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      AestheticsIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArt TheoryCross-Cultural Studies
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      European StudiesMulticulturalismArt TheoryPolitical communication
This paper explores the concept of grace in etiquette as a social aesthetic. Etiquette is often understood as distinct from ethics because it is perceived as a mere conventional rule following, and a matter of style. Alternatively, it may... more
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      AestheticsEthnographyPerformance StudiesSociolinguistics
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyPolitical PhilosophyIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
This essay explores questions of cross-cultural aesthetic appreciation when galleries display indigenous artefacts or artists appropriate religious symbols. In such cases, the work is not necessarily treated with disrespect, and yet can... more
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Kant's account of aesthetic appreciation was the experience of attending to something as purposive yet without attending to a purpose. In Noel Carroll's account of what this means, he says, 'We savor the colours in the painting of a tree... more
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheorySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Art HistoryIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArt TheoryCulture
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      Art TheoryLiteraturePhilosophy of ArtAesthetics and Ethics
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      FolkloreAestheticsIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArt Theory
This paper explores the ethics of ethnomusicology through a case study into Ida Halpern's recordings of First Nations music. The paper develops a performative model of First Nations music as a mnemonic device in law, and explores moral... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthicsAnthropology of MusicEthnomusicology
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      AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesPhilosophy of Art
The object of scientific study of medicine is the physical body. As Ivan Varga points out, modernity has meant 'materialising' as well as 'scientificising' the body, which is studied as subject to the laws of nature: 'advances in... more
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      Sociology of ReligionCultural SociologyCross-Cultural StudiesPublic Health
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      Indigenous StudiesFashion designFilm StudiesAustralian Studies
In debates concerning the treatment of sacred objects, symbols and figures in multicultural societies, questions often arise as to what it means to treat beliefs with respect. Responses from a Millian liberal tradition have generally... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunicationIndigenous StudiesIntercultural Communication
It seems fair to say that there is a widespread belief that academic accounts of art and aesthetics of the eighteenth and nineteenth century were fundamentally flawed. Yet there is a more pervasive belief that the theories were not only... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
Panel proposals and individual papers are invited for the ethics stream of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association annual conference. The conference will be held from 8-10 July in Queenstown, Aotearoa New Zealand.... more
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      Applied EthicsVideo GamesCommunication EthicsFreedom Of Expression
The social costs of increasing antagonism, fear and social dislocation on the basis of religious persuasion suggest that Australia, as well as other multicultural societies, needs to re-examine the place of religion in society, the causes... more
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Margaret Preston, an Australian painter, has been credited as the first nonanthropologist to begin to explore Australian Aboriginal art as an art. Preston saw in Aboriginal painting the well-spring for an ‘indigenous art of Australia’.... more
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      Art HistoryIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArt TheoryCulture
This paper explores the concept of grace in etiquette as a social aesthetic. Etiquette is often understood as distinct from ethics because it is perceived as a mere conventional rule following, and a matter of style. Alternatively, it may... more
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      Greek Literature Ancient AestheticsLiterature and Aesthetics
Kant's account of aesthetic appreciation was the experience of attending to something as purposive yet without attending to a purpose. In Noel Carroll's account of what this means, he says, 'We savor the colours in the painting of a tree... more
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      Greek Literature Ancient AestheticsLiterature and Aesthetics