This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The sutures have a key role in the orthognatic potentiality and this is particularly clear in the... more The sutures have a key role in the orthognatic potentiality and this is particularly clear in the orthopedic action on the upper jaw.The aim of the orthopedic action is to obtain a skeletal equilibrium to allow correct function.The present study has been carried out on different orthopedic movements of the upper jaw in different clinical conditions,analysing the appliances and the therapeutic effects.
A sample of students (aged between 11 and 13 years)undrwent an othodontic visit to evaluate how s... more A sample of students (aged between 11 and 13 years)undrwent an othodontic visit to evaluate how severe their own malocclusion was estimated by themselves;at the same time the prevalence of malocclusions was asswssed.IOTN index was used for the aforesaid evaluation;this index consists of two components:the former is functional(DHC)while the latter is aesthetic(AC).The Authors visited 488 students:51,2% of them were male and 53% were actually or formerly undergoing an orthodontic treatment.The students were asked to compare their smile with a series of photos with malocclusions of varrying degree.Patients'judgements were compared with clinicians'evaluation thus obtaining a real treatment need estimate.
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2021
The review of literature shows that 48,22% of the autotranspated teeth were orthodontically treat... more The review of literature shows that 48,22% of the autotranspated teeth were orthodontically treated. A 13-year-old male patient presented a destructive decay in the element 3.6, which was underoccluded. To maintain the arch space and the quantity of bone necessary for a potential implant, it was decided to perform an autotransplantation of the impacted element 3.8. Tooth autotransplantation is a valid and durable alternative to the prosthetic and the implant solutions with high success rate.
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2021
The practice of piercing has been used since ancient times, and nowadays is coming back in fashio... more The practice of piercing has been used since ancient times, and nowadays is coming back in fashion among adolescents and young adults. Teenagers wearing oral piercings are frequently observed during routine examination, and there are, also, recurrent harmful consequences attributed to the devices. Unfortunately, piercings are usually placed by unlicensed individuals, lacking the appropriate anatomical knowledge, and therefore unable to provide sufficient information regarding the potential risks, especially when compared to the ones known by the patients. In this regard, the relevant legislation is frayed both vertically (that is within the framework of State and Regional competences), and horizontally (within the competences between the various regions). With the present study, through an accurate review of the literature and the description of two case reports, we underline the importance of informing both the patients and the dental professionals about the dental consequences und...
The orthodontist's role is to allow a normal cranio-facial growth in young people and it seem... more The orthodontist's role is to allow a normal cranio-facial growth in young people and it seems to be very important in class III malocclusions.These patients can really benefict from an early orthopedic treatment.The Author shows to resolve the skeletal disorders and to normalize the function.
Several cross sectional investigation on group of mounth breather have pointed out some features ... more Several cross sectional investigation on group of mounth breather have pointed out some features associated with impaired nasal breathing.the early diagnosis of this etiological factor is very important for the prevention of morphological alterations of the facial skeleton.For this reason the author suggests to promote a multidisciplinary approach for an early diagnosis and therapy of the mounth breather patients.
The mechanism of craniofacial growth as well as the role and the functional meaning of the suture... more The mechanism of craniofacial growth as well as the role and the functional meaning of the sutures have been explained on the basis of different evolutive theories.In the present study the Authors analyse the functional role of the craniofacial sutures and suggest that the sutures play two main functions:take part in the craniofacial development as sites of growth and represent a joint between the skeletal structures as they allow relative movements between bones.
The author takes into consideration the role of the craniofacial sutures from an orthodontic poin... more The author takes into consideration the role of the craniofacial sutures from an orthodontic point of view.These sutures play a very important role in the development of maxillofacial complex as weel as in the therapeutic procedures.In order to evaluate the specific role of the sutures and to use their evolutive potentiality in the therapeutic field it has been analysed the structural evolution of every suture taken into account.
The authors carried out an ENT study about the effects of the RME,pointing out with objective tes... more The authors carried out an ENT study about the effects of the RME,pointing out with objective tests the improvements of both respiratory and auditive functionality.
The Authors carried out a study with 100 patients affected by transverse maxillary deficiences,tr... more The Authors carried out a study with 100 patients affected by transverse maxillary deficiences,treated with a maxillary expansion appliance.A direct correlation between deviation of the nasal septum and deficiency of the upper jaw has been proved by postero-anterior x rays.R.M.E.produced not only an increase in the maxillary transversal dimension,but also an improvement of the nasal septal deviation.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The sutures have a key role in the orthognatic potentiality and this is particularly clear in the... more The sutures have a key role in the orthognatic potentiality and this is particularly clear in the orthopedic action on the upper jaw.The aim of the orthopedic action is to obtain a skeletal equilibrium to allow correct function.The present study has been carried out on different orthopedic movements of the upper jaw in different clinical conditions,analysing the appliances and the therapeutic effects.
A sample of students (aged between 11 and 13 years)undrwent an othodontic visit to evaluate how s... more A sample of students (aged between 11 and 13 years)undrwent an othodontic visit to evaluate how severe their own malocclusion was estimated by themselves;at the same time the prevalence of malocclusions was asswssed.IOTN index was used for the aforesaid evaluation;this index consists of two components:the former is functional(DHC)while the latter is aesthetic(AC).The Authors visited 488 students:51,2% of them were male and 53% were actually or formerly undergoing an orthodontic treatment.The students were asked to compare their smile with a series of photos with malocclusions of varrying degree.Patients'judgements were compared with clinicians'evaluation thus obtaining a real treatment need estimate.
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2021
The review of literature shows that 48,22% of the autotranspated teeth were orthodontically treat... more The review of literature shows that 48,22% of the autotranspated teeth were orthodontically treated. A 13-year-old male patient presented a destructive decay in the element 3.6, which was underoccluded. To maintain the arch space and the quantity of bone necessary for a potential implant, it was decided to perform an autotransplantation of the impacted element 3.8. Tooth autotransplantation is a valid and durable alternative to the prosthetic and the implant solutions with high success rate.
Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents, 2021
The practice of piercing has been used since ancient times, and nowadays is coming back in fashio... more The practice of piercing has been used since ancient times, and nowadays is coming back in fashion among adolescents and young adults. Teenagers wearing oral piercings are frequently observed during routine examination, and there are, also, recurrent harmful consequences attributed to the devices. Unfortunately, piercings are usually placed by unlicensed individuals, lacking the appropriate anatomical knowledge, and therefore unable to provide sufficient information regarding the potential risks, especially when compared to the ones known by the patients. In this regard, the relevant legislation is frayed both vertically (that is within the framework of State and Regional competences), and horizontally (within the competences between the various regions). With the present study, through an accurate review of the literature and the description of two case reports, we underline the importance of informing both the patients and the dental professionals about the dental consequences und...
The orthodontist's role is to allow a normal cranio-facial growth in young people and it seem... more The orthodontist's role is to allow a normal cranio-facial growth in young people and it seems to be very important in class III malocclusions.These patients can really benefict from an early orthopedic treatment.The Author shows to resolve the skeletal disorders and to normalize the function.
Several cross sectional investigation on group of mounth breather have pointed out some features ... more Several cross sectional investigation on group of mounth breather have pointed out some features associated with impaired nasal breathing.the early diagnosis of this etiological factor is very important for the prevention of morphological alterations of the facial skeleton.For this reason the author suggests to promote a multidisciplinary approach for an early diagnosis and therapy of the mounth breather patients.
The mechanism of craniofacial growth as well as the role and the functional meaning of the suture... more The mechanism of craniofacial growth as well as the role and the functional meaning of the sutures have been explained on the basis of different evolutive theories.In the present study the Authors analyse the functional role of the craniofacial sutures and suggest that the sutures play two main functions:take part in the craniofacial development as sites of growth and represent a joint between the skeletal structures as they allow relative movements between bones.
The author takes into consideration the role of the craniofacial sutures from an orthodontic poin... more The author takes into consideration the role of the craniofacial sutures from an orthodontic point of view.These sutures play a very important role in the development of maxillofacial complex as weel as in the therapeutic procedures.In order to evaluate the specific role of the sutures and to use their evolutive potentiality in the therapeutic field it has been analysed the structural evolution of every suture taken into account.
The authors carried out an ENT study about the effects of the RME,pointing out with objective tes... more The authors carried out an ENT study about the effects of the RME,pointing out with objective tests the improvements of both respiratory and auditive functionality.
The Authors carried out a study with 100 patients affected by transverse maxillary deficiences,tr... more The Authors carried out a study with 100 patients affected by transverse maxillary deficiences,treated with a maxillary expansion appliance.A direct correlation between deviation of the nasal septum and deficiency of the upper jaw has been proved by postero-anterior x rays.R.M.E.produced not only an increase in the maxillary transversal dimension,but also an improvement of the nasal septal deviation.
Papers by Paola Pirelli