoosiers or Boondock Saints that I wanted to do, but none seemed to fit the bill. I also recall this happening when trying to find a scene from Rounders. Has anyone else been similarly thwarted?

It's bad enough we have to play in this cage you call a gym...
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Press Your Luck
Jan. 7th, 2005 @ 12:17 pm Movieoke in NY Metro
What's my motivation?: accomplished
Soundtrack: Tribe Called Quest - Rhythm
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Press Your Luck
Jan. 6th, 2005 @ 01:11 am Shots From 01/05/05:
Foto Fun from the Den Of In-Synch-quityCollapse )
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