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I loved the game. I really liked the art style and the mechanics, as well as the skeuomorphism. I know this was a jam entry, but i feel it could be fleshed out and expanded into a fully-fledged game, with different missions and side objectives, and more controls and thingies on the dashboard to play around. I also think that, given the ambient and the tone of the game, you could inject some horror or creepy details into it, just to spice it up.

I would highlight, though, the jump sliders and the pitch controls for the camera a bit more, as it took me a while to realize I could use them. 

Moreover, i would adjust the way the cursor locks into the controls when clicking, as, for example, when clicking and handling the gearstick, if i move the cursor to close to the steering lever or the booster command, it messes with them. 

Other than that, great game! keep it up and cheers!

for some reason i cant see textures. the camera monitor shows only the skybox. i thought that it's supposed to be like this but the screenshots on this page tell me it's not

yeah same here...

try opening cmd in the folder of the game. then type:

& '.\Armored Shell Nightjar.exe' --rendering-driver opengl3

worked for me

Fantastic! Loved the environment, the visual style, the audio, the juice. My only complaint is that the power and degree sliders didn't stand out enough so I didn't notice them for quite a while. Difficulty was A+!


Amazing game! The prerendered controls look great, and the desolation atmosphere intense. the fact that you can make a simple jump feel so intense is impressive. Congrats!


The "GETTING OVER IT" of mech piloting simulators


didn't realize there was a jump power adjustment slider and spent hours in this game trying to figure it out. by the time i realized, i was already a master, and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. incredible game.


the atmosphere was extremely oppressive and lonesome (and I mean that as a genuine compliment). The controls were pretty compelling to get a hold on as well!

I noticed a part of the intro movie was cut. Was there a reason?


The original cutscene used a model I made from Kow Yokoyama's Ma.k series. It was intended as a nod to the series but we received word that he was understandably upset with how it was used. We decided it would be best to cut the mech out of the video entirely.


in fullscreen, while dragging a clicked mouse, it was way too easy for the cursor to leave the “allowed” cursor zone and thus reset a control to its default position. this happened every time i used the horizontal yaw control. the cursor should be properly constrained inside the allowed zone so there is no “invalid” state/position the cursor can be in. worst case, if you can’t properly capture the cursor, when it goes outside the allowed zone, remember and hold its last position inside the allowed zone rather than simply zeroing the position out.

similarly, the affordances (hitboxes) for the controls, particularly the forward/back throttle, were too small and easy to miss.

notice i’m not criticising the clunky mech controls; i’m criticising the non-diegetic layer of mouse controls on TOP of the diegetic mech controls. i love the art/sound and clunky mechs in general, so i wanted to like this, but the mouse interface just pissed me off too much

Agree, hoping these are obviously not intended and will be improved in future updates


Unfortunately improving the responsiveness of the controls would require a full rewrite of the current input system, which is outside the scope of this jam version. sorry about that!

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Ugh yes More

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i utterly despise the controls and platforming in general and thus this game


Very constructive, my friend.


this sort of game is what I've been dreaming of for so long, i absolutely love this. The movement feels so incredibly good as well, especially with how the intentional clunkiness/difficulty of control makes improving feel so amazing.

best mecha game of the year i swear


This is really amazing! such an awkward and claustrophobic experience in exactly the way I would want piloting a mech in the spirit of Votoms or the like to be.


such an epic beu'iful
just wish i could figure out how to get on top of the dish >:[

It's tricky, but you can make it if you use the thrusters! Just be sure to save a little in case you miss

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o_o  i can save?
aight i'll go for it

no you can't

Modus meant saving a little bit of the thruster boost

i see, that makes more sence

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great atmosphere, fun, challenging! Cool fiction, love it!

really gives the feeling of piloting a large lumbering mech with analog controls, and the jumps are exciting and scary and even frantic sometimes as you fumble at the controls and hope that you are about to land where you intended, because If you miss...

Pro tip lol: Look down a bit at the ground to help gauge where ledges end and when to jump.


Loving it! was surprised by how awesome that opening cut-scene was


Incredible game. This will take me a lot of practice.

