International Journal of Health Economics and Policy, 2018
Nigeria (particularly in urban areas) is facing increased difficulties in managing their municipa... more Nigeria (particularly in urban areas) is facing increased difficulties in managing their municipal solid waste (MSW) effectively and economically. This study examines the household waste generation, disposal and management within Umuahia Capital Territory of Abia State, Nigeria. It aims to assess household waste disposal and management options, examine household waste generation rate and determinants, and also the household waste disposal, and management charges. This research is based on Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) [37] theory of support for social movements: The case of environmental concern. This research assumes that if the residents in Umuahia city care about the other people within the same environment they will be concerned about environmental conditions that threaten the other people's health or well-being. The data collection is in stages, using an interview and field observations and questionnaires. To determine the quantity of waste generated in the city a total of 100 reading at 10 locations were taken. The total waste generated by households was divided by the number of days the wastes are kept before measurement gives the average waste generation by household per day. The household quantity of waste generated and the number of persons per household gave the per capita generation. Using this method, the quantity of generation in Umuahia metropolis, Abia State, Nigeria was 0.53/kg/day, on the average. The qualitative data was analyzed descriptively, while the quantitative data was analyzed using household budget constraint and multiple regression models. Bases on the finding it was observed that income, educational level were positively significant at 1%. While household size was negatively significant at 1% level. It was found out the unit pricing on municipal waste charges is the best alternative to the current flat rate that are in practice in the state. Therefore the following strategies were recommend: Accurate enumeration of Umuahia metropolis; Provision of standard dustbins for households; Introduction of door-to-door collection of waste; Delineation of the city into manageable zones for effective coverage and management; Enforcement of environmental law; and Embarking on an aggressive campaign to educate the populace on environmental management.

This study analysis of factors that affect loan repayment capacity of farmers was carried out in ... more This study analysis of factors that affect loan repayment capacity of farmers was carried out in Abia State Nigeria. The aim is to identify the socio-economic profile of the farmers, examine the factors influencing loan repayment capacity and identify the major problems and challenges faced by farmers in the repayment process. A total of 60 respondents were used in the survey. Descriptive statistics and multiple regressions were employed in analyzing the data. Most of the respondents were literate with different educational level. Half of the respondents were married largely the farmers used the entire loan for running the proposed business. The result of the multiple regression analysis shows that coefficient of multiple determination, was highly significant and in compliance of the signs to a priori expectations. The coefficient of R-Square was 0.6237 implying that 62.37% of the variation in the farmers’ loan repayment capacity was explained by the independent variables included i...