It’s time for the Moffatt Project Revival to kick off Round Two! The teams will be announced in this post along with instructions for the first challenge. Below you will find the new teams. Everyone was placed on either their first or second choice of teams.
( Click here to see the new teams!Collapse )Now on to the fun part! We didn’t get to finish our “Incredibly Iconic” Challenge from last time, so it will be our first challenge this season.
Since we didn’t finish the challenge last time, you can use the icons you created previously. If you create new icons, you will receive bonus points for your team. We know not everyone has photoshop or advanced graphic designing skills, so we do not expect anything fancy!
Here are the challenge details:
Name of Challenge: Incredibly Iconic!
Type of Challenge: This challenge will give us an opportunity to create and share new Moffatt icons. By creating and using new icons, we will also be spreading word of the community and introducing others to Project Revival.
Icon Due Date: Monday, September 12, 11:59PM EST
Voting Period: September 13th-September 16th.
How To: This challenge will consist of two separate parts and there will several opportunities to earn points for your team. First of all, everyone will be able to create up to five icons (or less) and earn team points for each icon you make. The value value of each icon will be listed below under the points section. After the icon making period is over, we will post all of the icons for community members to vote on. The top three icons will earn additional points.
Icon Rules: - Each person is allowed to make a MAXIMUM of five icons, however if you choose to make less, that is totally fine.
-You must make your OWN icons from scratch. If icons are not your own work, they will be disqualified and no points will be given.
-Each icon must be 100px by 100 px
-Once the challenge is over, if you use an icon created for this community, you MUST give credit to the person who created it.
-You may mix and match the icons you can make. They can all be of one brother, they can be a variety, or they can be group shots.
Voting Rules: - You MAY NOT vote for yourself.
- Voting for yourself will get your icon disqualified & no points will be allotted to you.
- Do not vote if you feel you cannot give all entries a fair chance.
Icon Points: Icon you made from last season: 5 points
Brand new icon: 10 points
Brother of your own team: 5 points
Brother of a different team: 10 points
Group shot (two or more of the brothers): 10 points
Adding text that promotes the community (optional): 10 points
Voting Points: Each person who votes: 5 points
1st Place Icon: 20 points
2nd Place Icon: 15 points
3rd Place Icon: 10 points
To submit your work, please post the icon itself or a link to the icon as a comment to this entry. We look forward to seeing your work!-Renee C