I am a 30-something college graduate (with a degree in professional writing!). I can usually be found reading, daydreaming, editing, writing, and doing other things related to my many nerd hobbies. I've been on LJ under this username since I was 13 or so and I mostly post about happenings in my own life or nerdy things of interest.
I love action/adventure, RPG, and Bioware video games; zombie movies; Tamora Pierce books; countless book and television series; comic books (mostly DC comics and Bat-family comics). My favourite character ever is Selina Kyle. My favourite anime is Gundam Wing and my favourite manga is Skip Beat. My favourite TV show is Dark Angel. I love character-driven writing. I like recommending awesome things to people and making people laugh. I believe variety is the spice of life. I like all music except for modern religious music and country (not that I have anything against either genre, they're just not my thing).