Videos by Horst Treiblmaier
The disruptive impact of blockchain technologies can be felt across numerous industries as it thr... more The disruptive impact of blockchain technologies can be felt across numerous industries as it threatens to disrupt existing business models and economic structures. To better understand this impact, academic researchers regularly apply well-established theories and methods. The vast majority of these approaches are based on multivariate methods that rely on average behavior and treat extreme cases as outliers. However, as recent history has shown, current developments in blockchain and cryptocurrencies are frequently characterized by aberrant behavior and unexpected events that shape individuals’ perceptions, market behavior, and public policymaking. In this paper, I apply various scenario tools to identify such extreme scenarios and illustrate their underlying structure as bundles of interdependent factors. 8 views
Papers by Horst Treiblmaier
ResearchGate, 2025
Dee Hock, the founder of Visa, coined the term "chaordic" to describe simultaneously chaotic and ... more Dee Hock, the founder of Visa, coined the term "chaordic" to describe simultaneously chaotic and ordered systems. Based on his reasoning, we introduce the Theory of Chaordic Economics to explain how economic systems are transformed by two disruptive technologies: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. Artificial intelligence can generate novel output through algorithmic yet rather unpredictable processes. Blockchain creates deterministic results without central authorities and relies on elaborated protocols that prescribe how consensus can be reached within a network of peers. The amalgamation of chaos and order produces chaordic economic systems and can yield hitherto unthinkable economic structures.

Blockchain: research and applications, Jun 1, 2023
The energy use of Bitcoin is fiercely debated among academics, practitioners, and the general pub... more The energy use of Bitcoin is fiercely debated among academics, practitioners, and the general public. This debate is often biased and characterized by a lack of understanding. Therefore, I start this paper with a discussion of the fundamentals of Bitcoin, which includes the clarification of widely held misconceptions. Next, I illustrate how Bitcoin is related to energy and describe the underlying incentive mechanism. In the main body of the paper, I discuss various components of Bitcoin's energy use, including the amount, composition, and geographical distribution of the energy, as well as emerging positive and negative effects. These components are then combined into a comprehensive framework that provides a solid foundation for future academic research and presents practitioners with the big picture of how and why Bitcoin requires energy and whether this can be justified from an environmental point of view.

European Conference on Information Systems, 2018
The Blockchain has evoked the interests of researchers and practitioners alike. Market studies pr... more The Blockchain has evoked the interests of researchers and practitioners alike. Market studies predict that it has huge potential to disrupt existing economic structures and business processes, yet the complex technology behind it makes it hard for many people to grasp the basic functionality. Lacking are easy-to-use interfaces and playful applications which would allow for a simple Blockchain exploration. The project Play4Privacy (P4P) used the ancient Chinese board game Go to increase public understanding of the Blockchain. Individuals could join teams to jointly determine the moves of the stones, and tokens could be mined while playing the game. The respective moves of the stones were displayed on the wall of a public building. In this case study we use six qualitative interviews to summarize the anticipated and unanticipated findings of the project, which was not only intended to increase public awareness concerning Blockchain technology, but also toward privacy on the Internet. The results of this research project reveal several important managerial and behavioral obstacles that have to be overcome in order for Blockchain technology to reach widespread adoption.
Academia letters, Aug 25, 2021
Structural Equation Modeling, Jan 13, 2011
Recently there has been a renewed interest in formative measurement and its role in properly spec... more Recently there has been a renewed interest in formative measurement and its role in properly specified models. Formative measurement models are difficult to identify, and hence to estimate and test. Existing solutions to the identification problem are shown to not adequately represent the formative constructs of interest. We propose a new two-step approach to operationalize a formatively measured construct that allows a closely-matched common factor equivalent to be included in any structural equation model. We provide an artificial example and an original empirical study of privacy to illustrate our approach. Detailed proofs are given in an appendix.
DUV eBooks, Oct 18, 2007
Die in den vorhergehenden Kapiteln beschriebenen Grundlagen, die uberwiegend der Definition und B... more Die in den vorhergehenden Kapiteln beschriebenen Grundlagen, die uberwiegend der Definition und Beschreibung der verwendeten Begriffe und des wissenschaftlichen Rahmens gewidmet waren, sind als reine Sekundaranalysen nicht ausreichend, urn die in Kapitel 1.2 formulierten Forschungsfragen umfassend zu behandeln. Daher ist es zielfuhrend, vor den beiden quantitativen Untersuchungen zusatzlich eine qualitative Expertenbefragung durchzuftihren, urn mogliche „blinde Flecken“ des Forschers hinsichtlich der zu bearbeitenden Problemstellungen von vornherein auszuschliesen. Tabelle 11 gibt eine kurze Zusammenfassung der gewahlten Methode in Bezug auf Form der Befragung, Zielgruppe/Grundgesamtheit, Stichprobenauswahl, Stichprobengrosne und verwendete Auswertungsmethoden.
DUV eBooks, Oct 18, 2007
Das in Kapitel 5.4.2 beschriebene Untersuchungsmodell bildet den groben Rahmen fur die nun folgen... more Das in Kapitel 5.4.2 beschriebene Untersuchungsmodell bildet den groben Rahmen fur die nun folgenden empirischen, quantitativ ausgerichteten Erhebungen. Urn sowohl die Kundenseite als such die Unternehmensseite entsprechend abbilden zu konnen, ist es notwendig, zwei getrennte Erhebungen durchzufuhren, deren wesentliche Charakteristika in Tabelle 17 beschrieben sind.

Social Science Research Network, May 1, 2018
Paul Feyerabend was presumably one of the most controversial thinkers in scientific epistemology.... more Paul Feyerabend was presumably one of the most controversial thinkers in scientific epistemology. A self-proclaimed proponent of epistemological anarchism, in his seminal book Against Method he fiercely criticized rationalist thinking, as represented by his friend Imre Lakatos. As a result, he found himself heavily under fire for allegedly propagating ideas related to anarchy, Voodoo, astrology, Dada, and even violence. At times he even admitted that he regretted having written his famous book in the first place.1 He has been labeled the "worst enemy of science" and is generally only briefly mentioned as a marginal note following the discussion of critical rationalism in philosophical textbooks. In this paper I argue that a thorough review of his thoughts and principles might provide interesting insights, discussions, and even research guidelines for the Information Systems(IS) community. Initially, I briefly introduce the philosopher Feyerabend and his key ideas together with some criticism. Next, three central propositions are distilled from his work and four experienced IS researchers express their opinions on these statements. Finally, I provide a short summary and some suggestions regarding epistemology and methodology in the IS field.
Information, Jun 10, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Future Internet, May 26, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Electronic Markets, Aug 2, 2022
Depending on the chosen perspective, cryptocurrencies either constitute a unique opportunity to e... more Depending on the chosen perspective, cryptocurrencies either constitute a unique opportunity to end national patronizing built on debt-based fiat money (currency) or a menace to a well-established financial order that ensures economic stability. A central issue in the heated debate surrounding cryptocurrencies is whether they have any intrinsic value at all. In this conceptual position paper, we briefly summarize existing standpoints and suggest three alternative propositions: (1) to avoid using the term “intrinsic value” for the valuation of cryptocurrencies, (2) to refer to the sum total of all properties that could potentially qualify them as money, and (3) to consider the amount of capital and energy that is needed to create them. These suggestions bear substantial implications for the economic classification of cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases: Applications and Lessons Learned,, 2020
In this descriptive study we investigate the use of blockchain in the online multimedia industry.... more In this descriptive study we investigate the use of blockchain in the online multimedia industry. We analyze the content of 30 peer-reviewed academic publications, white papers and industry websites published between 2016 and 2018 which report the application of blockchain for multimedia management. This includes diverse use cases in the music and advertising industries, healthcare, social media, and content delivery networks. Ethereum was found to be the most popular blockchain and proof of work the favorite consensus mechanism. More than half of the platforms reward their users for content curation and community development. The majority of the platforms have implemented tokens and smart contracts to automate the distribution of earnings or to enable data access. Our study further shows that the majority of multimedia blockchain platforms have already implemented monetization capabilities.

Frontiers in blockchain, May 16, 2019
About a decade ago the fundamental operating principle of the Blockchain was introduced. It took ... more About a decade ago the fundamental operating principle of the Blockchain was introduced. It took several years before the technology gained widespread recognition in industry and academic communities outside of the computer science sphere. Since then many academic communities have taken up the topic, but so far no well-defined research agenda has emerged: research topics are scattered and rigorous approaches are scarce. More often than not, use cases implemented by industry apply a trial and error approach and there exists a dearth of theory-based academic papers on the topic following robust methodologies. Being a nascent research topic, case studies on Blockchain applications are a suitable approach to systematically transfer industry experience into research agendas which benefit both theory development and testing as well as design science research. In this paper I offer guidelines and suggestions on how to design and structure Blockchain case studies to create value for academia and the industry. More specifically, I describe Blockchain characteristics and challenges, present existing Blockchain case studies, and discuss various types of case study research and how they can be useful for industry and academic research. I conclude with a framework and a checklist for Blockchain case study research.
Springer eBooks, 2022
In this paper, we investigate the following research questions:
How will token offerings impac... more In this paper, we investigate the following research questions:
How will token offerings impact the economy
–– from a business point of view?
–– from a technical point of view?
–– from a legal point of view?

Daten- und Informationsqualität: Auf dem Weg zur Information Excellence, 2011
IIn diesem Beitrag wird ein Entscheidungsmodell vorgestellt, das den
Dateneingabeprozess aus Sic... more IIn diesem Beitrag wird ein Entscheidungsmodell vorgestellt, das den
Dateneingabeprozess aus Sicht der Nutzer in verschiedene Stufen gliedert. Auf
jeder Stufe müssen bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt sein, um eine korrekte Angabe persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten. Sofern vorhanden, werden die einzelnen Schritte
mit empirischen Ergebnissen aus einer Internetnutzer- und einer Unternehmensbefragung unterlegt. Die Gliederung des kognitiven Gesamtprozesses der
Datenweitergabe in einzelne, von einander klar trennbare Teilschritte ermöglicht
Unternehmen eine kritische Evaluation ihrer derzeit stattfindenden Datenerhebung.
Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Beiträgen in diesem Buch geht es in
dem folgenden Artikel somit nicht um eine ex post Bereinigung vorhandener Datensätze,
sondern um eine kritische ex ante Evaluation möglicher negativer Einflussfaktoren
auf die Qualität der zu erhebenden Datenbestände.
Future Internet, Jul 19, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

International journal of information management, Oct 1, 2024
This paper explores the dynamics between value-added services, intermediary brands, and consumer ... more This paper explores the dynamics between value-added services, intermediary brands, and consumer privacy concerns in shaping attitudes toward blockchain-enabled consumer services. Grounded in the Antecedents-Privacy Concerns-Outcomes (APCO) framework, we develop a theoretical model that we test in three experimental studies with a total of 1613 participants, utilizing verbal scenarios featuring blockchain applications for international money transfer and hotel booking. Our research reveals that complete disintermediation via pure peer-to-peer blockchain transactions is unlikely. Consumers prefer blockchain applications offering supplementary services like call centers, password assistance, and cancellation options. As consumers become familiar with blockchain technology, privacy concerns intensify due to its distributed and immutable storage. The fears of data breaches are more pronounced when blockchain applications are offered by unknown startups as opposed to well-known Big Tech companies. However, privacy-conscious consumers also value the prospect of distancing themselves from big-data ecosystems by embracing blockchain solutions from startups. Our research extends the APCO framework by clarifying how privacy concerns, brand-based heuristics, and technological attributes interact. For managerial implications, blockchain applications necessitate re-intermediation to meet consumer preferences. Potential intermediaries, including Big Tech firms, startups, and industry incumbents, face unique challenges in developing and marketing blockchain-enabled consumer services.
Sustainability, May 10, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Videos by Horst Treiblmaier
Papers by Horst Treiblmaier
How will token offerings impact the economy
–– from a business point of view?
–– from a technical point of view?
–– from a legal point of view?
Dateneingabeprozess aus Sicht der Nutzer in verschiedene Stufen gliedert. Auf
jeder Stufe müssen bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt sein, um eine korrekte Angabe persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten. Sofern vorhanden, werden die einzelnen Schritte
mit empirischen Ergebnissen aus einer Internetnutzer- und einer Unternehmensbefragung unterlegt. Die Gliederung des kognitiven Gesamtprozesses der
Datenweitergabe in einzelne, von einander klar trennbare Teilschritte ermöglicht
Unternehmen eine kritische Evaluation ihrer derzeit stattfindenden Datenerhebung.
Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Beiträgen in diesem Buch geht es in
dem folgenden Artikel somit nicht um eine ex post Bereinigung vorhandener Datensätze,
sondern um eine kritische ex ante Evaluation möglicher negativer Einflussfaktoren
auf die Qualität der zu erhebenden Datenbestände.
How will token offerings impact the economy
–– from a business point of view?
–– from a technical point of view?
–– from a legal point of view?
Dateneingabeprozess aus Sicht der Nutzer in verschiedene Stufen gliedert. Auf
jeder Stufe müssen bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt sein, um eine korrekte Angabe persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten. Sofern vorhanden, werden die einzelnen Schritte
mit empirischen Ergebnissen aus einer Internetnutzer- und einer Unternehmensbefragung unterlegt. Die Gliederung des kognitiven Gesamtprozesses der
Datenweitergabe in einzelne, von einander klar trennbare Teilschritte ermöglicht
Unternehmen eine kritische Evaluation ihrer derzeit stattfindenden Datenerhebung.
Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Beiträgen in diesem Buch geht es in
dem folgenden Artikel somit nicht um eine ex post Bereinigung vorhandener Datensätze,
sondern um eine kritische ex ante Evaluation möglicher negativer Einflussfaktoren
auf die Qualität der zu erhebenden Datenbestände.
Design/methodology/approach - This study employs co-word clustering and main path analysis (MPA) to examine the historical development of CF research based on 1,528 journal articles retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection database.
Findings - The results of the analysis reveal that CF research focuses on seven themes: sustainability, entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneurship, fintech, social entrepreneurship, social capital, and microcredits. The analysis of the four main paths reveals that equity CF has been the dominant topic in the past years. Recently, CF research has tended to focus on topics such as fintech, the COVID-19 pandemic, competition, Brexit, and policy response.
Originality/value - To the authors' best knowledge, this is the first attempt to explore knowledge diffusion dynamics in the CF field. Overall, the study offers a structure for analyzing the paths through which knowledge is diffused, enabling scholars to effectively manage a large volume of research papers and gain a deeper understanding of the historical, current, and future trends in the development of CF.
Academics and practitioners have long acknowledged the potential of multi-agent systems (MAS) to automate and autonomize decision-making in logistics and supply chain networks. Despite the manifold promises of MAS, industry adoption is lagging behind, and the exact benefits of these systems remain unclear. This study fills this knowledge gap by analyzing 11 specific MAS use cases, highlighting their benefits, clarifying how they can help enhance logistics network resilience, and identifying existing barriers.
A three-stage Delphi study was conducted with 18 industry experts. In the first round, these experts identified 11 use cases of MAS and their potential benefits, as well as any barriers that could hinder their adoption. In the second round, they assessed the identified use cases with regard to their potential to enhance logistics network resilience and improve organizational productivity. Furthermore, they estimated the complexity of MAS implementation. In the third round, the experts reassessed their evaluations in light of the evaluations of the other study participants.
This study proposes 11 specific MAS use cases and illustrates their potential for increasing logistics network resilience and enhancing organizational performance due to autonomous decision-making in informational processes. Furthermore, this study discusses important barriers for MAS, such as lack of standardization, insufficient technological maturity, soaring costs, complex change management, and a lack of existing use cases. From a theoretical perspective, it is shown how MAS can contribute to resilience research in supply chain management.
Practical implications
The identification and assessment of diverse MAS use cases informs managers about the potential of this technology and the barriers that need to be overcome.
This study fills a gap in the literature by providing a thorough and up-to-date assessment of the potential of MAS for logistics and supply chain management. This is the first study to investigate the relevance of MAS for logistics network resilience using the Delphi method.
alignment of blockchain technology and business processes.