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      Internet research methodsOnline Research Methods
Being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes but weight loss through lifestyle interventions can markedly reduce its incidence. The Internet provides an opportunity for the development and implementation... more
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      Health PromotionNutritionInternet researchDiet
In this article we explore how online daters use technology to assess and manage the real and perceived risks associated with online dating. Online in depth interviews were conducted with 29 participants. The interview transcripts were... more
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      Surveillance StudiesRisk ManagementOnline Research Methods
We explore weight loss stories from 47 men collected from the Australian edition of Men's Health magazine between January 2009 and December 2012. Our analysis uses a mixed methods approach that combines thematic analysis and descriptive... more
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      NarrativeObesityMen's HealthMedia
We explore weight loss stories from 47 men collected from the Australian edition of Men’s Health magazine between January 2009 and December 2012. Our analysis uses a mixed methods approach that combines thematic analysis and descriptive... more
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      Men's HealthPublic HealthHealth communication and mass mediaWeight Loss
This paper examines how Foucault's (1979) concept of the panopticon coexists in a dyadic relationship of social control with the system of the contemporary mass media – the “synopticon” (Mathiesen,1997), and the relevance and significance... more
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      SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesEpidemiology
This project examines the behaviours and experiences of people who use online dating (OD), and how they may or may not address risk in their use of online dating. Using a qualitative approach, fifteen people who use OD were interviewed... more
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      Sexual BehaviourRisk ManagementPublic HealthSexual Health
News reporting, in channels such as broadcast and print media, on obesity as an issue has increased dramatically in the last decade. A qualitative study, in which we used in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, was undertaken to... more
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      Health CommunicationObesitySociology of HealthMichel Foucault
The media play a key role in promoting the thin ideal. A qualitative study, in which we used in depth interviews and thematic analysis, was undertaken to explore the attitudes of 142 obese individuals toward media portrayals of the thin... more
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      Media StudiesQualitative methodologyObesitySociology of Health
Social marketing campaigns play a key role in responses to obesity. We examine a recent Australian obesity prevention campaign (Livelighter) as a case study to explore public health values, and in particular consider the implications of... more
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      SociologySocial MarketingObesityStigma
Obesity is considered a public health concern. In Australia, there are a greater number of overweight or obese men compared with women. The media is an important source of information about body weight and weight management. We undertook... more
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      ObesityMen's HealthSociology of HealthSociology of Health and Illness
The Let’s Yarn About Cancer - Loddon Mallee took an iterative, inductive, community-oriented approach to investigate Aboriginal health workers’ cancer understandings and practice needs.
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      Qualitative methodologyCancerAustraliaAboriginal Health
Globally there is an urban/rural divide in relation to health and healthcare access. A key strategy for addressing general practitioner shortages in rural areas is GP vocational training in rural places, as this may aid in developing... more
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      Rural SociologyGeneral PracticePlace AttachmentPlace and Identity
Background: Mobile health (mHealth) apps have played an important role in mitigating the coronavirus disease response. However, there is no resource that provides a holistic picture of the available mHealth apps that have been developed... more
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    • Mhealth
Background: Mobile health (mHealth) apps have played an important role in mitigating the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response. However, there is no resource that provides a holistic picture of the available mHealth apps that have been... more
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      Public HealthMhealthMobile appsmHealth and eHealth
In this chapter the authors discuss two different online interview methods (IM and email). The chapter is based on the authors' experiences in conducting a qualitative research project online, with a particular focus on online dating and... more
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Pandemic situations present enormous risks to essential rural primary healthcare (PHC) teams and the communities they serve. Yet, the pandemic policy development for rural contexts remains poorly defined. This article draws on reflections... more
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      Public Administration and PolicyPublic health systems and services research
Background The increasing number of people who experience mental disorders is a global problem. People with mental disorders have high rates of co-morbidity and significantly poorer oral health outcomes than the general public. However,... more
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      Mental health systemsPsychology and Cognitive SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
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      Program EvaluationHealth PromotionNutritionInternet research
View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 3 View citing articles "At 150 kg, you can't run" men's weight loss stories in a popular health magazine provide appropriate examples of good health practice
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      NarrativeObesityMediaPublic Health