2.No deleting posts // Only mods 3.No anonymous posting 4.You need to be an active member; if something comes up or you have been really busy for some reason please leave a post letting us know so you wont be deleted because its not your fault stuff comes up. 5.We want your opinions heard so post [yes // no] on new applications 6.Promoting is aloud in this community as long as u promote us to them as well if not the post will be deleted.
_Application _
1.We want a big community and we are looking for members to make this community
lively! We ask for everyone to apply . We want to hear about you and what you have to say. 2.All applications must be posted using a lj cut Place Application Here 3.In the subject line of your post must say “Vogue material?” 4.When posting an application be sure to bold the subjects to make it easier for everyone to read. 5.Most of all be honest. And good luck!
_Basic Info_
Name: Age Sex: DOB: Location: Height: Hair color: Eye color: