Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP)
The globalization of food systems has created new challenges for sustainability governance. Voluntary certification schemes, or eco-labels, have emerged as the primary mechanism to improve production practices in complex commodity supply... more
This report evaluates the Charles River Basin Master Plan 2002 for its overall structure as a planning document, its design quality and its design philosophy through an analysis of the visual and material content of the physical document.
This report presents an analysis of Urban change at MIT's water front. Identifying key actors, themes, interests and motivations for change.
This paper aims to develop a detailed understanding of the Harbor Drive freeway demolition project, in Portland, Oregon.
The thesis expands the notion of governance from the community (the governed) and the government (the governing) binary to all the co-governance actors involved in the multi-agency implementation system: the private for-profit agents, the... more
El presente informe contiene los principales aprendizajes y resultados del proyecto "Ayojeitero Anampiki: cultivando una experiencia participativa de implementación detecnologías productivas con los asháninkas de la comunidad Cushiviani",... more
El proyecto se basa en reconocer la situación actual y los principales problemas y necesidades que tienen la señoras encargadas del comedor popular San Cipriano en Sicre, Huayopata, Cuzco. A través de una metodología de Diseño Centrado en... more
El presente documento compila la experiencia de trabajo del proyecto “Ayojeitero Anampiki: Cultivando experiencias de gestión productiva con los asháninkas de la comunidad de Cushiviani, Satipo-Junín”, el cual se llevó a cabo durante... more
Las poblaciones indígenas amazónicas no han sido ajenas a los procesos de urbanización de distintas regiones de nuestra Amazonía, y se sabe que cada vez más indígenas salen de sus comunidades y migran a los centros urbanos más... more
Indigenous populations have not been outsiders to the accelerated urbanization processes experienced by many regions of the Amazon rainforest in South America, especially in Peru. It is well known by locals that every year more indigenous... more
This thesis analyzes Techo Propio, Peru’s leading affordable housing program for the last 20 years. Following the neoliberal turn in housing policies, the Peruvian government reduced its role to solely subsidizing the low-income housing... more
In recent years, interest has grown at the federal level in strategies to combine subsidized housing with programs promoting household self-sufficiency. This article explores how nonprofit housing organizations conceptualize their... more
Community development corporations and other nonprofit organizations are increasingly responsible for producing and managing low-income housing in urban America. This article examines the network of governmental, philanthropic,... more