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Moscrop Secondary School

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Thursday, November 18th, 2010
2:35 am - hot

hello again! have u seen my best girlfriend live ???? well she is now live on dirtystage href=""> watch it now or try it later
Friday, October 20th, 2006
2:13 pm - Reunion

So there is a reunion/50th aniversary for moscrop TOMOROW...

is anyone going?
Im not sure about going myself....

at least there is a BBQ and beer garden planned!

(Throw a paper plane.)

Tuesday, August 17th, 2004
1:30 am

now,is moscrop really that bad?

current mood: scared shitless.

(2 Planes | Throw a paper plane.)

Thursday, May 27th, 2004
3:55 pm

thought i would post a little intro here. i gradded from moscrop in 2002, i have been out of school for a bit now, got married, and now am going to trinity in september....
work so sucks. i wish i could go back to highschool.
anyways, enjoy your time there. you will miss it sooner or later!


(Throw a paper plane.)

Sunday, May 23rd, 2004
10:10 pm

im so cool, i didnt waste like 700 dollars on grad
because id rather fucking sit at home and stare at the wall rather than being in the same room with a bunch of fucking idiots !!!!!

(1 Plane | Throw a paper plane.)

Sunday, January 4th, 2004
1:48 am - Stupid everything.

Hi yeah i'm nicky i joined the fucking community.

K so being the only one still attending el shithole, i get to bitch about how it sucks going back there in a day.

I hate the people i hate the teachers (cept band teachers) and i hate the smell and the atmosphere. I want out.
I don't wanna be associated with these people.
It pisses me off that my grad class are ALL getting livejournals, too.
i'll quote what i just wrote to melissa:

sinking into her queen size kingdom says:
No no, i mean at moscrop. the people that go to my school. i'm tempted to tell people i'm a lesbian or some shit just so there's that gap between us and i don't have to truely relate to those asshole

so yeah i just wanted to bitch.
melissa made me join.
so i'm bitching.
i'm not sure if it's out of spite or not.
ok time for sleep.


current mood: tired

(11 Planes | Throw a paper plane.)

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