This article compares and contrasts two technologies for delivering broadband wireless Internet access services: ''3G'' vs. ''WiFi''. The former, 3G, refers to the collection of third-generation mobile technologies that are designed to... more
The structure of the telecommunications industry has changed substantially in the last decade, raising public concern that the quality of our information infrastructure may be adversely affected. This paper extends the standard vertical... more
Software radio is one of the more important emerging technologies for the future of wireless communication services. By moving radio functionality into software that has previously been implemented in hardware, software radio promises to... more
M Ma as ss sa ac ch hu us se et tt ts s I In ns st ti it tu ut te e o of f T Te ec ch hn no ol lo og gy y E En ng gi in ne ee er ri in ng g S Sy ys st te em ms s D Di iv vi is si io on n Abstract-The open access, unlicensed or spectrum... more
High-speed internet access has developed rapidly in the last decade and is increasingly viewed as essential infrastructure for our global information economy. 2 For example, as recently as mid-2000 there were only 4.1 million broadband... more
The future for Internet access is broadband. Federal and state policymakers are exploring initiatives to promote the deployment and adoption of broadband services, and in recent years, an increasing number of local governments have joined... more