Papers by Galina Soldatova

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology
The introduction of digital devices into all spheres of life has led to a significant restructuri... more The introduction of digital devices into all spheres of life has led to a significant restructuring of our everyday life and the world of the modern person. The real world is increasingly and actively extended by the digital environment, forming a historically unique life in a mixed online and offline reality. Psychology still lacks analyses of the worldview of adolescents most actively socialized in real and virtual spaces and comparisons with perceptions of elder generations that would contribute to understanding the choice of behavioral strategies of different generations and their adaptation to digital transformations. This study compares representations of real and virtual spaces as components of the world picture in adolescents and parents with different levels of user activity, digital competence, and value orientations. The sample was comprised of 282 adolescents aged 14–17 and 337 parents of adolescents of the same age. Adolescents’ pictures of the real and virtual worlds c...

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology
Internet activities, especially in adolescents and young people, are related to higher emotions a... more Internet activities, especially in adolescents and young people, are related to higher emotions and the wider social roles, comparing to offline. The aim of the study was to reveal manifestations of personality traits and psychological self-regulation online comparing to offline, as well as their relationship with user activity, relationship to Internet and subjective well-being. 260 students filled the Brief Personality Scale, the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs Scale, and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, first with original instruction, and then with instruction to assess whether these features are more likely to manifest online or offline. Additional measures included scales of assessment of subjective well-being, user and combined activity, digital competence, attitude to technology, attitude to the digitalization of education. The suggested modifications of the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs Scale, and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnai...
Innovative approaches for investigating how children understand risk in new media. Dealing with m... more Innovative approaches for investigating how children understand risk in new media. Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges. This report is based on research on children's use of new media as identified by the network members until March 2013. It has been produced by Barbovschi, M., Green, L.
本文总结16例肾盂旁囊肿的临床特点和治疗体会.结果表明,肾盂旁囊肿经B超、IVU及CT检查可确诊.对囊肿小无症状者可保守治疗;对囊肿转较大局部有压迫症状,或伴有囊内结石,或患肾合并其他病变者可手... more 本文总结16例肾盂旁囊肿的临床特点和治疗体会.结果表明,肾盂旁囊肿经B超、IVU及CT检查可确诊.对囊肿小无症状者可保守治疗;对囊肿转较大局部有压迫症状,或伴有囊内结石,或患肾合并其他病变者可手术治疗。
Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2021

The digital universe becomes a place where values and rules of communication are created, shaped ... more The digital universe becomes a place where values and rules of communication are created, shaped and redefined, especially in children and adolescents. Objective. To compare value orientations of parents and adolescents and to reveal a possible role of user activity and digital competence in their value orientations. Methods. 313 adolescents aged 14-17 years and 356 parents of adolescents aged 14-17 years from five Russian Federal Districts appraised their user activity and excessive Internet use (based on EU Kids Online methodology), filled Mixed Activity Scale, Brief Index of Digital Competence, Schwartz’s Short Portrait Values Questionnaire and Ten-item Personality Inventory. Results. Self-transcendence and openness to change values (benevolence, universalism, self-direction) dominate in adolescents but it is not because these values are more significant for them than for their parents but because conformity, tradition and security values are less important for them. Extraverts c...
Психологические исследования, 2021
Проведен анализ предпочитаемых источников информации у подростков и родителей, а также доверия к ... more Проведен анализ предпочитаемых источников информации у подростков и родителей, а также доверия к данным источникам (N = 637 чел.). По полученным данным, трансформация медиапо-требления происходит за счет расширения информационного поля, в первую очередь, у подростков, активно использующих новые медиа. По сравнению с родителями, уровень доверия к различным источникам информации выше у подростков, при этом для них онлайн-медиа не вытесняют значимость традиционных источников информации, а дополняют их.
This report presents the findings from a survey of children aged 9–16 from 19 European countries.... more This report presents the findings from a survey of children aged 9–16 from 19 European countries. The data were collected between autumn 2017 and summer 2019 from 25,101 children by national teams from the EU Kids Online network. A theoretical model and a common methodology to guide this work was developed during four phases of the network’s work, and is discussed at the outset of this report. The main findings from the key topic areas are summarised, which correspond to the factors identified in the theoretical model: Access, Practices and skills, Risks and opportunities, and Social context. Throughout the report, findings are presented according to the countries surveyed, and the gender and age of the children. The survey findings are comparable across countries, and the methodology section presents the common methods followed.

National psychological journal, 2015
В статье рассматриваются существующие подходы к исследованию феномена приватности в современной п... more В статье рассматриваются существующие подходы к исследованию феномена приватности в современной психологии. Анализируются основные направления изучения приватности и защиты персональных данных в онлайн-среде в разных научных дисциплинах. Защита персональных данных, как одного из видов приватности, рассматривается в качестве актуального вопроса безопасности современных детей и подростков-пользователей Интернета. На основе данных популяционных исследований и контент-анализа материалов социальных сетей анализируется отношение российских детей и подростков к персональным данным, проблемы, возникающие в результате их неправомерного использования, а также отношение родителей к данному вопросу и возможности оказания ими помощи своим детям в защите персональных данных. Результаты исследований показывают, что как минимум, треть российских подростков представляет собой группу риска и может пострадать от угроз, связанных с неосторожным обращением с персональной информацией, поскольку эти дети не всегда соблюдают принцип конфиденциальности в отношении паролей; устанавливают открытый доступ к персональной страничке, позволяющий видеть ее любому зарегистрированному пользователю; в личном профиле указывают набор персональных данных о себе в максимальном объеме; готовы передавать личную информацию незнакомым людям; ни к кому не обращаются за помощью по вопросам, связанным с настройками приватности в Сети. Не только дети, но и родители в значительной мере недооценивают скрытые угрозы беспечного использования и хранения персональных данных в Интернете. В целом отмечается, что у российских школьников формируется общий для всего цифрового поколения Земли и иной, по сравнению с предыдущими поколениями, взгляд на приватность в целом и персональные данные в частности. Подчеркивается, что обучение детей и подростков защите персональных данных в цифровом мире должно стать одной из приоритетных задач родителей и школы по воспитанию культуры пользования Интернетом. Ключевые слова: приватность, персональные данные, Интернет, настройки приватности, социальные сети, российские школьники. T he paper examines the existing approaches to privacy in modern psychology. Basic directions of studying privacy and protection of personal data in the online environment through various scientific approaches are analyzed. Protection of personal data being one of privacy kinds is deemed as a relevant issue of safety of today's children and adolescents, i.e. Internet users. Based on population studies data and content analysis of social networking the ratio of Russian children and adolescents to personal data is analyzed, the problems arising from its misuse, and also parents' attitudes to this issue and the possibility of their assistance to their children in the protection of personal data are emphasized. The research shows that at least one-third of Russian adolescents make a group of risk and may be affected by the risks posed by careless handling of personal information, because these children do not always respect the principle of confidentiality in respect of passwords; they establish open access to a personal page, allowing access to any registered user; personal profile specifies a set of personal information about themselves to the maximum extent; they are willing to share personal information with strangers; to no one to seek help on issues related to privacy settings in the Network. The results show that not only the children but also their parents greatly underestimate the hidden dangers of careless use and storage of personal data on the Internet. Russian schoolchildren have developed a commonly shared digital generation outlook but they still preserve different look at privacy in general and personal data in particular. Education of children and adolescents safety is emphasized to be a priority for parents and schools within the framework of promoting a culture of Internet use.
This report updates and deepens the understanding of cross-national differences among the countri... more This report updates and deepens the understanding of cross-national differences among the countries surveyed in EU Kids Online. Where the previous classification was based simply on the percentage of children in each country who used the internet daily, and who had encountered one or more risks, this report examines the range and type of online opportunities, risks and harm experienced by the children in each country. It also takes into account the ways in which parents mediate or regulate their children’s internet use in each country.

Современная зарубежная психология, 2017
The article is a review of empirical studies on the problem of children and adolescents’ videogam... more The article is a review of empirical studies on the problem of children and adolescents’ videogaming and its effects on academic performance and attention problems (including ADHD). Despite many types of research projects, and the variety of their designs and methods, the consistent point of view on how videogaming affect school marks and cognitive developments of schoolers of different ages is missing. There is an evidence of both negative and positive effects of videogaming on academic performance and ADHD; some results also show no significant effect. Diversity of research results may be caused by basic methodological position of research teams — whether videogaming is studied as a form of addiction, or normal leisure activity; a place which videogaming holds in conglomerate of determinants of children’ well-being; specificity of methods which are used for assess of academic performance, attention problems and intensiveness of videogaming.
European children 2-3 times more often talk about their parents participating in their internet u... more European children 2-3 times more often talk about their parents participating in their internet use. Also, the older the children, the more they report about peer mediation of their internet use.
Психологические исследования
Проведен анализ предпочитаемых источников информации у подростков и родителей, а также доверия к ... more Проведен анализ предпочитаемых источников информации у подростков и родителей, а также доверия к данным источникам (N = 637 чел.). По полученным данным, трансформация медиапо-требления происходит за счет расширения информационного поля, в первую очередь, у подростков, активно использующих новые медиа. По сравнению с родителями, уровень доверия к различным источникам информации выше у подростков, при этом для них онлайн-медиа не вытесняют значимость традиционных источников информации, а дополняют их.
Г.У. Солдатова, Е.И. Рассказова МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Москва, Россия, Фонд развития Интернет ... more Г.У. Солдатова, Е.И. Рассказова МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Москва, Россия, Фонд развития Интернет Москва, Россия Поступила 25 ноября 2014/ Принята к публикации: 6 декабря 2014
Papers by Galina Soldatova