Papers by Julie Rivière

The multidisciplinary research programme of regional interest, VOLAILLES, from 2018, has in parti... more The multidisciplinary research programme of regional interest, VOLAILLES, from 2018, has in particular made it possible to carry out an exhaustive collection of archaeozoological data produced in the Centre-Val de Loire region for almost 60 years. The information gathered concerns 282 archaeological sites and covers a period from Prehistory to the present day. Within the framework of this project, it has made it possible to establish a detailed map of the distribution of the various farmyard birds over time, but above all to define the precise dynamics of the introduction and spread of domestic fowl, goose, duck, pigeon, turkey and peacock within the region and over the long term. This unprecedented study also made it possible to synthesise morphological data, drawn from bone measurements of the domestic fowl, and to take stock of knowledge on poultry on a French and European scale. 6. LES OISEAUX DOMESTIQUES AU MOYEN ÂGE 6.1. Une généralisation de la basse-cour au Moyen Âge 6.2. Gestion et sélection de la volaille au Moyen Âge 6.2.1. La ville de Tours 6.2.2. D'autres exemples régionaux 6.2.3. Des rejets particuliers : les carcasses complètes 7. LES PÉRIODES MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE 7.1. La volaille entre les xvi e et xviii e siècles 7.2. Les races de volaille et l'élevage contemporain en région Centre-Val de Loire 8. LES TRANSFORMATIONS MORPHOLOGIQUES LIÉES À L'ÉLEVAGE 8.1. La taille de la poule en région Centre-Val de Loire 8.2. Caractérisation morphologique de la poule tourangelle CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHIE ANNEXES Résumé : La mise en place du programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire d'intérêt régional VOLAILLES, à partir de 2018, a notamment permis de mener une collecte à visée exhaustive des données archéozoologiques produites en région Centre-Val de Loire depuis près de 60 ans. Les informations rassemblées concernent 282 sites archéologiques et couvrent une période allant de la Préhistoire à nos jours. Dans le cadre de ce projet, elles ont permis d'établir une cartographie détaillée de la répartition des différents oiseaux de basse-cour au cours du temps, mais surtout de définir les dynamiques précises d'introduction et de diffusion des poules, oies, canards, pigeons, dindes et paons au sein de l'espace régional et sur le long terme. Cette étude d'ampleur inédite a également permis de synthétiser les données morphologiques, tirées des mensurations osseuses de la poule domestique, et de faire le point sur les connaissances relatives à la volaille à l'échelle française et européenne.

Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 2001
The excavation of the site of Ouches at Sours (28) has enabled the updating of an important settl... more The excavation of the site of Ouches at Sours (28) has enabled the updating of an important settlement from the early Neolithic and the discovery, in the northern part of the site, of several structures datable to the beginning of the Iron Age (Hallstatt C). They correspond to domestic structures (a building and some ditches) and a "worship" entity: a double enclosure in a "U" shape.The dwelling and its annexes are represented by a quadrangular building on posts and a large ditch which is rich in furnishings (ceramic, bone and worked flint). This structure may be associated to the working of a "Polynesian" type kiln and serve as a reject pit. The double enclosure, open towards the north) is situated to the north-east of the site.Even though three entire ceramic vessels have been found in the outer ditch, the majority of the ceramic furnishings (177 out of 192) have come from the large ditch, principally cups, bowls which are sometimes inscribed, small g...

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
Sex identi cation from fragmentary archeozoological assemblages is particularly challenging in th... more Sex identi cation from fragmentary archeozoological assemblages is particularly challenging in the Equid family, including for horses, donkeys and their hybrids. This limitation has precluded in-depth investigations of sex-ratio variation in various temporal, geographic and social contexts. Recently, shallow DNA sequencing has offered an economical solution to equine sex determination, even in environments where DNA preservation conditions is not optimal. In this study, we applied state-of-the-art methods in ancient DNA-based equine sex determination to 897 osseous remains in order to assess whether equal proportions of males and females could be found in a range of archeological contexts in France. We found Magdalenian horse hunt not focused on isolated bachelors, and Upper Paleolithic habitats and natural traps equally balancing sex ratios. In contrast, Iron Age sacri cial rituals appeared to have been preferentially oriented to male horses and this practice extended into the Roman Period. During Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Period, cities emerged as environments largely dominated by horse males. This strong sex-bias was considerably reduced, and sometimes even absent, in various rural contexts. Combined with previous archaeozoological work and textual evidence, our results portray an urban economy fueled by adult, often old, males, and rural environments where females and subadults of both sexes were maintained to sustain production demands.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
Alongside horses, donkeys and their first-generation hybrids represent members of the Equidae fam... more Alongside horses, donkeys and their first-generation hybrids represent members of the Equidae family known for their social, economic and symbolic importance in protohistoric and historical France. However, their relative importance and their respective roles in different regions and time periods are difficult to assess based on textual, iconographic and archaeological evidence. This is both due to incomplete, partial and scattered historical sources and difficulties to accurately assign fragmentary archaeological remains at the proper taxonomic level. DNA-based methods, however, allow for a robust identification of the taxonomic status of ancient equine osseous material from minimal sequence data. Here, we leveraged shallow ancient DNA sequencing and the dedicated Zonkey computational pipeline to obtain the first baseline distribution for horses, mules and donkeys in France from the Iron Age to the Modern period. Our collection includes a total of 873 ancient specimens spanning 128 sites and comprising 717 horses, 100 donkeys, 55 mules and a single hinny individual. While horses were ubiquitous and the most dominant species identified, our dataset reveals the importance of mule breeding during Roman times, especially between the 1st and 3rd centuries CE (Common Era), where they represented between 20.0% and 34.2% of equine assemblages. In contrast, donkeys were almost absent from northern France assemblages during the whole Roman period, but replaced mules in rural and urban commercial and economic centers from the early Middle Ages. Our work also identified donkeys of exceptional size during Late Antiquity, which calls for a deep reassessment of the true morphological space of past equine species. This study confirmed the general preference toward horses throughout all time periods investigated but revealed dynamic management strategies leveraging the whole breadth of equine resources in various social, geographic and temporal contexts.

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2012
THE HISTORY BEHIND HYPOTHERMIA The actual use of hypothermia to benefit patient survival goes b... more THE HISTORY BEHIND HYPOTHERMIA The actual use of hypothermia to benefit patient survival goes back relatively far in history In 1814, Baron Larrey, a French surgeon in the service of Napoleon's army recognized benefits He observed improved survival of injured soldiers left in the snow compared with those treated with warm blankets and heated drinks Hippocrates advocated packing bleeding patients in snow THE HISTORY BEHIND HYPOTHERMIA The first reported use of induced hypothermia was in the setting of cancer treatment. A decade later, the induction of hypothermia in the setting of cardiac surgery was done with the goal of cerebral protection. Two other studies using hypothermia as therapy for cardiac arrest were published as well. Both these early cardiac arrest studies used moderate hypothermia of 30 to 34°C in patients after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. THE HISTORY BEHIND HYPOTHERMIA During the 1960s and 1970s, the field of induced hypothermia lay relatively dormant for reasons that remain unclear It was understood from military combat experience that medical care for penetrating trauma was often delayed for practical reasons Suspended animation: Preservation of viability of the patient post cardiac arrest, which allows time for transport and repair and is followed by delayed resuscitation, hopefully to survive without brain damage INDICATIONS AHA Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (2010)
… du Centre de la France, 2001
La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d'une importante occupat... more La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d'une importante occupation du Néolithique ancien et la découverte, dans la partie nord de l'emprise, de plusieurs structures datables du début de l'âge du Fer (Hallstatt C). Elles correspondent à des structures domestiques ...

Revue archéologique du …, 2010
Le site du " Radray " sur la commune de Gellainville (28) a été fouillé en 2007. L'article présen... more Le site du " Radray " sur la commune de Gellainville (28) a été fouillé en 2007. L'article présente les principaux résultats de la partie gallo-romaine du site. L'occupation se met en place à partir du dernier quart du I er s. av. J.-C. Dès les dernières décennies avant notre ère s'organise un réseau parcellaire et s'établissent les premiers bâtiments. À partir du milieu du I er s., l'exploitation agricole se répartit selon deux ensembles : à l'est, la partie résidentielle et les dépendances, à l'ouest, la partie agricole et les bâtiments d'exploitation. L'établissement est abandonné au cours du III e s. Les structures du Bas-Empire ne tiennent plus compte des limites précédentes. L'occupation est matérialisée par quelques bâtiments et mares disposés à l'intérieur et en bordure d'un enclos trapézoïdal. Un petit groupe de greniers aériens est installé à l'écart, au sud-ouest. L'abandon systématique des structures d'habitation à partir de 375 ap. J.-C. montre une transformation globale de l'espace.

Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 2021
La mise en place du programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire d’intérêt régional VOLAILLES, à par... more La mise en place du programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire d’intérêt régional VOLAILLES, à partir de 2018, a notamment permis de mener une collecte à visée exhaustive des données archéozoologiques produites en région Centre-Val de Loire depuis près de 60 ans. Les informations rassemblées concernent 282 sites archéologiques et couvrent une période allant de la Préhistoire à nos jours. Dans le cadre de ce projet, elles ont permis d’établir une cartographie détaillée de la répartition des différents oiseaux de basse-cour au cours du temps, mais surtout de définir les dynamiques précises d’introduction et de diffusion des poules, oies, canards, pigeons, dindes et paons au sein de l’espace régional et sur le long terme. Cette étude d’ampleur inédite a également permis de synthétiser les données morphologiques, tirées des mensurations osseuses de la poule domestique, et de faire le point sur les connaissances relatives à la volaille à l’échelle française et européenne. // The multidisciplinary research programme of regional interest, VOLAILLES, from 2018, has in particular made it possible to carry out an exhaustive collection of archaeozoological data produced in the Centre-Val de Loire region for almost 60 years. The information gathered concerns 282 archaeological sites and covers a period from Prehistory to the present day. Within the framework of this project, it has made it possible to establish a detailed map of the distribution of the various farmyard birds over time, but above all to define the precise dynamics of the introduction and spread of domestic fowl, goose, duck, pigeon, turkey and peacock within the region and over the long term. This unprecedented study also made it possible to synthesise morphological data, drawn from bone measurements of the domestic fowl, and to take stock of knowledge on poultry on a French and European scale.
Revue Archéologique du …
Abstract: La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d'une important... more Abstract: La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d'une importante occupation du Néolithique ancien et la découverte, dans la partie nord de l'emprise, de plusieurs structures datables du début de l'âge du Fer (Hallstatt C). Elles ...
Rapports (opérations préventives) by Julie Rivière
WAVELET (David), DELHOOFS (Hervé), BEN KADDOUR (Cyrille), HEROUIN (Stéphane), 2008
Papers by Julie Rivière
Rapports (opérations préventives) by Julie Rivière