Papers by Arun Agrawal
At display circumstance, there is creating enthusiasm for the item system to see characters in a ... more At display circumstance, there is creating enthusiasm for the item system to see characters in a PC structure when information is investigated paper records. This paper presents point by point review in the field of Optical Character Recognition. Diverse methods are settled that have been proposed to comprehend the point of convergence of character affirmation in an optical character affirmation structure. Decision and feature extraction in light of Optical Character Recognition (OCR). By using the OCR, we can change the information of picture into the information of substance which is definitely not hard to control. In our proposed method, Select the any particular number and crop the selected image and then extract the feature. The text from the OCR process will be compared with the selected number from the loaded image. The overall accuracy of the proposed method is 92%.

In the part of tamper detection and recuperation, there are a few of procedures to embed the elem... more In the part of tamper detection and recuperation, there are a few of procedures to embed the element data in have picture for recuperation. Right when the host picture has been tampered, the part information can be utilized to reestablish the preeminent picture. In any case, it doesn't have the ability to verbs the duty regarding copyright. In this article, a photograph watermarking plan with alter affirmation and recuperation is proposed. The basic target is to see and recover the tampered zone totally. This paper proposed a digital watermarking and tampering, Due to utilization of this method in our proposed image tamper detection method. First, the select cover image from the set of images or folder. Then, secondly select the watermarked image from the folder. Apply defocusing on the cover image. Apply defocusing on the Watermark image. Then embed the two images. On the embedded image, apply tempering. The quality is calculated by the Minoswki TP Rate and Bhattacharya TP Rate and Chi-Square TP Rate but in the proposed scheme get better result as compared to base.
— Cloud computing is a kinds of computing that depend on distribution computing resources before ... more — Cloud computing is a kinds of computing that depend on distribution computing resources before having local servers or own devices to knob applications. Cloud computing is equivalent to grid computing, In the cloud is a kind of computing where vacant handing out rounds of the entire computers in a network are harnesses to solved the concerns also focused for some stand-alone mechanism. Cloud computing security mentions to the group of processes, procedures and standards designed to deliver information security guarantee in a cloud environment. Cloud computing security comprises both logical and physical security concerns across all the diverse various models of software platform, infrastructure and software. It also defines how these services are delivered (public, private or hybrid delivery model).
— Wireless Network is comprises of inexpensive and simple processing procedure, called sensor nod... more — Wireless Network is comprises of inexpensive and simple processing procedure, called sensor node. A Wireless Network is an accumulation of dedicated transducers with a transmission framework for examining and reporting circumstances at assorted areas. Sybil attack is such type of attack where in a standing structure is subverted by an impressive amount of forged identities in disseminated networks. In this paper, we learn about Sybil attack in MANET and also no. of papers regarding Sybil attack detection.
–Cloud computing is only of the most growing area of research, there are lots of work in cloud li... more –Cloud computing is only of the most growing area of research, there are lots of work in cloud like security and data base. In this paper we study about cloud architecture or cloud security concerns and their solution at the completion of paper we compare DES or RSA and then compare the result.We propose a secure the Cloud means secure the treatments and storage " databases hosted by the Cloud provider ". Security goals of data include three points namely: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Confidentiality of data in the cloud is accomplished by encryption/ Decryption process.
Face detection is the first step in face recognition system. The purpose of the system is to loca... more Face detection is the first step in face recognition system. The purpose of the system is to localize and extract the face region from the background that will be fed into the face recognition system for identification. In this paper, we proposed a new approach for face feature description using Neural network classifier. The performance of the MLFFN face detection system will be based on the detection rate, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and the False Rejection Rate (FRR) criteria.

This paper presents a hybrid approach to face classification and detection. The remarkable advanc... more This paper presents a hybrid approach to face classification and detection. The remarkable advancement in technology has enhanced the use of more accurate and precise methods to identify and recognize things. Face detection and identification is a new field because face is undeniably related to its owner except in case of identical twins. This paper presents a combination of three well known algorithms Viola-Jones face detection framework, Neural Networks method to detect faces in static images. Face recognition is a kind of biometric detection using the physiological measure to identify and detect face. It allows the user to passively identify the person and its features using biometric. The proposed work emphasizes on the face detection and identification using Viola-Jones algorithm which is a real time face detection system. Neural Networks will be used as a classifier between faces and non-faces.
In this paper “Digital Transceiver using Advance Ternary Technique” gives the details about digit... more In this paper “Digital Transceiver using Advance Ternary Technique” gives the details about digital transmitter and receiver with the design of a ternary line coding. In this scheme computer data (byte) will be converted into base-3 data elements. Current applications of line codes are enormous in data transmission networks and in recording and storage of information systems. The applications include local and wide area networks both wireless and wire connected. A coding technique named advanced ternary line code can be derived from three popular line codes NRZ-L, NRZ and polar RZ. In this scheme six signal patterns are required for eight binary data patterns. 6 ternary arithmetic operations describe in this paper which reduce the cost of circuitry in compare to Binary computation circuitry
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP ( 1 Abstract— Content-based image... more Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP ( 1 Abstract— Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a new but widely adopted method for finding images from vast and annotated image databases. As the network and development of multimedia technologies are becoming more popular, users are not satisfied with the traditional information retrieval techniques. So nowadays the content based image retrieval (CBIR) are becoming a source of exact and fast retrieval. In recent years, a variety of techniques have been developed to improve the performance of CBIR. An image retrieval system that takes the input query image and retrieves the similar images according to the spatial coordinates and which uses the k means clustering algorithm for its segmentation. Most existing Content Based Image Retrieval based on the images of color, text documents, informative charts, and shape.

— Single-electron transistor (SET) is a key element of current research area of nanotechnology wh... more — Single-electron transistor (SET) is a key element of current research area of nanotechnology which can offer low power consumption and high operating speed. Single electron transistor [SET] is a new nanoscaled switching device because single-electron transistor retains its scalability even on an atomic scale and besides this; it can control the motion of a single electron. Here, scalability means that the performance of electronic devices increases with a decrease of the device dimensions. Since, Power consumption is roughly proportional to the electron number transferred from voltage source to the ground in various logic operations. Therefore, the single-electron transistor [SET] is generally utilized as an ULSI element to reduce the power consumption of ULSIs. Thus, the Single electron transistor [SET] can offer low power consumption and the controlled tunneling of a single electron makes its high operating speed. The goal of this paper is to discuss about the basic physics of nano electronic device 'Single electron transistor [SET]' which is capable of controlling the transport of only one electron. In this paper, we also focus on some basic device characteristics like 'Coulomb blockade', single electron tunneling effect & 'Coulomb staircase' on which this Single electron transistor [SET] works and the basic comparison of SET & FET characteristics and also its [SET] advantages as well as disadvantages to make a clear picture about the reason behind its popularity in the field of nanoelectronics.
The growing demand in the multimedia rich applications are motivating the low-power and high-spee... more The growing demand in the multimedia rich applications are motivating the low-power and high-speed circuit designer to work more closely towards the design issues arising from the design trade-offs in power and speed. This paper targets the modeling and simulation of leakage currents and its minimization approach by Dual Vt approach. We consider the optimal selection of Vth under a statistical model of threshold variation. Probabilistic analytical models are introduced to account for the impact of Vth uncertainty on leakage power and timing slack. Using this model, we show that the non-probabilistic analysis significantly underestimates the leakage power.
In this paper we present a widespread and significant survey of face detection algorithms. Face d... more In this paper we present a widespread and significant survey of face detection algorithms. Face detection is a necessary first-step in face recognition systems, with the idea of localizing and extracting the face region from the background. It also has numerous applications in areas such as passport-verification, video conferencing, crowd surveillance, detective agencies and military purposes. This paper compares existing face recognition techniques along with their advantages and disadvantages. Methods such as Eigen face (Eigen features), support vector machines, geometric based and correlation based approaches are discussed here.

In Today's era traffic Congestion is of big issue everywhere in the world. So to combat with this... more In Today's era traffic Congestion is of big issue everywhere in the world. So to combat with this problem many sensors and devices where designed and also many algorithms where implemented which can overcome this problem in some amount. The invention relates to the field of traffic jam discovery, and relates to a traffic jam identifying system and method. Vehicles can directly communicate with each other and with infrastructure; an entirely new paradigm for vehicle safety applications can be created. New challenges are created by high vehicle speeds and highly dynamic operating environments. New requirements, necessitated by new safety-of-life applications, include new expectations for high packet delivery rates and low packet latency. Vehicles generate and analyze large amounts of data, although typically this data is self-contained within a single vehicle. With a VANET, the prospect of awareness for the vehicle or driver drastically increases. Here we define such type of communication and data flow between vehicles and infrastructure. The survey report of previous done work is also mentioned. Here in this paper we discuss various implementations which were already done over traffic congestion detection and also we do the comparison of many of these implementation or the algorithms.

—The invention relates to the sphere of traffic congestion detection, and relates to a traffic co... more —The invention relates to the sphere of traffic congestion detection, and relates to a traffic congestion detecting system and technique. Vehicles will directly communicate with each other and with infrastructure; a wholly new paradigm for vehicle safety applications will be created. New challenges are created by high vehicle speeds and extremely dynamic operational environments. New necessities, necessitated by new safety-of-life applications, embody new expectations for high packet delivery rates and low packet latency. Vehicles generate and analyze giant amounts of information, though typically this information is self-contained inside one vehicle. With a VANET, the prospect of awareness for the vehicle or driver drastically will increase. Here we have a tendency to outline such variety of communication and information flow between vehicles and infrastructure and therefore the results that are created is shown. The survey report of previous done work is additionally mentioned within the literature survey. The simulation tool employed in this analysis and implementation is NCTUns that is very integrated GUI surroundings tool and is predicated on UNIX system platform. During this work we have a tendency to uses GPS device for communication between vehicles and to find their position precisely within the rush or in congestion.
Other by Arun Agrawal
In today's world traffic congestion is the critical issue. Huge amount of time, fuel and money is... more In today's world traffic congestion is the critical issue. Huge amount of time, fuel and money is wasted due to traffic jams all around the world. Drivers select the path that they consider will be the fastest; however the inability of drivers to know the road situation ahead creates severe congestion. The competency of a driver to know the traffic situation on roads will make the driver capable of saving time and fuel by taking alternative routes. In this work we have proposed a traffic congestion detection system using Vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs), which will provide efficient communication between cars and infrastructure and propagate real time information about traffic congestion to the drivers. We also uses the GPS device to detect the congested areas and defines various works.
Conference Presentations by Arun Agrawal

Springer : CNC: International Conference on Communication, Networks and Computing, 2018
In the part of tamper detection and recuperation, there are a few of procedures to embed the elem... more In the part of tamper detection and recuperation, there are a few of procedures to embed the element data in have picture for recuperation. Right when the host picture has been tampered, the part information can be utilized to reestablish the preeminent picture. In any case, it doesn't have the ability to verbs the duty regarding copyright. In this article, a photograph watermarking plan with alter affirmation and recuperation is proposed. The basic target is to see and recover the tampered zone totally. This paper proposed a digital watermarking and tampering, Due to utilization of this method in our proposed image tamper detection method. First, the select cover image from the set of images or folder. Then, secondly select the watermarked image from the folder. Apply defocusing on the cover image. Apply defocusing on the Watermark image. Then embed the two images. On the embedded image, apply tempering. The quality is calculated by the Minoswki TP Rate and Bhattacharya TP Rate and Chi-Square TP Rate but in the proposed scheme get better result as compared to base.
Papers by Arun Agrawal
Other by Arun Agrawal
Conference Presentations by Arun Agrawal