Alexander V Sopov
I graduated in 1988. I graduated from the Kuban state university. Specialty: historian, teacher of history and social science. I have also economic and legal education.
Academic degree: doctor of historical sciences. Place and date of protection: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, on March 19, 2012.
Specialty: ethnography, ethnology and historical anthropology.
Main directions of scientific researches:
Cossacks history, ethnic history, military history, political history, history of political and legal doctrines, political science.
General experience of pedagogical activity: 34 years.
General experience of teaching activity: 27 years.
Publications: In total 138 works, from them 123 scientific and educational and methodical publications are published (20 - in a co-authorship). From them: 19 - from the VAK list, 10 it is published in foreign magazines (in English, Italian, German and Czech languages), 4 monographs, 3 of them are published in Germany.
Corresponding member RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), chairman of the board of republican regional office of Association of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia (AAER), Honourable worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.
Member of the European academy of natural sciences (EANH). Member of the international academy of natural sciences (IANH). Member of a scientific consultative group of the European academy of natural sciences (SCG ANH).
The honored worker of science and education PARADISE, the winner of the All-Russian competition on the best scientific book of 2011 in the nomination "Humanities", the independent expert of the commission of Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygea in observance of requirements to office behavior of the public civil servants and a settlement of conflicting interests.
It is brought in the encyclopedia "Scientists of Russia". For a contribution to scientific researches it is awarded by Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Adygea. The European scientific and industrial consortium (European scientific and industrial consortium "ESIC") for a contribution to development of historical science it is awarded by a gold medal of V. Klyuchevsky. The Russian academy of natural sciences for a contribution to development of domestic science it is awarded by a silver medal of V. Vernadsky.
The associate editor of collections of scientific works following the results of the international conferences as which organizer the Innovative center of a development of education and science acts (ITsRON, Nizhny Novgorod). Member of editorial council of Science Problems publishing house (Ivanovo).
The winner of the competition "World Scientific Knowledge of the Third Millennium" in the nomination "The Best Scientific Justification" (ONT, Kazan). The winner of the International competition of the KOLOSS-2014 portfolio in the nomination "Scientific Achievements". The winner of the International competition "The Best Scientific Work — 2014" in the nomination "Creative Thinking".
Address: Maykop, Respublika Adygeya, Russia
Academic degree: doctor of historical sciences. Place and date of protection: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, on March 19, 2012.
Specialty: ethnography, ethnology and historical anthropology.
Main directions of scientific researches:
Cossacks history, ethnic history, military history, political history, history of political and legal doctrines, political science.
General experience of pedagogical activity: 34 years.
General experience of teaching activity: 27 years.
Publications: In total 138 works, from them 123 scientific and educational and methodical publications are published (20 - in a co-authorship). From them: 19 - from the VAK list, 10 it is published in foreign magazines (in English, Italian, German and Czech languages), 4 monographs, 3 of them are published in Germany.
Corresponding member RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), chairman of the board of republican regional office of Association of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia (AAER), Honourable worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.
Member of the European academy of natural sciences (EANH). Member of the international academy of natural sciences (IANH). Member of a scientific consultative group of the European academy of natural sciences (SCG ANH).
The honored worker of science and education PARADISE, the winner of the All-Russian competition on the best scientific book of 2011 in the nomination "Humanities", the independent expert of the commission of Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygea in observance of requirements to office behavior of the public civil servants and a settlement of conflicting interests.
It is brought in the encyclopedia "Scientists of Russia". For a contribution to scientific researches it is awarded by Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Adygea. The European scientific and industrial consortium (European scientific and industrial consortium "ESIC") for a contribution to development of historical science it is awarded by a gold medal of V. Klyuchevsky. The Russian academy of natural sciences for a contribution to development of domestic science it is awarded by a silver medal of V. Vernadsky.
The associate editor of collections of scientific works following the results of the international conferences as which organizer the Innovative center of a development of education and science acts (ITsRON, Nizhny Novgorod). Member of editorial council of Science Problems publishing house (Ivanovo).
The winner of the competition "World Scientific Knowledge of the Third Millennium" in the nomination "The Best Scientific Justification" (ONT, Kazan). The winner of the International competition of the KOLOSS-2014 portfolio in the nomination "Scientific Achievements". The winner of the International competition "The Best Scientific Work — 2014" in the nomination "Creative Thinking".
Address: Maykop, Respublika Adygeya, Russia
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Papers by Alexander V Sopov
Abstract: this article is devoted to research of socio-political views of the most visible Italian humanist of Renaissance L.B. Alberti. The author proves the importance of socio-political ideas of Alberti in general and their relevance for today.
средневековых коммунальных традиций и зарождающейся в гуманистической
литературе периода Возрождения концепции свободы личности. Интерес к
вопросам прав человека и свободы придает актуальности данному
Abstract: this article is devoted to research of socio-political views of the most visible Italian humanist of Renaissance L.B. Alberti. The author proves the importance of socio-political ideas of Alberti in general and their relevance for today.
средневековых коммунальных традиций и зарождающейся в гуманистической
литературе периода Возрождения концепции свободы личности. Интерес к
вопросам прав человека и свободы придает актуальности данному