Papers by Eugenia Robinson

Routledge eBooks, Jul 12, 2023
This book explores routes of interaction and exchange in the Southern Maya Area, a zone that had ... more This book explores routes of interaction and exchange in the Southern Maya Area, a zone that had both short- and long-distance trade and whose natural resources were exploited by merchants and rulers, colonists and entrepreneurs during Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Aztec, colonial and modern times. The book presents the research of both archaeologists and art historians to identify routes of interconnection, to demonstrate the strategic importance of settlements and ritual locations, and to assess the significance of modes and mediums of exchange. The contributors employ innovative approaches, making use of state-of-the art technologies to reproduce and analyze the archaeological landscape (e.g. LiDAR, GIS, and least-cost path analysis) and to source and characterize archaeological materials (e.g. neutron activation analysis (NAA), X-ray fluorescence analysis [XRF] and strontium analysis). The book combines these innovative approaches with earlier data sources and past analyses to develop a new, synthetic analysis of interaction. Routes, Interaction and Exchange in the Southern Maya Area will appeal to professional academics, students, and interested lay readers from a broad range of social science fields including anthropology, archaeology, geography, economics, history, and art history and is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate courses in Mesoamerican archaeology.
Routledge eBooks, Jul 12, 2023

La historia cultural de la cuenca media del rio Motagua da inicio durante el periodo Preclasico M... more La historia cultural de la cuenca media del rio Motagua da inicio durante el periodo Preclasico Medio, fecha en la que se han realizado los registros mas tempranos de la ocupacion humana en la region. Desde ese momento se evidencia una serie de acontecimientos en los que la ceramica jugo un papel muy importante en el desenvolvimiento y desarrollo de las comunidades a lo largo de la region que hemos denominado como Motagua Medio. Por medio del analisis y clasificacion tipologica se identifico una buena muestra de ceramica policroma, presentando caracteristicas propias de la produccion local, las similitudes en forma y disenos estilisticos con regiones del noroeste de Honduras y El Salvador, el area de las Verapaces y el Altiplano Central de Guatemala, impulsaron a la realizacion de estudios y analisis por medio de activacion de neutrones, para determinar la procedencia, similitud de pastas y la interaccion a nivel regional de las ceramicas producidas en el sur occidente de las Tierra...
Latin American Antiquity, 2019
Love (2018) misunderstands some concepts of Bayesian analysis and the data from Naranjo and Urías... more Love (2018) misunderstands some concepts of Bayesian analysis and the data from Naranjo and Urías. The cross-dating of El Ujuxte needs to be reevaluated with the publication of its ceramic data.

Latin American Antiquity, 2014
Kaminaljuyú has been an important focus of archaeological research since the 1930s, and the chron... more Kaminaljuyú has been an important focus of archaeological research since the 1930s, and the chronologies of various sites of the Southern Maya Area are linked directly to that of Kaminaljuyú. The implications of the currently prevalent chronology of Kaminaljuyú are that various social and political institutions developed significantly earlier in the Southern Maya Area than in the Maya Lowlands during the Preclassic period. Our evaluations of new and existing radiocarbon dates through the application ofBayesian statistics, as well as ceramic cross-dating, indicate that the Middle and Late Preclassic portions of the Kaminaljuyú sequence need to be shifted forward in time by roughly 300 years. Our chronological revisions have the following important implications: (1) many centers in the Southern Maya Area suffered political disruptions around 400 B.C., roughly at the same time as La Venta and the centers in the Grijalva region of Chiapas; and (2) highly centralized polities with divine...
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, 2011

Latin American Antiquity, 1994
We use neutron-activation analysis data on Formative- and Classic-period pottery along with analy... more We use neutron-activation analysis data on Formative- and Classic-period pottery along with analyses of modern ceramics and raw materials to examine changes in ceramic production and consumption on the central Guatemalan Pacific slope at the beginning of the Classic period. In particular, we wonder if the processes that generated regional distributions of two Formative-period wares (White Paste and Fine Red) were the same as or different from the processes that generated regional distribution of Classic-period Flesh ware. We identify probable production zones for the three regionally distributed wares based on raw-material analyses, consideration of the geological context of different zones, and distributional evidence. We find major differences between production/consumption of the Formative and Classic regionally distributed wares. This reinforces the notion that some kind of dramatic historical discontinuity affected the lives of Pacific-slope people around A. D. 200.
Routledge eBooks, Jul 12, 2023
Papers by Eugenia Robinson