Alan Petersen
My research covers a wide field, including the sociology and politics of bioethics, the social aspects of new and emerging technologies, ageing and mental health, anti-aging medicine, sociology of the body, sociology of risk, and the media production and portrayal of new technology innovations. I have a long standing interest in Michel Foucault's work, especially as applied to health and healthcare. I'm currently undertaking externally funded projects on stem cell tourism, discourses of family, food and obesity, older men's health, and the individual, social and community impacts of compensable injury. His work is funded by the Australian Research Council, and Leverhulme Trust.
Address: Sociology, School of Political and Social Inquiry,
Menzies Building (Bldg 11),
Wellington Road,
Clayton 3800,
Address: Sociology, School of Political and Social Inquiry,
Menzies Building (Bldg 11),
Wellington Road,
Clayton 3800,
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