Teresa Fiore
Teresa Fiore is the Theresa and Lawrence R. Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University (USA). The recipient of several fellowships (NEH, De Bosis, Rockefeller, and Fulbright), she was Visiting Assistant Professor at Harvard University, NYU, and Rutgers University. She is the author of Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy's Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies (Fordham UP 2017) - also available in Italian translation as Spazi Pre-occupati: Una rimappatura delle migrazioni transnazionali e delle eredità coloniali italiane (Mondadori Education-Le Monnier, 2021), and the editor of the 2006 issue of Quaderni del ‘900, devoted to John Fante. Her numerous articles on migration to/from Italy linked to 20th- and 21st-century Italian literature and cinema have been published in Italian, English and Spanish in both journals (Bollettino d’italianistica; Annali d’Italianistica; Studi italiani; El hilo de la fabula; Diaspora; Zibaldone; Journal of Italian Media and Cinema Studies; Journal of Modern Italian Studies; TILCA) and edited collections (Postcolonial Italy; Teaching Italian American Literature, Film, and Popular Culture; The Cultures of Italian Migration; The Routledge History of Italian Americans; and New Italian Migrations to the United States, Vol. 2. Fiore was awarded the Italian national honor of “Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia” (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy) by the Italian Consulate in 2019. On campus, she coordinates a regular program of cultural events and educational initiatives (internships, summer courses for high school students, special class projects) that focus on the circulation of people, ideas, languages, products from/to Italy: montclair.edu/inserra-chair
Address: Montclair State University
Schmitt Hall 241D
1 Normal Ave
Montclair, NJ 07043
Address: Montclair State University
Schmitt Hall 241D
1 Normal Ave
Montclair, NJ 07043
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InterestsView All (7)
Book by Teresa Fiore
Book project under contract with Fordham University Press (publication date: May 2017).
Reviews of Fiore's book Pre-occupied Spaces by Teresa Fiore
Review of Teresa Fiore's 2017 book Pre-Occupied Spaces (Italian translation of the same review published in English in Forum Italicum Vol. 51, no. 3 (Fall 2017 issue, pp. 863-66)
Guest Edited Journal by Teresa Fiore
Co-edited with Ernest Ialongo. Special section (introduction and three essays) included in an issue of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
Articles by Teresa Fiore
Book project under contract with Fordham University Press (publication date: May 2017).
Review of Teresa Fiore's 2017 book Pre-Occupied Spaces (Italian translation of the same review published in English in Forum Italicum Vol. 51, no. 3 (Fall 2017 issue, pp. 863-66)
Co-edited with Ernest Ialongo. Special section (introduction and three essays) included in an issue of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
The article analyzes the 2010 play Rumore di Acque/Noise in the Waters by the Teatro delle Albe and Andrea Segre’s 2014 docufilm Come il peso dell’acqua/Like the Weight of Water as creative responses to the Mediterranean migrant crisis. In challenging the frozen representation and rhetoric of public reporting and discourse, characterized by recurring images of boats accompanied by the number of arriving or dead migrants, both works propose a critical reading of the migration phenomenon through the focus on individual stories. As the play and the docufilm themselves cross a sea of genres and expressive tools, they also place the migrant at the center of an interrogation of national paradigms and Western societies. They ultimately call into question the exclusionary politics and policies of the contemporary world, and identify in the empathy towards the human quest for freedom and recognition a lively engine of the early-21st-century global community, so profoundly marked by movement and displacement.
Also in English (see “The Ship as a Pre-occupied Space: A Theoretical and Applied Approach to Migrant Culture between Italy and the United States” in Book Chapters)
Posted by permission from Bollettino d'italianistica.
Posted by permission from Neos.
Posted by permission from Annali d'Italianistica.
Posted by permission from Diaspora.
Posted by permission from Leggendaria.
A specific section analyzes the 2011 play Italianesi by Saverio La Ruina, which weaves tales of Italian departures and returns prompted by colonial expansion, international politics, and the lure of Italy, and in the process it productively “confuses” the notion of Italian-ness vis-à-vis an Albanian identity. Overall, the essay illustrates specific pedagogical routes and teaching materials, as well as opportunities and challenges within the classroom, including the yet-unexplored possibility of a pluri-language syllabus for a pluri-cultural student body interested in migrations from/to Italy as a telling example of transnational mobilities at large across time and space.
Also in English (see “The Emigrant Post-‘Colonia:’ Contemporary Immigrant Italy” in this list).
Posted by permission from Mondadori-Le Monnier.
Also in Italian translation (see "L’Italia postcoloniale" in this list).
Posted by permission from Palgrave.
Posted by permission from Farleigh Dickinson University Press.
Posted by permission from the Modern Language Association.
Also in Spanish translation (see “El barco como un espacio pre-ocupado: un enfoque comparativo de las culturas migrantes entre Italia y Estados Unidos” in Articles).
Posted by permission from Heidelberg Winter Verlag.
Posted by permission from the American Italian Historical Association.
Posted by permission from Forum Italicum.
Posted by permission from Italian Americana.
Posted by permission from Italian Studies.
Entry was listed among the “great signatures” of scholars, journalists, and authors for this “Librerie Coop” initiative under the aegis of the Italian Ministry of Culture (Sept. 2011).
Graduate seminar: Transnational Italy: Imperial Legacies and Migration Routes