silent_iniquity (silent_iniquity) wrote in mooremichael,

Just browsing around a bit and noticing stuff.

I've been pretty much... how do I put this simply, disinterested in Politics lately. A lot of it has to do with the fact that the current issues of today are things that we've run through the ringer no less then ten trillion times. The other part of my issue is that no matter what I say, it seems that both sides of the political spectrum are outraged that my beliefs aren't boxed and framed into a small little convenient package that can be defined as either political affiliation.

I'll admit, lately... I've probably got a little more on the conservatives, and seem to have upset them when I have. Which is odd considering my history where I have been "the Great Satan" for picking up on the obvious flaws in the Michael Moore-ish sect of the left wing.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

When exactly did both camps decide to put the barbed wire up, set up land mines, and launch mortar shots at each other? That is a rhetorical question because I know that most people already have their answers locked and loaded about how the other camp "started" all of this.

And while the troops call Iraq "the Sand Box", I think we have to admit to the fact that in this country we have "sand box politics", which pretty much amounts to a gang of kids who dominate the sand box, and push all the other kids "out of" the sand box. Our country has compensated by having two sand boxes now, and you can only play in one.

Seeing as I am currently sand box-less, I feel a little left out of some of the fun little games the kids play in their perspective ones. The Sandbox on the left side has Mad-Lib, which pretty much reads:

(noun) is like Hitler, only worse. (noun-book) is Mien Kampf, in English. And all (noun-group of white people) are all racist.

A short trip over to the other side of the play ground reveals a similar book. (noun) is a moon-bat for questioning anything. (noun-movie) is the most lie filled and hateful propaganda ever. All (noun-group of Democrats) sponge off the system.

These little cookie cutter speeches grow a little tiresome. Dean recently this card about "Republicans".

Some of the Democrats have taken notice and seem to be shoving this element directly out of their Sand Box.

A friend of mine will comment from time to time about how "there are no books written about the great compromisers". While I do understand this logic, I don't think a nation can be great with out those people willing to listen to both sides of the argument, and to combine ideas and ideals into something useful and good for our country.

And no, having a compromise on filibusters and judges doesn't quite cut it.

Where are the compromisers of our generation? Where are the people willing to work together, even if it means crossing party lines?

Where are the people who are willing to listen, instead of shout their epitaphs at each other?

The nation seems to be at a crisis point right now.

Which ever political party comes out of their sand box, and puts a compromiser on the ballot in 2008 will easily walk away with the election.

And perhaps, while we are all in the middle celebrating, they can bull doze away both of those boxes.

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