The research work carried out so far in the field of solar desalination is related to the single ... more The research work carried out so far in the field of solar desalination is related to the single basin type solar still only. The effect of changes in design, climatic and operational parameters on the distillate yield has been studied but limited to the single basin type solar still. The increase in productivity by connecting a flat plate collector which is called as active solar desalination has also been studied but limited to the single basin type solar still. Present study deals with a stepped type solar still to improve the performance of single basin type solar still by increasing the production rate of distilled water. The modifications in the design of single basin type solar still are introduced by replacing the flat basin by a stepwise structure. The stepped type solar still selected in this case has 8 number of steps of size 620 mm(L) x 100 mm(W) and total absorber area equal to 0.5093 m 2 . The characteristic feature of stepped type solar still is that it provides an additional 40% absorber area as compared to the single basin type solar still.
... 29 (2005), pp. 293–302. [10] SN Naik, SD Vidya and LC Meher, Technical aspects of biodiesel p... more ... 29 (2005), pp. 293–302. [10] SN Naik, SD Vidya and LC Meher, Technical aspects of biodiesel production by transesterification—a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10 (2006), pp. 248–268. [11] SV Gadge ...
Svijet je suočen s dvojnom krizom: krizom nestajanja fosilnih goriva i krizom degradacije okoliša... more Svijet je suočen s dvojnom krizom: krizom nestajanja fosilnih goriva i krizom degradacije okoliša. Alternativna goriva, očuvanje i upravljanje energijom, energetska učinkovitost i zaštita okoliša posljednjih su godina dobili na značenju. Kao alternativa dizel gorivu dosta obećavaju esterificirana biljna ulja koja su ekološki vrlo pogodna. U ruralnoj Indiji 90 %potreba za naftom otpada na poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju poput traktora i vršilica. Poljoprivrednici koji posjeduju marginalna i velika zemljišta mogu ispuniti zahtjeve dizel goriva tako da siju uljarice na vlastitoj zemlji. U ovom radu procjenjuje se isplativost lokalne proizvodnje biljnih ulja u jednom malom oglednom selu u središnjoj Indiji. Analiziraju se metilni esteri masnih kiselina iz ulja pamukovog sjemena, sojinog ulja, ulja balanitesa i jatrofina ulja da bi se ustanovila njihova svojstva i radni učinak u dizel motoru, a procjenjuje se i potrebna površina zemljišta za uzgoj tih uljnih kultura kako bi se udovoljilo potrebama seoske poljoprivrede za gorivom. Rezultati pokazuju da kalorična vrijednost metilnih estera iznosi 93 % dizela, a i druga su svojstva posve usporediva s dizelom. Analiza radnog učinka metilnih estera u motoru pokazuje neznatno smanjenje toplinske učinkovitosti od oko 3,23 %, dok su emisije smanjene za 8 % do 10 % u usporedbi s dizelom. Izvršena je i ekonomska analiza te je ustanovljeno da je korištenje derivata biljnih ulja kao zamjene za dizel gorivo skuplje od korištenja mineralnog dizela. The world is confronting the twin crises of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation.
The aim of this study is to develop mathematical relationships for the performance parameter brak... more The aim of this study is to develop mathematical relationships for the performance parameter brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and emission parameter nitrogen oxides (NO x ) for the various esters of vegetable oils used as CI engine fuel. The BTE is an important performance parameter defining the ability of engine to utilize the energy supplied and power developed similarly it is indication of efficiency of fuels used. The esters of cottonseed oil, soybean oil, jatropha oil and hingan oil are prepared using transesterification process and characterized for their physical and main fuel properties including viscosity, density, flash point and higher heating value using standard test methods. These esters are tried as CI engine fuel to analyze the performance and emission parameters in comparison to diesel. The results of the study indicate that esters as a fuel does not differ greatly with that of diesel in properties. The CI engine performance with esters as fuel is in line with the diesel where as the emission parameters are reduced with the use of esters.
Partial combustion of biomass in the gasifier generates producer gas that can be used for heating... more Partial combustion of biomass in the gasifier generates producer gas that can be used for heating purposes and as supplementary or sole fuel in internal combustion engines. In this study, the virgin biomass obtained from hingan shell is used as the feedstock for gasifier to generate producer gas. The gasifier-engine system is operated on diesel and on esters of vegetable oil of hingan in liquid fuel mode operation and then on liquid fuel and producer gas combination in dual fuel mode operation. The performance and emission characteristics of the CI engine is analyzed by running the engine in liquid fuel mode operation and in dual fuel mode operation at different load conditions with respect to maximum diesel savings in the dual fuel mode operation. It was observed that specific energy consumption in the dual fuel mode of operation is found to be in the higher side at all load conditions. The brake thermal efficiency of the engine using diesel or hingan oil methyl ester (HOME) is higher than that of dual fuel mode operation. A diesel replacement in the tune of 60% in dual fuel mode is possible with the use of hingan shell producer gas. The emissions parameters such CO, HC, NO x , CO 2 and smoke are higher in the case of dual fuel mode of operation as compared to that of liquid fuel mode.
... 877--883 Authors: M. Shukla, Aasheesh Shukla, Rohit Kumar, VK Srivastava and S. Tiwari ... 91... more ... 877--883 Authors: M. Shukla, Aasheesh Shukla, Rohit Kumar, VK Srivastava and S. Tiwari ... 913--920 Authors: Deepika Garg and Kuldeep Kumar Control Of Induction Motor Drive Without ... 975--987 Authors: Ashu Gupta, Rajesh Verma and Kawaljeet Singh Strength and Ductility ...
The value of overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), which is the best measure of oxygen tra... more The value of overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), which is the best measure of oxygen transfer in water through aeration, is obtained by a simple approach, which sufficiently explains the utility of the method to eliminate the discrepancies due to inaccurate assumption of saturation dissolved oxygen concentration. The rate of oxygen transfer depends on number of factors like intensity of turbulence, which in turns depends on the speed of rotation, size, and number of blades, diameter and immersion depth of the rotor, and size and shape of aeration tank, as well as on physical, chemical, and biological characteristic of water. An attempt is made in this paper to correlate the overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), as an independent parameter with other influencing parameters mentioned above. It has been estimated that the simulation equation developed predicts the values of K L a and power with an average standard error of estimation of 0.0164 and 7.66 respectively and with R 2 values of 0.979 and 0.989 respectively, when compared with experimentally determined values. The comparison of this model is done with the model generated using Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and both the models were found to be in good agreement with each other.
The research work carried out so far in the field of solar desalination is related to the single ... more The research work carried out so far in the field of solar desalination is related to the single basin type solar still only. The effect of changes in design, climatic and operational parameters on the distillate yield has been studied but limited to the single basin type solar still. The increase in productivity by connecting a flat plate collector which is called as active solar desalination has also been studied but limited to the single basin type solar still. Present study deals with a stepped type solar still to improve the performance of single basin type solar still by increasing the production rate of distilled water. The modifications in the design of single basin type solar still are introduced by replacing the flat basin by a stepwise structure. The stepped type solar still selected in this case has 8 number of steps of size 620 mm(L) x 100 mm(W) and total absorber area equal to 0.5093 m 2 . The characteristic feature of stepped type solar still is that it provides an additional 40% absorber area as compared to the single basin type solar still.
... 29 (2005), pp. 293–302. [10] SN Naik, SD Vidya and LC Meher, Technical aspects of biodiesel p... more ... 29 (2005), pp. 293–302. [10] SN Naik, SD Vidya and LC Meher, Technical aspects of biodiesel production by transesterification—a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10 (2006), pp. 248–268. [11] SV Gadge ...
Svijet je suočen s dvojnom krizom: krizom nestajanja fosilnih goriva i krizom degradacije okoliša... more Svijet je suočen s dvojnom krizom: krizom nestajanja fosilnih goriva i krizom degradacije okoliša. Alternativna goriva, očuvanje i upravljanje energijom, energetska učinkovitost i zaštita okoliša posljednjih su godina dobili na značenju. Kao alternativa dizel gorivu dosta obećavaju esterificirana biljna ulja koja su ekološki vrlo pogodna. U ruralnoj Indiji 90 %potreba za naftom otpada na poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju poput traktora i vršilica. Poljoprivrednici koji posjeduju marginalna i velika zemljišta mogu ispuniti zahtjeve dizel goriva tako da siju uljarice na vlastitoj zemlji. U ovom radu procjenjuje se isplativost lokalne proizvodnje biljnih ulja u jednom malom oglednom selu u središnjoj Indiji. Analiziraju se metilni esteri masnih kiselina iz ulja pamukovog sjemena, sojinog ulja, ulja balanitesa i jatrofina ulja da bi se ustanovila njihova svojstva i radni učinak u dizel motoru, a procjenjuje se i potrebna površina zemljišta za uzgoj tih uljnih kultura kako bi se udovoljilo potrebama seoske poljoprivrede za gorivom. Rezultati pokazuju da kalorična vrijednost metilnih estera iznosi 93 % dizela, a i druga su svojstva posve usporediva s dizelom. Analiza radnog učinka metilnih estera u motoru pokazuje neznatno smanjenje toplinske učinkovitosti od oko 3,23 %, dok su emisije smanjene za 8 % do 10 % u usporedbi s dizelom. Izvršena je i ekonomska analiza te je ustanovljeno da je korištenje derivata biljnih ulja kao zamjene za dizel gorivo skuplje od korištenja mineralnog dizela. The world is confronting the twin crises of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation.
The aim of this study is to develop mathematical relationships for the performance parameter brak... more The aim of this study is to develop mathematical relationships for the performance parameter brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and emission parameter nitrogen oxides (NO x ) for the various esters of vegetable oils used as CI engine fuel. The BTE is an important performance parameter defining the ability of engine to utilize the energy supplied and power developed similarly it is indication of efficiency of fuels used. The esters of cottonseed oil, soybean oil, jatropha oil and hingan oil are prepared using transesterification process and characterized for their physical and main fuel properties including viscosity, density, flash point and higher heating value using standard test methods. These esters are tried as CI engine fuel to analyze the performance and emission parameters in comparison to diesel. The results of the study indicate that esters as a fuel does not differ greatly with that of diesel in properties. The CI engine performance with esters as fuel is in line with the diesel where as the emission parameters are reduced with the use of esters.
Partial combustion of biomass in the gasifier generates producer gas that can be used for heating... more Partial combustion of biomass in the gasifier generates producer gas that can be used for heating purposes and as supplementary or sole fuel in internal combustion engines. In this study, the virgin biomass obtained from hingan shell is used as the feedstock for gasifier to generate producer gas. The gasifier-engine system is operated on diesel and on esters of vegetable oil of hingan in liquid fuel mode operation and then on liquid fuel and producer gas combination in dual fuel mode operation. The performance and emission characteristics of the CI engine is analyzed by running the engine in liquid fuel mode operation and in dual fuel mode operation at different load conditions with respect to maximum diesel savings in the dual fuel mode operation. It was observed that specific energy consumption in the dual fuel mode of operation is found to be in the higher side at all load conditions. The brake thermal efficiency of the engine using diesel or hingan oil methyl ester (HOME) is higher than that of dual fuel mode operation. A diesel replacement in the tune of 60% in dual fuel mode is possible with the use of hingan shell producer gas. The emissions parameters such CO, HC, NO x , CO 2 and smoke are higher in the case of dual fuel mode of operation as compared to that of liquid fuel mode.
... 877--883 Authors: M. Shukla, Aasheesh Shukla, Rohit Kumar, VK Srivastava and S. Tiwari ... 91... more ... 877--883 Authors: M. Shukla, Aasheesh Shukla, Rohit Kumar, VK Srivastava and S. Tiwari ... 913--920 Authors: Deepika Garg and Kuldeep Kumar Control Of Induction Motor Drive Without ... 975--987 Authors: Ashu Gupta, Rajesh Verma and Kawaljeet Singh Strength and Ductility ...
The value of overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), which is the best measure of oxygen tra... more The value of overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), which is the best measure of oxygen transfer in water through aeration, is obtained by a simple approach, which sufficiently explains the utility of the method to eliminate the discrepancies due to inaccurate assumption of saturation dissolved oxygen concentration. The rate of oxygen transfer depends on number of factors like intensity of turbulence, which in turns depends on the speed of rotation, size, and number of blades, diameter and immersion depth of the rotor, and size and shape of aeration tank, as well as on physical, chemical, and biological characteristic of water. An attempt is made in this paper to correlate the overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), as an independent parameter with other influencing parameters mentioned above. It has been estimated that the simulation equation developed predicts the values of K L a and power with an average standard error of estimation of 0.0164 and 7.66 respectively and with R 2 values of 0.979 and 0.989 respectively, when compared with experimentally determined values. The comparison of this model is done with the model generated using Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and both the models were found to be in good agreement with each other.
Papers by Samir Deshmukh