Papers by Maira Gregolin

RESUMO O presente artigo é parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, que vem percorrendo a seguinte quest... more RESUMO O presente artigo é parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, que vem percorrendo a seguinte questão norteadora: quais os possíveis impactos do uso de um determinado jogo digital no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de conceitos matemáticos para uma turma de alunos do ensino Fundamental I? Desta forma, a reflexão a seguir tem como objetivo apresentar subsídios para que se compreenda o atual ecossistema midiático diante das dificuldades encontradas pelos professores na seleção de jogos digitais que possam auxiliar no aprendizado de conceitos matemáticos. Ao aproximarmos as tecnologias digitais do contexto educacional, mobilizamos autores que não se voltam apenas ao uso da técnica, mas sim uma tecnologia enquanto caminho para a mudança social. Pensando com estudiosos voltados para os estudos culturais, embasamo-nos em uma educação associada à comunicação, que pode ser construída fora das instituições educativas e dos processos formais. Os resultados obtidos até o momento devem servir de base para a próxima etapa da pesquisa, em busca de propostas de metodologias de análise, avaliação e classificação dos jogos digitais com conceitos matemáticos que auxiliem o professor na realização de uma curadoria dos jogos digitais. Na próxima etapa da pesquisa, trataremos de nos basear nas propostas identificadas para chegaremos em modelos que devem auxiliar o professor na realização de uma curadoria dos jogos de maneira autônoma.
ABSTRACT The present article is part of a broader research that is guided by the main question: what are the possible impacts when using a certain digital game in the teaching-learning process of mathematical concepts for a class of elementary school students? Thus, the following reflection aims to present subsidies to understand the current media ecosystem in the face of difficulties encountered by teachers in the selection of digital games that may help in the learning of mathematical concepts. As we approach digital technologies from the educational context, we mobilize authors who do not turn to the use of technology alone, but rather a technology as a path to social change. Thinking with scholars we are based on an education associated with communication, which can be generated outside educational institutions and
Do ponto de vista dos estudos das mídias locativas, internet e plataformas transmidiáticas, os sm... more Do ponto de vista dos estudos das mídias locativas, internet e plataformas transmidiáticas, os smartphones fazem parte de uma ampla transformação pela qual o conteúdo audiovisual é disponibilizado e acessado pelas novas audiências. Neste trabalho pretende-se abordar a mobilidade como plataforma de conteúdo transmídia, buscando analisar a infinidade de recursos disponibilizados pelos smartphones, que vão desde o tradicional SMS até sofisticados aplicativos que apresentam alto grau de conectividade e oferecem zonas intensas de imersão e de interação com os usuários.
Este trabalho concentra-se nos estudos sobre a ficção seriada brasileira na TV Paga, a partir da ... more Este trabalho concentra-se nos estudos sobre a ficção seriada brasileira na TV Paga, a partir da multiplicidade de telas e de diferentes serviços oferecidos para os usuários acompanharem sua programação favorita. Neste contexto, a crescente fragmentação das audiências e o acelerado desenvolvimento tecnológico sinalizam para formas alternativas de entretenimento baseadas na complexidade estrutural do produto audiovisual. Essa tendência faz da ficção seriada televisiva um portal de acesso à TV transmídia, ao permitir que as audiências acompanhem os seus programas preferidos "ao vivo", por meio de canais de reassistência, através de seus computadores e dispositivos móveis (tablets e smartphones, entre outros).

RESUMO: Este artigo propõe investigar um novo tipo de mídia digital: o Machinima. Do inglês machi... more RESUMO: Este artigo propõe investigar um novo tipo de mídia digital: o Machinima. Do inglês machine e animation, Machinima é, conceitualmente, tanto um filme feito a partir de jogo eletrônico, quanto um processo de produção. Ainda, pode ser pensado como um novo produto, que nasce dos sistemas híbridos e complexos, propiciam novas poéticas e convergem para a estética da interatividade, incorporação e imersão, palavras-chave que tornam visível a articulação dos sujeitos com as linguagens maquínicas. Tendo como base discursos que analisam o aparecimento de novos produtos culturais que afetam em todos os sentidos a sociabilidade contemporânea, este trabalho parte dos seguintes questionamentos: a) em termos de produção, como se dá a relação entre o Machinima e os gêneros que estão na sua base (jogo eletrônico / filme)?; b) quais os efeitos da hibridização de gêneros e de técnicas na arquitetura do Machinima? c) quais deslocamentos a tecnologia digital do Machinima provoca na produção fílmica? PALAVRAS-CHAVE: 1.Machinima 2.jogo eletrônico 3.cinema 4. narrativas digitais ABSTRACT: This article aims to investigate a new type of digital media: Machinima (the combining 'machine' and 'animation'), a new way of making films within a real-time virtual environment. Also, Machinima can be thought as a new product, which was born in the hybrid systems, providing new poetics and converging to the aesthetics of interactivity, incorporation and immersion – keywords which make visible the articulation of the subjects with the languages of the machine. Based on speeches that analyze the emergence of new cultural products that affect in every sense a contemporary sociability, this work part of the following questions: a) in terms of production, what is the relationship between Machinima and the genres that are in its base (electronic game / movie/animation)? b) which are the effects of hybridization of genres and techniques in the architecture of the Machinima? C) which are the changes that digital technology in Machinima provoke in filmic production? KEYWORDS: 1.Machinima 2.eletronic game 3.cinema 4. digital narratives 5. animation 1 Trabalho de pesquisa viabilizado por financiamento via bolsa FAPESP.
Red vs. Blue e a cultura da convergência, 2009
VALENCISE-GREGOLIN, M. . Red vs. Blue e a cultura da convergência. RUA. Revista Universitária do ... more VALENCISE-GREGOLIN, M. . Red vs. Blue e a cultura da convergência. RUA. Revista Universitária do Audiovisual , v. 5, p. 15, 2009.
Revista Geminis, Jun 8, 2012
Revista Geminis, 2010
... pessoais que relatam experiências concretas de vidas. Até então, as novelas traziam depoiment... more ... pessoais que relatam experiências concretas de vidas. Até então, as novelas traziam depoimentos exclusivamente durante a transmissão da novela. Segundo Zacariotti & Costa (2006), tal fato não era bem recebido pelos espectadores, pois eles se ressentiam ...
Thesis Chapters by Maira Gregolin

VALENCISE-GREGOLIN, M. Mobilidade e cultura participativa: transformações da ação social contemporânea. 2012, 220 páginas. Tese (Doutorado em Artes Visuais) – Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Esta tese tem como tema central as articulações entre a comunicação móvel e a cultura participati... more Esta tese tem como tema central as articulações entre a comunicação móvel e a cultura participativa e suas consequências sobre as transformações da ação social contemporânea. Para investigar essas articulações, traçamos como objetivo geral compreender as inter-relações entre o desenvolvimento das mídias digitais, o fenômeno da convergência e a emergência da sociedade participativa. A fim de efetivar esse objetivo geral, tomamos como objeto de estudos dois fenômenos típicos da cultura participativa, denominados por Jenkins (2008) como "convergência corporativa" e "convergência alternativa". Do primeiro fenômeno, analisamos a telenovela Viver a Vida, exibida pela Rede Globo de Televisão (2009-2010); do segundo, analisamos o ativismo digital ou ativismo transmídia durante a Primavera Árabe - a fim de estudar as conexões entre a comunicação móvel e a emergência de práticas de ação social, no interior de uma sociedade participativa. A discussão inicia-se com o delineamento das transformações no desenvolvimento das mídias, focalizando as mutações tecnológicas que operaram a passagem dos dispositivos fixos aos móveis. A análise da telenovela Viver a Vida evidenciou mudanças no formato tradicional desse gênero televisivo, instaurando-se uma narrativa que se desenvolve entre a televisão e o meio digital; ao mesmo tempo, transforma-se a relação entre os consumidores e a telenovela, com novas formas de se assistirem aos capítulos (que migram para o computador e os dispositivos móveis) e de interagir com a narrativa (o telespectador pode acompanhar a história que se desenrola complementarmente tanto na televisão quanto nos sites e blogs). Quanto à análise do ativismo digital durante a Primavera Árabe, salientamos sua inextricável ligação com as redes sociais digitais e analisamos os deslocamentos nas práticas de ativismo político propiciadas pelo uso de mídias móveis e do compartilhamento de fotos e textos via smartphone. A análise mostra que os ativistas conseguem burlar a censura imposta aos meios de comunicação tradicionais e dão visibilidade aos acontecimentos, denunciando crimes por meio de imagens chocantes, que expõem ao olhar do mundo as atrocidades cometidas pelos governos ditatoriais. Usando desses mesmos recursos da telefonia móvel e das redes sociais digitais, os governos ditatoriais postam imagens e textos que exaltam seus feitos e condenam as ações dos manifestantes e rebeldes, travando uma batalha materializada nas imagens e textos que circulam nas redes sociais e que dão dimensão planetária aos acontecimentos. O compartilhamento de imagens e textos, via smartphone, salienta novas práticas estabelecidas pelo uso do aplicativo Instagram, tanto em termos de recursos de tratamento das imagens, quanto no que diz respeito à instantaneidade de postagem de fotografias e textos (legendas, etiquetas) em plataformas e redes sociais digitais. O uso do Instagram está modificando a produção e circulação de textos e imagens realizadas por fotógrafos amadores, na medida em que oferece recursos para refinamento das imagens realizadas pelo smartphone, tratadas pelo aplicativo e postadas em plataformas e redes sociais. O uso desse aplicativo está modificando também as práticas de produção no campo do fotojornalismo, sendo cada vez mais utilizado por fotógrafos profissionais de agências de notícias e bancos de imagens, instalando nova estética para a produção fotográfica na imprensa. Demonstramos, assim, que na ecologia contemporânea das mídias, deslocam-se as fronteiras entre o político e o estético e a comunicação móvel se transforma em arena para novas formas de ação social
Abstract: This thesis is focused on the links between mobile communication and participatory culture and their consequences on the contemporary transformations of social action. To investigate these articulations, we traced as the general objective to understand the inter-relationships between the development of digital media, the phenomenon of convergence and the emergence of participatory society. In order to accomplish this general goal, we take as the object of study two phenomena typical of participatory culture, called by Jenkins (2008) as "corporate convergence" and " alternative convergence". For the first phenomenon, we analyze the soap opera "Viver a Vida", aired by Globo Television Network (2009-2010). For the second, we investigate the digital activism or transmedia activism during the Arab Spring - to study the connections between mobile communication and the emergence of social activism within a participatory society. The discussion begins with the outlining of the changes in media development, focusing on the technological development that operated the transition from fixed to mobile devices. The analysis of the soap opera "Viver a Vida" showed changes in the traditional format of this television genre, establishing up a narrative that develops between television and digital media; while transforming the relationship between consumers and the soap opera, with new forms of watching chapters (which migrate to the computer and mobile devices) and interact with the narrative (the viewer can follow the story as it unfolds on television, complemented by the websites and blogs). As we analyze the digital activism during the Arab Spring, we emphasize its inextricable link with social networks and observe the shifts in practices of political activism enabled by the use of mobile media, by sharing photos and texts via smartphone. The analysis shows that activists can circumvent the censorship imposed on traditional media and provide visibility to events, denouncing crimes through shocking images that expose to the world the atrocities committed by dictatorial governments. Using the same mobile and social resources, dictatorial governments post images and texts that exalt their accomplishments and condemn the actions of the protesters and rebels, waging a battle materialized in texts and images circulating on social networking and giving global dimension to the events. The sharing of images and texts via smartphones highlights new practices established by using the Instagram app, both in terms of resources for processing images, as in the case of the instant posting of photos and text (captions, tags) on platforms and digital social networks. The use of Instagram is changing the production and circulation of texts and images taken by amateur photographers, as it provides image refinement features for smartphones, handled by the application and posted on social networks and platforms. The use of this application is also modifying production practices in the field of photojournalism, being increasingly used by professional photographers from news agencies and image banks, introducing new aesthetics for the photographic production in the press. We demonstrate, therefore, that the ecology of contemporary media move the boundaries between the political and the aesthetic, as mobile communication becomes arena for new forms of social action.
Papers by Maira Gregolin
ABSTRACT The present article is part of a broader research that is guided by the main question: what are the possible impacts when using a certain digital game in the teaching-learning process of mathematical concepts for a class of elementary school students? Thus, the following reflection aims to present subsidies to understand the current media ecosystem in the face of difficulties encountered by teachers in the selection of digital games that may help in the learning of mathematical concepts. As we approach digital technologies from the educational context, we mobilize authors who do not turn to the use of technology alone, but rather a technology as a path to social change. Thinking with scholars we are based on an education associated with communication, which can be generated outside educational institutions and
Thesis Chapters by Maira Gregolin
Abstract: This thesis is focused on the links between mobile communication and participatory culture and their consequences on the contemporary transformations of social action. To investigate these articulations, we traced as the general objective to understand the inter-relationships between the development of digital media, the phenomenon of convergence and the emergence of participatory society. In order to accomplish this general goal, we take as the object of study two phenomena typical of participatory culture, called by Jenkins (2008) as "corporate convergence" and " alternative convergence". For the first phenomenon, we analyze the soap opera "Viver a Vida", aired by Globo Television Network (2009-2010). For the second, we investigate the digital activism or transmedia activism during the Arab Spring - to study the connections between mobile communication and the emergence of social activism within a participatory society. The discussion begins with the outlining of the changes in media development, focusing on the technological development that operated the transition from fixed to mobile devices. The analysis of the soap opera "Viver a Vida" showed changes in the traditional format of this television genre, establishing up a narrative that develops between television and digital media; while transforming the relationship between consumers and the soap opera, with new forms of watching chapters (which migrate to the computer and mobile devices) and interact with the narrative (the viewer can follow the story as it unfolds on television, complemented by the websites and blogs). As we analyze the digital activism during the Arab Spring, we emphasize its inextricable link with social networks and observe the shifts in practices of political activism enabled by the use of mobile media, by sharing photos and texts via smartphone. The analysis shows that activists can circumvent the censorship imposed on traditional media and provide visibility to events, denouncing crimes through shocking images that expose to the world the atrocities committed by dictatorial governments. Using the same mobile and social resources, dictatorial governments post images and texts that exalt their accomplishments and condemn the actions of the protesters and rebels, waging a battle materialized in texts and images circulating on social networking and giving global dimension to the events. The sharing of images and texts via smartphones highlights new practices established by using the Instagram app, both in terms of resources for processing images, as in the case of the instant posting of photos and text (captions, tags) on platforms and digital social networks. The use of Instagram is changing the production and circulation of texts and images taken by amateur photographers, as it provides image refinement features for smartphones, handled by the application and posted on social networks and platforms. The use of this application is also modifying production practices in the field of photojournalism, being increasingly used by professional photographers from news agencies and image banks, introducing new aesthetics for the photographic production in the press. We demonstrate, therefore, that the ecology of contemporary media move the boundaries between the political and the aesthetic, as mobile communication becomes arena for new forms of social action.
ABSTRACT The present article is part of a broader research that is guided by the main question: what are the possible impacts when using a certain digital game in the teaching-learning process of mathematical concepts for a class of elementary school students? Thus, the following reflection aims to present subsidies to understand the current media ecosystem in the face of difficulties encountered by teachers in the selection of digital games that may help in the learning of mathematical concepts. As we approach digital technologies from the educational context, we mobilize authors who do not turn to the use of technology alone, but rather a technology as a path to social change. Thinking with scholars we are based on an education associated with communication, which can be generated outside educational institutions and
Abstract: This thesis is focused on the links between mobile communication and participatory culture and their consequences on the contemporary transformations of social action. To investigate these articulations, we traced as the general objective to understand the inter-relationships between the development of digital media, the phenomenon of convergence and the emergence of participatory society. In order to accomplish this general goal, we take as the object of study two phenomena typical of participatory culture, called by Jenkins (2008) as "corporate convergence" and " alternative convergence". For the first phenomenon, we analyze the soap opera "Viver a Vida", aired by Globo Television Network (2009-2010). For the second, we investigate the digital activism or transmedia activism during the Arab Spring - to study the connections between mobile communication and the emergence of social activism within a participatory society. The discussion begins with the outlining of the changes in media development, focusing on the technological development that operated the transition from fixed to mobile devices. The analysis of the soap opera "Viver a Vida" showed changes in the traditional format of this television genre, establishing up a narrative that develops between television and digital media; while transforming the relationship between consumers and the soap opera, with new forms of watching chapters (which migrate to the computer and mobile devices) and interact with the narrative (the viewer can follow the story as it unfolds on television, complemented by the websites and blogs). As we analyze the digital activism during the Arab Spring, we emphasize its inextricable link with social networks and observe the shifts in practices of political activism enabled by the use of mobile media, by sharing photos and texts via smartphone. The analysis shows that activists can circumvent the censorship imposed on traditional media and provide visibility to events, denouncing crimes through shocking images that expose to the world the atrocities committed by dictatorial governments. Using the same mobile and social resources, dictatorial governments post images and texts that exalt their accomplishments and condemn the actions of the protesters and rebels, waging a battle materialized in texts and images circulating on social networking and giving global dimension to the events. The sharing of images and texts via smartphones highlights new practices established by using the Instagram app, both in terms of resources for processing images, as in the case of the instant posting of photos and text (captions, tags) on platforms and digital social networks. The use of Instagram is changing the production and circulation of texts and images taken by amateur photographers, as it provides image refinement features for smartphones, handled by the application and posted on social networks and platforms. The use of this application is also modifying production practices in the field of photojournalism, being increasingly used by professional photographers from news agencies and image banks, introducing new aesthetics for the photographic production in the press. We demonstrate, therefore, that the ecology of contemporary media move the boundaries between the political and the aesthetic, as mobile communication becomes arena for new forms of social action.