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      Program EvaluationEducational MeasurementMedical EducationAustralia
. Blood typing relying on RBC/blood plasma separation on antibody treated paper. (a) Schematic of colorimetric indication of phase separation on the paper channels; (b) and (c) are two replicates of same blood sample confirming A+ blood... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCell separationAnalytical
All 367 recipients and 1,385 donations transfused over a 40-day period were traced and compared by sex, age and discharge diagnosis with the 5,955 concurrent discharges from all general and obstetric hospitals in the area. 6% of... more
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      AdolescentChildNew ZealandInfant
We have observed that agglutinated blood wicks differently onto paper than non-agglutinated blood. This phenomenon was investigated to develop paper based blood detection device. In this study, the wicking and the chromatographic... more
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In a doctor-linguist collaboration, a framework of reasoning in clinical contexts is presented. Arguments used for inquiry, justification and persuasion are sketched in diagnosis, counselling, and management settings integral to everyday... more
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This article looks at the ‘Lives’ of Marie d’Oignies and Douceline of Digne, two of the many laywomen mystics who emerged in Europe in the thirteenth century. It aims to show how a perception of difference based on sex shaped the ways in... more
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      Gender HistoryBeguinesProvenceWomen Mystics
Australia's 18,000-plus Mauritian immigrants make up the country's largest single French-speaking community, but they also speak Kreol, a creole language specific to Mauritius and its dependent island Rodrigues. Kreol is both the lingua... more
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    • Sociology