Paula Flores
Guatemalan social scientist. I'm working in social development, equality, youth, and population topics. I love Sociology, international affairs, poetry and philosophy.
Contact me: [email protected]
Contact me: [email protected]
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Papers by Paula Flores
One of its pecularities is that the community is made up of people from the north-west of the country who migrated to Mexico during the internal armed conflict that affected Guatemala for 36 years. Now, these people are resettled on the south coast.
That is why the reaserch adresses the food patterns of the community before their migration to Mexico, during their stay in that country and nowadays. It emphasizes the cultural relevance of the actions of international cooperation as well as a critical analysis of its ethical and practical role.
Drafts by Paula Flores
One of its pecularities is that the community is made up of people from the north-west of the country who migrated to Mexico during the internal armed conflict that affected Guatemala for 36 years. Now, these people are resettled on the south coast.
That is why the reaserch adresses the food patterns of the community before their migration to Mexico, during their stay in that country and nowadays. It emphasizes the cultural relevance of the actions of international cooperation as well as a critical analysis of its ethical and practical role.