Title Shadow Days and Technicolor Nights
Pairing: John Mayer/Taylor Swift
Rating/Word Count: R/2216
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own Taylor Swift or John Mayer, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF story, meaning about real people in a romantic relationship context. If that bothers you, this is not the story for you. Rating for language and non-explicit sexual references.
Summary: Taylor hears John's latest record and demands an explanation.
A/N: So no real explanation for this one other than "Shadow Days" shattered me, and then when the rest of "Born and Raised" came out, it did, too. Then I found the Tumblr dedicated to their relationship, and then this happened. Blame
leobrat, she's usually who to blame as the cult leader for these two. Also, I hope it's okay that I stole LMT? It just fit so well here with them.
( Maybe the shadow days really are over now.Collapse )
Pairing: John Mayer/Taylor Swift
Rating/Word Count: R/2216
Disclaimer/Warning: I do not own Taylor Swift or John Mayer, and none of the portrayed events should be taken as fact. They are fiction and never actually happened. No matter how much I wish they did. Other disclaimers are at my journal. This is a RPF story, meaning about real people in a romantic relationship context. If that bothers you, this is not the story for you. Rating for language and non-explicit sexual references.
Summary: Taylor hears John's latest record and demands an explanation.
A/N: So no real explanation for this one other than "Shadow Days" shattered me, and then when the rest of "Born and Raised" came out, it did, too. Then I found the Tumblr dedicated to their relationship, and then this happened. Blame
( Maybe the shadow days really are over now.Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: "Shadow Days," John Mayer
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