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A tsunami can be referred to series of water waves initiated by the dislocation of a large quantity of water, usually in ocean or a large lake. Tsunamis obliterate not only human population but all other species. There are many factors... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceFuzzy LogicNumerical AnalysisTsunami
Water is a pivotal resource not only for human community, but for every single species existing on this earth. Water is used for different purposes, but primarily, it is used for drinking. But the rapid industrialization and urbanization... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicWater qualityWater Quality
Tsunamis are one of the most petrifying natural hazards known to man and have been accountable for enormous loss of life and property throughout history. Because of their destructiveness, tsunamis have prominent effect on the human,... more
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      GeographyFuzzy LogicWarning SystemSystem
Macrophage responses to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and treatment with soluble isoniazid (INH) plus rifabutin (RFB) versus microparticles containing equivalent amounts of drugs were compared. It was investigated... more
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      MacrophagesDrug Delivery SystemFree RadicalTuberculosis
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Factors that are inimical to the success of inhaled therapies for tuberculosis (TB) include: (i) lack of access of inhaled therapies to poorly-aerated areas of the tubercular lung; (ii) limited ability to penetrate biofilms formed by... more
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      BiofilmsMacrophagesTuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis
A hand-held apparatus designed for the purpose of administering dry powder inhalations to rodents by "Nose-only" exposure was standardized. An aerosol of microparticles containing the anti-tuberculosis drugs isoniazid and rifabutin was... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyNanoparticlesCell line
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Epidemiology is the study of spread of diseases among the group of population. If not controlled properly, the epidemic would cause an enormous number of problems and lead to pandemic situation. Here in this paper we consider the... more
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      Theory Of ComputationCellular AutomataCompilerComputational Epidemiology
Epidemics is very important area of concern for most our living being family in the world. Any epidemic situation when properly not controlled could lead to a disaster when large amount of human population is involved. Here we... more
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The world without a disease is a dream of any human being. The disease spread if not controlled could cause an epidemic situation to spread and lead to pandemic. To control an epidemic we need to understand the nature of its spread and... more
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    • Cellular Automata
This paper is focused on a cellular automata based computational model for the spread of disease named Leptospirosis using voting rules. Leptospirosis is most commonly found in bovine rats and the humans get infected when they come into... more
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      Cellular AutomataComputational Epidemiology
Parsing is a technique for processing of sentence. Clinical parser is used for clinical narratives by using medical lexicons. These clinical narratives is in unstructured format so parser is used for converting in to structured format so... more
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    • Computational Linguistics
 Abstract: Clinical parsing is useful in medical domain .Clinical narratives are difficult to understand as it is in unstructured format .Medical Natural language processing systems are used to make these clinical narratives in readable... more
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    • Computational Linguistics
Agriculture plays a very important role in the development of Indian economy. Farmers if aware about their surroundings can contribute widely in the agricultural development. Many improvements and enhancement have been inculcated from... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Smart FarmingIOT
The issue of leakage in the irrigation pipeline of an agricultural setup not only contributes to the wastage of water but if the water becomes contaminated then its spread due to leakage may harm the crop and also add to the spread of the... more
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      Cellular AutomataIrrigation EngineeringLeakage Detection
The research paper explains the cellular automata based model that uses pressure variation, soil moisture variation, rain sensor, and GPS sensor to detect and locate plausible leak in a prototype smart drip irrigation pipeline structure.... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsInternet of Things (IoT)Water PipelinesLeakage Detection
The world without a disease is a dream of any human being. The disease spread if not controlled could cause an epidemic situation to spread and lead to pandemic. To control an epidemic we need to understand the nature of its spread and... more
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      GeographyCellular Automata
Epidemiology is the study of spread of diseases among the group of population. If not controlled properly, the epidemic would cause an enormous number of problems and lead to pandemic situation. Here in this paper we consider the... more
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      GeographyTheory Of ComputationCellular AutomataCompiler