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hey guys! [Feb. 28th, 2005|10:50 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community

Hey peoples.. its Syndi:) remeber me? awwe.. i love you guys and miss you soo mucH! im prolly comming to visit soon so get ready! Email me sometime! i love you guys@!
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First post of the year! [Jan. 23rd, 2005|08:59 pm]
The Montabella Livejournal Community

[mood |scaredTerrified]
[music |"Get In Or Get Out" By Hot Hot Heat]

Hey, it's your friendly mod here. I have a question. Has anyone here had Web Design and/or Psychology? What should I expect? Anything special I should know? Should I be afraid? I have both next semester and I'd like some idea of what to expect. Oh, Put Senior Project on that list too. Thanks, guys and gals.
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Snowball!! [Dec. 6th, 2004|07:44 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community
[mood |deviousdevious]
[music |I'll Be ~ Edwin McCain]

Hey everyone...

Okay, so do we know when exactly Snowball is? Can y'all give me a date... or even a month? I've been hearing mixed things, December, January, & even February. Craziness.

Right other's wrongs, tell me the TRUTH. :-)

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Hey Bitches... [Aug. 24th, 2004|01:35 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community

[mood |amusedamused]
[music |Five Year Old Panty Shot - MSI]

Oh shit, there aren't any teachers on here are there? Because I would be in trouble. Now how in the hell did ALL of you know that I was on here? And if you did know then why don't you bitches ever comment. Joe. Joe is the only true Montabella LJ friend I've got... You friggin' a-holes... Anyways, here is my schedule:

1st Semester

1st Block - Photography
2nd Block - Math Analysis
1st Skinny - Lit. and Film
2nd Skinny - Senior Seminar (Riley)
3rd Block - Drama
4th Block - English 12

2nd Semester

1st Block - Spanish 2 (yeah friggin right I'm Mexican I should NOT have to take the Spanish 2 class and DEFINITELY NOT online)
2nd Block - Adv. Art
1st Skinny - Senior Project
2nd Skinny - Senior Project
3rd Block - Web Design (Hahaha)
4th Block - Psychology

Anyways you bunch of punks... I hate you all for not commenting on my journal but knowing I was online... You bastards... Hehe, just kidding! You don't have to comment I don't have much to say anyways...

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My Classes [Jul. 29th, 2004|05:06 pm]
The Montabella Livejournal Community

Well, let's breathe some life into this ghost town, shall we? Here's where the man says I'm supposed to be this year. Any matches?

First Semsester

1st Block - Honors English 12 - Compson
2nd Block - Computer Application - Nelson (Gonna try to switch out of this.)

1st Skinny - Literature & Film - Haas
2nd Skinny - Senior Seminar - Riley

3rd Block - Drama - Haas
4th Block - Art 1 - Barber (Might explore my other options on this one.)

Second Semester

1st Block - Archietectural Drafting - Simon (NO NO NO!!!! Definitely switching out of this one.)
2nd Block - Current Events - Riley

1st Skinny - Senior Project - Compson
2nd Skinny - Senior Project - Compson

3rd Block - Spanish 3 & 4 - Liestenfeltz???? (Gonna see what else I've got.)
4th Block - Psychology - Clingensmith
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Howdey. [Jun. 15th, 2004|02:01 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community
[music |Mindless Self Indulgence]

I was suprised there even was a community for MHS. Fun times. Anyone on here that I know? Yeah... we should get Ana on here.
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Second To Post! [May. 2nd, 2004|09:38 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community
Wow, a whole two people are in this community!
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Ha! I got the first post! [May. 1st, 2004|10:49 am]
The Montabella Livejournal Community

So...uh, yeah....Here it is. Huzzah!
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