The use of natural plants products that reduce mosquito population can provide many associated be... more The use of natural plants products that reduce mosquito population can provide many associated benefits that limit pesticides environmental impact due to shorter latency and may be useful in preventing development of resistance. The larval mortality was observed at 24hrs and 48hrs of time exposure. LC50 value was calculated. Microscopic slides were prepared from live larvae and microscopic photography were done for the prepared slides and studied for visible changes. Dose mortality test observation showed the intensity of activity in a descending order as Moringa oleifera Lam. > Catharanthus roseus Linn. > Lantana camara L.> Thyme vulgaris L. From this result we can conclude that more effective plant extracts results in more clumped/fused chromosomes. Effects of plant extract induced on polytene chromosome most frequently were structural in nature.
To monitor resistance to insecticides, bioassays were performed on 102 strains of the dengue vect... more To monitor resistance to insecticides, bioassays were performed on 102 strains of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti (L.) from 16 countries ranging from Suriname in South America and through the chain of Caribbean Islands to the Bahamas, where the larvicide temephos and the adulticide malathion have been in use for 15 to 30 years. There was wide variation in the sensitivity to the larvicide in mosquito populations within and among countries. Mosquito strains in some countries such as Antigua, St. Lucia, and Tortola had consistently high resistance ratios (RR) to temephos, ranging from 5.3 to 17.7. In another group of countries-e.g., Anguilla and Curaçao-mosquitoes had mixed levels of resistance to temephos (RR = 2.5-10.6), and in a third group of countries, including St. Kitts, Barbados, Jamaica, and Suriname, mosquitoes had consistently low levels of resistance to temephos (RR = 1-4.6) (P < 0.05). On occasion significantly different levels of resistance were recorded from neighboring A. aegypti communities, which suggests there is little genetic exchange among populations. The impact of larval resistance expressed itself as reduced efficacy of temephos to kill mosquitoes when strains were treated in the laboratory or in the field in large container environments with recommended dosages. Although a sensitive strain continued to be completely controlled for up to 7 weeks, the most resistant strains had 24% survival after the first week. By week 6, 60% to 75% of all resistant strains of larvae were surviving the larval period. Responses to malathion in adult A. aegypti varied from a sensitive population in Suriname (RR = 1.3) to resistant strains in St. Vincent (RR = 4.4), Dominica (RR = 4.2), and Trinidad (RR = 4.0); however, resistance was generally not on the scale of that observed to temephos in the larval stages and had increased only slightly when compared to the levels that existed 3 to 4 years ago. Suggestions are made for a pesticide usage policy for the Caribbean region, with modifications for individual countries. This would be formulated based on each country's insecticideresistance profile. Use of physical and biological control strategies would play a more critical role than the use of insecticides.
Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and ... more Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and some are efficient scavengers. Poultry forming is a leading profession which provides nutritive food products for human consumption. However, these valuable resources can be infected with a wide range of blood parasites which may affect their survival and existence. In this study, the impact of Haemoproteus, an intracellular sporozoan parasite of the common pigeon. Columba livia on some heamatological parameters (Hb% and TEC) was examined. The investigations were conducted in two groups of Columba livia. Group A: Control, Group B, Heamoproteus infected. The Hb values (13.410.17gm/100ml) in Group A decline to (10.8±0.37 gm/100ml) in Group B. TEC in Group B also declined to 1.620.05x106/Cmm from the normal values of 2.19±0.02x10/Cmm in Group A. The fall in Hb% was 18.97%. and that in TEC was 24.2%. The values of TEC are more affected (24.2 %) as compared to Hb (18.97%). Being an intracellu...
The resistance of pesticide by the pest is an important matter of concern .The pesticide of plant... more The resistance of pesticide by the pest is an important matter of concern .The pesticide of plant origin having nontoxic biodegradable and environmental friendly qualities. The frequent spraying of toxic chemicals developing resistance to the pesticide. Leaf powder of the plants like Argimone Mexicana and Calotropis procera is prepared, Different doses of these plant extracts is given to the Fourth instar stages of Helicoverpa armigera through feeding methods, To find their efficacy the experimental findings will be put under analysis using various perameters. The effect on paritrophic membrane is also studied.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
World’s 40% population is at risk of dengue which is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albop... more World’s 40% population is at risk of dengue which is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Many measures for Aedes control are taken but still mosquitoes find their way to breed and transmit diseases. Insecticide use is been considered effective for emergency mosquito control and many more insecticides are under trials but mosquitoes usually develop resistance against these chemical formulations. In recent years green synthesized nanoparticles are proved to be potential targets against larvae, pupa and adult form of mosquito. This paper reviews the various developed nanoparticles during and their potentiality in Aedes control. Larvicidal activity of nanoparticles is given for I instars, II instars, III instars, IV instars and pupa differently. Nanoparticles are fabricated from many medicinal plants extract and some are very much effective against mosquito control. This is an eco friendly approach for mosquito control with low risk of resistance development.
Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial ... more Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial number of micro-organisms suggest a general lack of cleanliness in handling and improper storage practices Although it is generally agreed that bakery products are microbiologically safe food but post baking processes, packaging and wrong handling cannot be denied. Bakery products have been an important part of diet. Due to substandard handling operations, mould spoilage has become a serious threat for bakery industries. Further large mass of people like students, children, daily workers, tourists, all prefer bread preparations. Local bread preparations from road side vendors form a major part of their food. Improper handling and storage facilities lead to microbial contaminations as the higher water activity can lead to certain pathogenic anaerobic microbial growth at ambient temperature causing serious unnoticed health hazards. Hence, an attempt was made to collect the local bread samp...
Correspoding Autho: Sujoita Purohit, Department of Zoology, Insect Microbial and Herbal Control L... more Correspoding Autho: Sujoita Purohit, Department of Zoology, Insect Microbial and Herbal Control Laboratory, University College of Science, Mohan lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India 253 ... Evaluation of the Morphological Abnormalities in the 4th Instar ...
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Aug 28, 2014
Application of plant extracts have become an available alternative in sustainable vector control ... more Application of plant extracts have become an available alternative in sustainable vector control strategy due to their less toxic, easily available and non persistant nature. In the present study, leaves, flowers and seeds of Moringa oleifera Lam. are evaluated for their larvicidal activities against Anopheles stephensi (L). The larval mortality was observed at 24hrs and 48 hrs of time exposure. Highest larval percent mortality was observed to be found in the seed extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. plant with 100% mortality at 100 ppm of concentration. LC 50 value was calculated against different concentrations. The lowest LC 50 value was observed in the M. oleifera Lam. seeds followed by flowers and leaves i.e. 15.17 ppm, 23.99 ppm and 38.99 ppm respectively after 24 hrs of exposure time and 12.62 ppm, 20.46 ppm and 25.11 ppm. respectively at 48 hrs of exposure time. The plant extracts also exhibited some developmental deformities in larvae and pupae. The obtained data indicates that phytochemical derived from M. oleifera Lam. seed extracts are effective mosquito vector control agent.
Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial ... more Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial number of micro-organisms suggest a general lack of cleanliness in handling and improper storage practices Although it is generally agreed that bakery products are microbiologically safe food but post baking processes, packaging and wrong handling cannot be denied. Bakery products have been an important part of diet. Due to substandard handling operations, mould spoilage has become a serious threat for bakery industries. Further large mass of people like students, children, daily workers, tourists, all prefer bread preparations. Local bread preparations from road side vendors form a major part of their food. Improper handling and storage facilities lead to microbial contaminations as the higher water activity can lead to certain pathogenic anaerobic microbial growth at ambient temperature causing serious unnoticed health hazards. Hence, an attempt was made to collect the local bread samp...
Situated amidst the Aravallis and adorned by the necklace of lakes is located the historical city... more Situated amidst the Aravallis and adorned by the necklace of lakes is located the historical city of Udaipur, which is also known as the Venice of the East .The city embraces two large lakes namely Lake Udaisagar and Lake Bari in terms of area. It also possesses three comparatively smaller lakes-the world famous Lake Pichhola, Lake Fateh Sagar and Lake Swarup Sagar within its heart. The present paper reflects the status of Lake Bari which is the least studied one amongst all. A total of 32 bird species belonging to 18 families were encountered during the study period. Among these, 20 species were resident, 2 species were summer migrants and 10 species were winter migrants. An attempt has been made in the present study to analyze the status of waterfowls as observed in present study in Bari Lake in comparison to Lake Fateh Sagar. It seems prima facie that the habitat of the lake has not been properly managed. In spite of low anthropogenic activity in the lake, the diversity of water fowls is also very low. Suggestions have been made on the basis of present investigation for habitat improvement and habitat management so as to increase the number of waterfowl and also to promote eco-tourism.
The use of natural plants products that reduce mosquito population can provide many associated be... more The use of natural plants products that reduce mosquito population can provide many associated benefits that limit pesticides environmental impact due to shorter latency and may be useful in preventing development of resistance. The larval mortality was observed at 24hrs and 48hrs of time exposure. LC50 value was calculated. Microscopic slides were prepared from live larvae and microscopic photography were done for the prepared slides and studied for visible changes. Dose mortality test observation showed the intensity of activity in a descending order as Moringa oleifera Lam. > Catharanthus roseus Linn. > Lantana camara L.> Thyme vulgaris L. From this result we can conclude that more effective plant extracts results in more clumped/fused chromosomes. Effects of plant extract induced on polytene chromosome most frequently were structural in nature.
To monitor resistance to insecticides, bioassays were performed on 102 strains of the dengue vect... more To monitor resistance to insecticides, bioassays were performed on 102 strains of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti (L.) from 16 countries ranging from Suriname in South America and through the chain of Caribbean Islands to the Bahamas, where the larvicide temephos and the adulticide malathion have been in use for 15 to 30 years. There was wide variation in the sensitivity to the larvicide in mosquito populations within and among countries. Mosquito strains in some countries such as Antigua, St. Lucia, and Tortola had consistently high resistance ratios (RR) to temephos, ranging from 5.3 to 17.7. In another group of countries-e.g., Anguilla and Curaçao-mosquitoes had mixed levels of resistance to temephos (RR = 2.5-10.6), and in a third group of countries, including St. Kitts, Barbados, Jamaica, and Suriname, mosquitoes had consistently low levels of resistance to temephos (RR = 1-4.6) (P < 0.05). On occasion significantly different levels of resistance were recorded from neighboring A. aegypti communities, which suggests there is little genetic exchange among populations. The impact of larval resistance expressed itself as reduced efficacy of temephos to kill mosquitoes when strains were treated in the laboratory or in the field in large container environments with recommended dosages. Although a sensitive strain continued to be completely controlled for up to 7 weeks, the most resistant strains had 24% survival after the first week. By week 6, 60% to 75% of all resistant strains of larvae were surviving the larval period. Responses to malathion in adult A. aegypti varied from a sensitive population in Suriname (RR = 1.3) to resistant strains in St. Vincent (RR = 4.4), Dominica (RR = 4.2), and Trinidad (RR = 4.0); however, resistance was generally not on the scale of that observed to temephos in the larval stages and had increased only slightly when compared to the levels that existed 3 to 4 years ago. Suggestions are made for a pesticide usage policy for the Caribbean region, with modifications for individual countries. This would be formulated based on each country's insecticideresistance profile. Use of physical and biological control strategies would play a more critical role than the use of insecticides.
Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and ... more Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and some are efficient scavengers. Poultry forming is a leading profession which provides nutritive food products for human consumption. However, these valuable resources can be infected with a wide range of blood parasites which may affect their survival and existence. In this study, the impact of Haemoproteus, an intracellular sporozoan parasite of the common pigeon. Columba livia on some heamatological parameters (Hb% and TEC) was examined. The investigations were conducted in two groups of Columba livia. Group A: Control, Group B, Heamoproteus infected. The Hb values (13.410.17gm/100ml) in Group A decline to (10.8±0.37 gm/100ml) in Group B. TEC in Group B also declined to 1.620.05x106/Cmm from the normal values of 2.19±0.02x10/Cmm in Group A. The fall in Hb% was 18.97%. and that in TEC was 24.2%. The values of TEC are more affected (24.2 %) as compared to Hb (18.97%). Being an intracellu...
The resistance of pesticide by the pest is an important matter of concern .The pesticide of plant... more The resistance of pesticide by the pest is an important matter of concern .The pesticide of plant origin having nontoxic biodegradable and environmental friendly qualities. The frequent spraying of toxic chemicals developing resistance to the pesticide. Leaf powder of the plants like Argimone Mexicana and Calotropis procera is prepared, Different doses of these plant extracts is given to the Fourth instar stages of Helicoverpa armigera through feeding methods, To find their efficacy the experimental findings will be put under analysis using various perameters. The effect on paritrophic membrane is also studied.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
World’s 40% population is at risk of dengue which is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albop... more World’s 40% population is at risk of dengue which is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Many measures for Aedes control are taken but still mosquitoes find their way to breed and transmit diseases. Insecticide use is been considered effective for emergency mosquito control and many more insecticides are under trials but mosquitoes usually develop resistance against these chemical formulations. In recent years green synthesized nanoparticles are proved to be potential targets against larvae, pupa and adult form of mosquito. This paper reviews the various developed nanoparticles during and their potentiality in Aedes control. Larvicidal activity of nanoparticles is given for I instars, II instars, III instars, IV instars and pupa differently. Nanoparticles are fabricated from many medicinal plants extract and some are very much effective against mosquito control. This is an eco friendly approach for mosquito control with low risk of resistance development.
Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial ... more Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial number of micro-organisms suggest a general lack of cleanliness in handling and improper storage practices Although it is generally agreed that bakery products are microbiologically safe food but post baking processes, packaging and wrong handling cannot be denied. Bakery products have been an important part of diet. Due to substandard handling operations, mould spoilage has become a serious threat for bakery industries. Further large mass of people like students, children, daily workers, tourists, all prefer bread preparations. Local bread preparations from road side vendors form a major part of their food. Improper handling and storage facilities lead to microbial contaminations as the higher water activity can lead to certain pathogenic anaerobic microbial growth at ambient temperature causing serious unnoticed health hazards. Hence, an attempt was made to collect the local bread samp...
Correspoding Autho: Sujoita Purohit, Department of Zoology, Insect Microbial and Herbal Control L... more Correspoding Autho: Sujoita Purohit, Department of Zoology, Insect Microbial and Herbal Control Laboratory, University College of Science, Mohan lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India 253 ... Evaluation of the Morphological Abnormalities in the 4th Instar ...
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Aug 28, 2014
Application of plant extracts have become an available alternative in sustainable vector control ... more Application of plant extracts have become an available alternative in sustainable vector control strategy due to their less toxic, easily available and non persistant nature. In the present study, leaves, flowers and seeds of Moringa oleifera Lam. are evaluated for their larvicidal activities against Anopheles stephensi (L). The larval mortality was observed at 24hrs and 48 hrs of time exposure. Highest larval percent mortality was observed to be found in the seed extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. plant with 100% mortality at 100 ppm of concentration. LC 50 value was calculated against different concentrations. The lowest LC 50 value was observed in the M. oleifera Lam. seeds followed by flowers and leaves i.e. 15.17 ppm, 23.99 ppm and 38.99 ppm respectively after 24 hrs of exposure time and 12.62 ppm, 20.46 ppm and 25.11 ppm. respectively at 48 hrs of exposure time. The plant extracts also exhibited some developmental deformities in larvae and pupae. The obtained data indicates that phytochemical derived from M. oleifera Lam. seed extracts are effective mosquito vector control agent.
Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial ... more Microbiological analysis is the useful way to assess the safety and quality of food .Substantial number of micro-organisms suggest a general lack of cleanliness in handling and improper storage practices Although it is generally agreed that bakery products are microbiologically safe food but post baking processes, packaging and wrong handling cannot be denied. Bakery products have been an important part of diet. Due to substandard handling operations, mould spoilage has become a serious threat for bakery industries. Further large mass of people like students, children, daily workers, tourists, all prefer bread preparations. Local bread preparations from road side vendors form a major part of their food. Improper handling and storage facilities lead to microbial contaminations as the higher water activity can lead to certain pathogenic anaerobic microbial growth at ambient temperature causing serious unnoticed health hazards. Hence, an attempt was made to collect the local bread samp...
Situated amidst the Aravallis and adorned by the necklace of lakes is located the historical city... more Situated amidst the Aravallis and adorned by the necklace of lakes is located the historical city of Udaipur, which is also known as the Venice of the East .The city embraces two large lakes namely Lake Udaisagar and Lake Bari in terms of area. It also possesses three comparatively smaller lakes-the world famous Lake Pichhola, Lake Fateh Sagar and Lake Swarup Sagar within its heart. The present paper reflects the status of Lake Bari which is the least studied one amongst all. A total of 32 bird species belonging to 18 families were encountered during the study period. Among these, 20 species were resident, 2 species were summer migrants and 10 species were winter migrants. An attempt has been made in the present study to analyze the status of waterfowls as observed in present study in Bari Lake in comparison to Lake Fateh Sagar. It seems prima facie that the habitat of the lake has not been properly managed. In spite of low anthropogenic activity in the lake, the diversity of water fowls is also very low. Suggestions have been made on the basis of present investigation for habitat improvement and habitat management so as to increase the number of waterfowl and also to promote eco-tourism.
Papers by arti prasad