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Oct. 18th, 2017 @ 08:22 am Paperback “Reducing the Contract Amount” by Polina Shinkina
“Reducing the Contract Amount” is a one-topic textbook from the series of the textbooks related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language. The textbook contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this textbook is developing speaking and writing skills by means of studying general questions. The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

The grammar of this textbook presents different types of general questions, such as general questions with modal verbs and alternative questions. Each exercise includes one type of question and it makes the study process comfortable and easy to memorize.

Tags: Chinese, mandarin, business, trading, marketing, commercial, paperback, textbook, eBook, contract, dictionary, character, radicals, correspondence, decomposition, skills, speaking, writing, language, talks, negotiations, multiplication, number, subtraction, terms, division, alternative, discussion, question, quotation, addition, memorize
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Nicolay Shinkin:
Jun. 22nd, 2017 @ 06:40 am “Signing a Contract” by Polina Shinkina
This is a one-topic book from the series of books related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language.

The book contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this book is developing speaking skills by means of studying general questions.

The book includes Table of the Chinese Radicals, The Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance, a number of exercises on different types of general questions and the Chinese numerals.
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Nicolay Shinkin:
Jun. 18th, 2017 @ 06:59 am “Reducing the Contract Amount” by Polina Shinkina
This is a one-topic book from the series of books related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language.

The book contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The book includes the Table of the Chinese Radicals, the main text, the list of used characters, exercises for the Chinese characters study, including exercises on the Chinese characters decomposition.

Quite a number of grammar exercises disclose the theme of the general questions in the Chinese language. Answers to exercises at the end of the book are a good support for self-learners.
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Nicolay Shinkin:
Apr. 19th, 2017 @ 08:00 am 澳大利亚学习汉字 Chinese Language Community
澳大利亚学习汉字 Chinese Language Community
Chinese, marketing, commercial, financial, textbooks

The Blog publications include but not limited to: Chinese commercial correspondence, Chinese marketing correspondence, Chinese financial correspondence, business writing Chinese, Chinese characters decomposition, Chinese numbers, addition in Chinese, subtraction in Chinese, multiplication in Chinese, division in Chinese.
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Nicolay Shinkin:
Apr. 12th, 2017 @ 08:31 am 汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 得 dé ‘obtain’
彳 chì step,
丿 piě slash,
亻 rén man,
旦 dàn dawn,
日 rì sun,
冂 jiōng down box,
二 èr two,
寸 cùn inch,
一 yī one,
亅 jué hook,
丶 zhǔ dot,


Breakdown, Character, Chinese, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

More information: and

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Apr. 8th, 2017 @ 07:20 am Decomposition of the Chinese radical 由 tián ‘field’
Decomposition of the Chinese radical 由 tián ‘field’,

囗 wéi enclosure,
冂 jiōng down box,
十 shí ten,
一 yī one,
丨 gǔn line,
一 yī one

由囗 冂 十 一 丨 一

NB. Synonyms: Structural analysis of the Chinese characters, Breakdown of the Chinese characters, Chinese characters split.

More information: and
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Nov. 12th, 2007 @ 10:43 am Marching Band
Current Mood: happyhappy

Monday, November 12, 2007

Congratulations are in order for the Morris Hills Marching Band.
The " Marching Scarlet Knights" were awarded Fourth place, Division 2
with a record high score of 93.125 at The USSBA All-States
Championship held at Giants Stadium Saturday night." It was a rainy
and snowy night as the MH band performed with pride and
professionalism" quotes, Mr. Kurt Zimmerman, assistant band director.

Here was the order of the top 4 bands in the division. Methecton,
Pennsylvania; Monsignor Farrell, Staten Island; Bishop Freehan,
Maryland; and Morris Hills, Rockaway, NJ. There was only four tenths
of a point spread between the first placed band and Morris Hills.

"All of us are very proud of this band". The students have more heart
and dedication than I have seen in many years. That passion and
dedication have given Morris Hills the top New Jersey Band score in
Division 2".

Student leaders of the marching band include: Beckie and Ali Joseph,
Dan Greenburg, Kyle Best, Tom Barclay, Katie Solomon, Travis Salim,
Julianne Churchman, Teresa Wagner, and Annie Mitchell, Alexis Salim
and Christie Scott. And as always, the entire band and MH marching
band staff would like to thank our music booster organization for
their constant support.

Congratulations again marching band, you are the best.

Michael Sopko

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Star Big Star
Aug. 30th, 2005 @ 08:21 pm graduates attending college and current students
Current Mood: enthralledenthralled
Current Music: *elephant love melody*
I just wanted to wish everybody the best of luck this year in whatever you are doing! Hills kids, good luck with the construction!
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Feb. 28th, 2005 @ 02:03 pm Fencing article....HELP!!!
I will be writing the fencing article for the hilltopper, and I don't know all the specifics about fencing or about our team. So if anyone can offer any kind of information about fencing in general or about our fencing team, please tell me! It would be greatly appreciated.....if ur on the fencing team and would like to give me a quote please put ur quote and ur full name! thank you soooooo much!!


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pshh yea
Feb. 24th, 2005 @ 10:20 pm first winter guard competiton
Current Mood: excitedexcited
Current Music: Sk8r boi by Avril
Hey, this saturday (2/26) is the first winter guard competition! you should totally come down to see us, its gunna be really really really really awesome!!!! we perform at about 6:05...but the whole thing starts at costs about 6 dollars to get in...but its totally worth the cash!

directions to JP stevens are as follows:

From Garden State Parkway:
Use exit 131 and bear right onto Route 27 toward Metuchen. Continue one light to Wood Avenue (.3 miles-Exxon Station on the corner) and make a right. Go .5 miles to the next light. Make a left onto Oak Tree Road. Go 1.3 miles to the second light, making a right on Grove Avenue. Continue .6 miles to JP Stevens HS on the left.

From Route 27 North:
After going through the center of town crossing Main Street on Route 27 (passing the Metuchen Municipal Building/Police Station) go .5 miles to the next light at Grove Avenue. Make a left onto Grove Avenue passing Metuchen HS on the right. Continue on Grove Avenue, after crossing Oak Tree Road, JP Stevens HS will be about 1/2 mile ahead on the left.

From Route 22 East or West:
Take the PLAINFIELD exit to Somerset Street (No. Plainfield). Somerset Street become Park Avenue in Plainfield. Stay on Park Avenue (pass Medical Center on left) until you reach Oak Tree Road (McDonalds will be in a shopping center). Make a left onto Oak Tree Road and proceed to the 2nd light (Grove Avenue). Make a left onto Grove Avenue and proceed 1/2 mile to JP Stevens HS on the left.

From the NJ Turnpike:
Exit 10 on NJT-pike. Keep to the left after toll booths take Rte. 287 North to 3rd exit (Rt. 27). Follow directions for Route 287 North.

From 287 North:
Take exit for Route 27. Bear right onto Rte. 27. At traffic light, turn left onto Bridge Street. At first light, turn right onto New Durham Road. Make a quick left onto John Street. At stop sign, turn right onto Durham Avenue. At light turn left onto Central Avenue, which becomes Plainfield Road. At third traffic light, turn right onto Oak Tree Road. At first light, turn left onto Grove avenue. School is 1/2 mile on left.

From 287 South:
Take the Metuchen-New Durham exit 501. Make a left at light. Travel short distance to fork in road and bear left. Go to traffic light and make a left onto Central Avenue, which becomes Plainfield Road. At third traffic light, turn right onto Oak Tree Road. At first light, turn left onto Grove avenue. School is 1/2 mile on left.

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pshh yea