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Title Shadow Days and Technicolor Nights
Pairing: John Mayer/Taylor Swift
Rating/Word Count: R/2216
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own Taylor Swift or John Mayer, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF story, meaning about real people in a romantic relationship context. If that bothers you, this is not the story for you. Rating for language and non-explicit sexual references.
Summary: Taylor hears John's latest record and demands an explanation.

A/N: So no real explanation for this one other than "Shadow Days" shattered me, and then when the rest of "Born and Raised" came out, it did, too. Then I found the Tumblr dedicated to their relationship, and then this happened. Blame leobrat, she's usually who to blame as the cult leader for these two. Also, I hope it's okay that I stole LMT? It just fit so well here with them.

Maybe the shadow days really are over now.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: "Shadow Days," John Mayer
29 September 2010 @ 10:55 pm
Title City Lights
Pairing: John Mayer/Taylor Swift
Rating/Word Count: R/1938
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own Taylor Swift or John Mayer, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF story, meaning about real people in a romantic relationship context. If that bothers you, this is not the story for you. Rating for non-explicit sexual content.
Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

A/N: So this one requires a bit of explanation. It all started when I read Let's All Pack Up and Move This Year by empressearwig featuring these two as a background pairing, which caused a suspicion of mine to further take root. A few weeks later I had a conversation about one of John's concerts with perfectlystill, which meandered to the above mentioned story, then to John and Taylor together. By the end of it, I was inspired, and out of that, came this. The title comes from lyrics from Taylor Swift's "Mine" and from John Mayer's "Neon," though neither really has much to do at all with this story. I must also say a far less adequate than deserved thank you to leobrat for giving me an introduction to this fandom, so to speak, encouraging me to post this, and welcoming me into the fold. perfectlystill, this is for you. Sorry this is being posted late, I ended up having to get a new car, and apparently that takes time.

Taylor decides that this is her new favorite way to write a song: half naked in John’s lap sharing the same guitar, close enough to steal quick kisses between lyrics and riffs.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: discontentdiscontent
Current Music: "Half of My Heart," John Mayer feat. Taylor Swift
25 August 2010 @ 09:45 pm
Title: Stay
Pairing: Nick/Selena
Rating/Word Count: PG/781
Disclaimer: I do not own Nick Jonas or Selena Gomez or any of the other real people used and/or mentioned in this fic. None of the portrayed events actually happened (no matter how much I wish they did); they are fiction. Other disclaimers in profile.
A/N: Drabble written out of random inspiration one night months ago after hearing "Rose Garden" for the first time, then picked back up again once I actually got a listen to "Stay." This story takes place earlier this year (January-February 2010) during Nick's tour with The Administration when Selena attended every other gig and Nelena had a shot in hell of happening again. Thanks to letscall_l for encouraging me to dig this out, edit it, and post it (though it absolutely pales in comparison to "I Can't Stop Loving You (Can't Stop Loving You)" and the epicness of your Nelena). Hope you guys enjoy!

Summary: Nick reflects on his relationship with Selena: all the things he's learned, all the things he wishes he could say, and the one thing he wants more than anything else.

Selena’s songs, however, were unlike any he’d ever written before. Beautifully allegorical and symbolic, describing her in images full of pain and beauty and fury, all like this girl who opened his eyes to a world he’d never before imagined.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: boredbored
Current Music: "Half of My Heart," John Mayer feat. Taylor Swift
05 January 2010 @ 10:47 pm
Title: Headfirst, Fearless
Pairing: Selena Gomez/Taylor Swift, background Demi/Selena, Taylor S./Taylor L., Nick/Selena
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/6239
Disclaimer: I do not own Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift, nor any of the other real people used and/or mentioned in this fic. None of the portrayed events actually happened (no matter how much I wish they did); they are fiction. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is an RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those bother you, then this fic is not for you. Rating for mild language and sexy scenes.
A/N: Written for summerstorm as part of jb_ficexchange, and her prompt to write a Selena/Taylor inspired by/loosely based off of "Fearless." Title taken from Taylor Swift's song "Fearless." This was written several days before Christmas, so it therefore disregards anything past that point. Song featured inside is "Jump, Then Fall" by Taylor Swift. Takes place over a few months, hence the choppy feel. Please let me know if this was any good at all (since it's my first time to write them), or whether it just flat-out sucks. Just want to say thank you to everyone that has read anonymously, and for those that waited to see. Love you all!

Summary: Selena and Taylor spend a few months drawing closer than ever and discover yet another meaning of being fearless together.

Being fearless [means] that you have a lot of fears and there are a lot of things that you're afraid of, but you jump anyway. -Taylor SwiftCollapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: exhaustedexhausted
Current Music: "Tik Tock," Ke$ha
Title: The Less Things Change, the More They Never Seem the Same
Pairing: Stacey/Charlotte
Rating/Word Count: G/2090
Timeline/Spoilers about two years post-series; spoilers for #3, "The Truth About Stacey"
Disclaimer: see journal
A/N: Written for chickwith_stick in the sleepover round at short_takes, who requested during or shortly after series end, a power outage, and mentions of 1980s pop culture. The femslash is more subtle this time, so hopefully this will suffice. Title is from Toby Keith's song "Who's That Man."

Summary: Charlotte's questions and fears give Stacey a few realizations of her own.

No matter how old she became, Charlotte would always need her, and the reverse remained the same.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: blahblah
Current Music: "Party in the USA," Miley Cyrus
Title/Chapter: To Be Loved, What More Could You Ask For?
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Selena, then Miley
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/10,394
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those things bother you, this is not the story for you. Rating for language and mentions of self-harm.
A/N: This is a reposting from my journal, where this was originally posted and from where I'm transferring all my fic. If we are friends, then you can still read it here. Please be honest about what you think, good or bad. Also, there's some references to Nick/Miley also (yes, I went there), so if that's not your thing, I'm sorry. *runs away from the mob of angry villagers* The song in this chapter is "When A Heart Breaks" by Dave Barnes (because as some of you are aware, I'm a huge Dave Barnes fangirl). There are some grammatical mistakes, but usually to emphasize dialogue, particularly with Miley. The story title is from the first lyric of "True Love" by Phil Wickham, and chapter titles are from "About A Girl" by The Academy Is. Huge thank you to arkeis for helping beta this thing, letscall_l for the inspiration to get off my ass and get it done and for helping with Miley's voice in this chapter, xcinamonx for introducing me to Picnik (where I made the story graphics), and everyone over at demi_selena for your encouragement and support.

Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

Teaser Graphic, Ch#5

I'm Not In Love, 1/5
This Is Not My Heart, 2/5
I'm Not Gonna Waste These Words, 3/5
This Is Not Your Song, 4/5 parts one & two

Maybe you’ve loved her like this all along, ever since that blazing hot day in Las Colinas when she looked at you across her coloring books and smiled that wide gap-toothed smile for the first time.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: sicksick
Current Music: "Black Keys," Jonas Brothers
Title/Chapter: This Is Not Your Song, 4/5 (part two)
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Selena
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/11,471 (both 1 & 2)
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those things bother you, this is not the story for you. Rating for mentions of self-harm.
A/N: This is a reposting from my journal, where this was originally posted and from where I'm transferring all my fic. If we are friends, then you can still read it here. Please be honest about what you think, good or bad. The songs in this chapter are "Unraveling" by Tyler Kyte and/or Alexz Johnson (from "Instant Star" season 3) and "Hey Stephen" by Taylor Swift (with a few tweaks here and there). There will be some grammatical mistakes, but usually to emphasize dialogue, particularly with Miley. This chapter is broken into two parts, since apparently LJ is stupid and the chapter is too big. The story title is from the first lyric of "True Love" by Phil Wickham, and chapter titles are from "About A Girl" by The Academy Is. Huge thank you to arkeis for helping beta this thing, letscall_l for the inspiration to get off my ass and get it done, xcinamonx for introducing me to Picnik (where I made the story graphics), and everyone over at demi_selena for your encouragement and support.

Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

Teaser Graphic, Ch#4

I'm Not In Love, 1/5
This Is Not My Heart, 2/5
I'm Not Gonna Waste These Words, 3/5

part one

The resurgence of that need to hold her, comfort her, love her scares you more than anything. Maybe that's exactly what she wants, exactly what you both need.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: aggravatedaggravated
Current Music: "Fly With Me," Jonas Brothers
Title/Chapter: This Is Not Your Song, 4/5 (part one)
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Selena
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/11,471 (both 1 & 2)
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those things bother you, this is not the story for you. Rating for mentions of self-harm.
A/N: This is a reposting from my journal, where this was originally posted and from where I'm transferring all my fic. If we are friends, then you can still read it here. There are some grammatical mistakes, but usually to emphasize dialogue, particularly with Miley. This chapter is broken into two parts, since apparently LJ is stupid and the chapter is too big. The story title is from the first lyric of "True Love" by Phil Wickham, and chapter titles are from "About A Girl" by The Academy Is. Huge thank you to arkeis for helping beta this thing, letscall_l for the inspiration to get off my ass and get it done, xcinamonx for introducing me to Picnik (where I made the story graphics), and everyone over at demi_selena for your encouragement and support.

Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

Teaser Graphic, Ch#4

I'm Not In Love, 1/5
This Is Not My Heart, 2/5
I'm Not Gonna Waste These Words, 3/5

The resurgence of that need to hold her, comfort her, love her scares you more than anything. Maybe that's exactly what she wants, exactly what you both need.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: exhaustedexhausted
Current Music: "Fly With Me," Jonas Brothers
Title/Chapter: I'm Not Gonna Waste These Words, 3/5
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Demi
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/5398
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those things bother you, this is not the story for you. Rating for mentions of self-harm.
A/N: This is a reposting from my journal, where it was originally posted and from where I'm transferring all my fic. If we are friends, you can still read it here. Once again, please be honest about what you think, good or bad, or any suggestions you might have. There are some grammatical mistakes, but usually to emphasize dialogue, particularly with Miley. The story title is from the first lyric of "True Love" by Phil Wickham, and chapter titles are from "About A Girl" by The Academy Is. Huge thank you to arkeis for helping beta this thing, letscall_l for the inspiration to get off my ass and get it done, xcinamonx for introducing me to Picnik (where I made the story pictures), and everyone over at demi_selena for your encouragement and support.

Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

Teaser Graphic, Ch#3

I'm Not In Love, 1/5
This Is Not My Heart, 2/5

Somehow she’s just laid your deepest secrets on the ugly carpet at your feet.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: tiredtired
Current Music: "His Girl Friday," The Academy Is
Title/Chapter: This Is Not My Heart, 2/5
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
POV: Taylor Swift
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/3940
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own either Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, or Selena Gomez, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF femslash story, meaning about real people and two girls in a romantic relationship context. If either or both of those things bother you, this is not the story for you. Rating for mentions of self-harm.
A/N: This is a reposting from my journal, where it was originally posted and from where I'm transferring all my fic. If we are friends, then you can still read it here. This chapter is more setup for the rest of the fic, but it's really easy for me to write Taylor, so I had a lot of fun with this. Once again, please be honest. There are some grammatical mistakes, but usually to emphasize dialogue, particularly with Miley and the Cyrus family. The story title is from the first lyric of "True Love" by Phil Wickham, and chapter titles are from "About A Girl" by The Academy Is. Huge thank you to arkeis for helping beta this thing, letscall_l for the inspiration to get off my ass and get it done, xcinamonx for introducing me to Picnik (where I made the story pictures), and everyone over at demi_selena for your encouragement and support.

Summary: Miley and Taylor work with Demi to pull off a surprise concert for Selena's seventeenth birthday while also trying to push Demi and Selena toward each other.

Teaser Graphic, Ch#2

I'm Not In Love, 1/5

But there's always another problem lurking under the surface, someone else to worry about.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: soresore
Current Music: "Good Girls Go Bad," Cobra Starship (feat. Leighton Meester)